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Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management

Risk & Safety Solutions

Dear Faculty and ISTs:

This is the second reminder that the final transition to the new chemical inventory system is coming in January. CSUMB will discontinue use of Chimera and change to RSS Chemicals for our inventory and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) record system. This applies to all instructional and research spaces on campus.

RSS CHEMICALS (inventory system) info:

· The final cut-over from Chimera to RSS Chemicals is scheduled for Friday, January 17th. This will be the last date of transfer for existing inventories from Chimera to RSS Chemicals.

· Effective now, all new chemicals can/should be added to inventories using RSS Chemicals. Please reach out to Mitch ( to request assistance.

· If you do not have an inventory currently in Chimera, or have not performed an RSS Assessment in your lab spaces, please contact Mitch immediately so he can assist you with this transition.

· In January and the spring semester, there will be web-based training sessions for anyone who has yet to get familiar with RSS Chemicals.

· In addition to inventory system change, the ability to search for Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) online will change from the Chimera webpage to the MSDS Online system.

· We have new bar-code scanners, 2D/QR bar-code labels, and IPad equipment available through Mitch to get you up and running.

o NOTE: any pre-existing Chimera bar-codes will remain valid (those already installed on containers); however, from this point forward any new labeling should be the 2D/QR labels from Mitch.

o We have provided some training, but we can also arrange additional training in January for anyone who will use the Chemicals system.

Here is the link to access all RSS System modules: This is available to everyone through your existing OtterID and single-sign-on (SSO).

Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management thanks for your patience and participation in this important transition project.