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Recruitment In Science Education

RISE Scholarship Renewal

RISE Alumni in their second year or higher at an accredited 4-year university currently enrolled in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related degree are eligible to apply for the $1,000 RISE Renewal Scholarship.

Important changes to the renewal process

The RISE scholarship must be renewed on a semester or quarter basis. This means students must renew their RISE scholarship twice a year and will receive two $500 installments.

Semester students must renew their RISE scholarship in the fall semester and spring semester. Quarter students must renew their RISE scholarship in the fall, winter, and spring quarter.

This change was made in order to ensure that you are still enrolled in an academic institution when receiving your RISE scholarship. Receiving all installments will be contingent on whether you are still attending school full time and if you are still pursuing a STEM major.

RISE Renewal Scholarship Requirements

You can apply if you:

  • Participated in RISE Program during high school
  • Full-time status, in 2nd year or higher at an accredited 4-year university
  • STEM Major with GPA above 2.0, or other major with GPA of 2.5 or above
  • Are transferring from a community college to a 4-year university
  • STEM majors at a community college taking one or more STEM major courses per term may also apply for renewal scholarships if in good academic standing and enrolled full-time.

If this is your first time asking RISE for scholarship funds, please refer to the First-Year Scholarship Request.

Documentation needed to submit:

  • 1 Personal Statement Essay
  • 1 or more Unofficial Transcripts*

* 1 or more Unofficial Transcripts from all colleges and universities, you have attended and are currently attending.

Personal Statement Essay

Essays should be 500 words, but you may exceed 500 words by a reasonable amount in order to fully respond to the prompt. Essays must not exceed 1000 words. Choose one prompt from the appropriate list below:

In order to ensure timely disbursement of your scholarship, you must ensure that your Personal Statement and Transcript are properly named before you upload it through the google form.

Filenames should include your last name, first name, the phrase "Statement" or "Transcript", the year you are requesting the renewal scholarship, and the word "quarter" if your school operates by the quarter system or "semester" is your school operates by the semester system.

Personal Statement Filename Format: Lastname_Firstname_Statement_Year_Quarter/Semester.filetype

Transcript Filename Format: Lastname_Firstname_Transcript_Year_Quarter/Semester.filetype

Submitting your Renewal Application

Ensure you have all required materials before completing the Renewal Scholarship Application Form.

STEM majors need:

  • GPA: 2.0 or above
  • 1 Personal Statement
  • 1 or more Unofficial Transcripts*

Non-STEM majors need:

  • GPA: 2.5 or above
  • 2 Personal Statements
  • 1 or more Unofficial Transcripts*

*Amount determined by number of colleges and universities, you have attended

Questions? Email Eddie at