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College of Science

School of Computing and Design


School of Computing and Design faculty publications.


Krzysztof Pietroszek. Raycasting in virtual reality. In Newton Lee, editor, Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, 2018.

Krzysztof Pietroszek. Virtual hand metaphor in virtual reality. In Newton Lee, editor, Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, 2018.

Krzysztof Pietroszek. Virtual pointing metaphor in virtual reality. In Newton Lee, editor, Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, 2018.


Lara, M., Cunningham, K., & Su, B. (2017). Implementing Peer-Led Team Learning in a Community College Computer Science Course: Lessons Learned. In Proceedings The Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Jessica Vega, Sophia Rose, Liudmila Tahal, Irene Humer, Christian Eckhardt, and Krzysztof Pietroszek. Vr wildfire prevention: Teaching campfire safety in a gamified immersive environment. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pages 363-364. ACM, 2017.

Krzysztof Pietroszek, Phuc Pham, Sophia Rose, Liudmila Tahal, Irene Humer, and Christian Eckhardt. Real-time avatar animation synthesis from coarse motion input. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. ACM, 2017

Christian Eckhardt, John Sullivan, and Krzysztof Pietroszek. Hand gesture recognition using arm-mounted flex sensors. In Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. ACM, 2017.

Krzystof Pietroszek, Pham Phuc, and Christian Eckhardt. Cs-dtw: Real-time matching of multivariate spatial input against thousands of templates using compute shader dtw. In Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. ACM, 2017.

Pietroszek, K., Tahai, L., Wallace, J., and Lank, E., 2017, March. Watchcasting: Freehand 3D Interaction with Off-the-Shelf Smartwatch. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2017. IEEE.

Tomberlin, M., Tahai, L. and Pietroszek, K., 2017, March. Gauntlet: Travel Technique for Immersive Environments using Non-Dominant Hand. In Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2017. IEEE.


Lara, M., & Lockwood, K. (2016). Hackathons as Community-Based Learning: A Case Study. Tech Trends, 60(5), 486-495.

Lara, M. & Challenger, T. (2016). Using a video conferencing tool in a face-to-face class to promote engagement. Proceedings from The Annual Meeting of the Association for the Educational Communications and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.

Kharlamov, D., Woodard, B., Tahai, L. and Pietroszek, K., 2016, November. TickTockRay: smartwatch-based 3D pointing for smartphone-based virtual reality. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp. 363-364). ACM.

Pietroszek, K. and Kharlamov, D., 2016, October. TickTockRay: Smartwatch Raycasting for Mobile HMDs. In Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (pp. 181-181). ACM.

Kharlamov, D., Pietroszek, K. and Tahai, L., 2016, October. Ticktockray demo: Smartwatch raycasting for mobile hmds. In Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (pp. 169-169). ACM.

Johnson, M., Humer, I., Zimmerman, B., Shallow, J., Tahai, L. and Pietroszek, K., 2016, June. Low-Cost Latency Compensation in Motion Tracking for Smartphone-Based Head Mounted Display. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 316-317). ACM.

Katsuragawa, K., Pietroszek, K., Wallace, J.R. and Lank, E., 2016, June. Watchpoint: Freehand pointing with a smartwatch in a ubiquitous display environment. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 128-135). ACM.

Zimmerman, B., Morayko, K., Pietroszek, K. Assessment Of Constant and Fluctuating Latencies in One-Dimentional Pointing Task. UROC Symposium 2016, CSUMB.

Johnson M., Shallow, J. , Eckhardt, C., Pietroszek, K. Designing a Large-Size Multitouch 3D Interactive Table. UROC Symposium 2016.CSUMB.

Dong, D., Lockwood, B., Pietroszek, K. PinThought. Authentication Using Mobile Brain Computer Interface. UROC Symposium 2016. CSUMB.

Sullivan, J., Kharlamov D., Bruns, G., Pietroszek K. Real-time Activity Recognition for Smartphone-based Head-Mounted Virtual Reality Solutions. UROC Symposium 2016. CSUMB.


Lara, M., Lockwood, K., and Tao, E., (2015). Peer-Led Hackathon: An Intense Learning Experience. Proceedings from The Annual Meeting of the Association for the Educational Communications and Technology, Indianapolis, IN.

Pietroszek, K., Tahai, M., Wallace, J., Lank, E. 3D Interaction with Networked Public Displays Using Mobile and Wearable Devices, UbiComp Proceedings Companion 2015, Tokyo, ACM.

Pietroszek, K., Wallace, J., Lank, E. Tiltcasting: 3D Interaction on Large Displays Using a Mobile Device. Proceedings of 28th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium 2015. New York: ACM.

Anand Seetharam, Jim Kurose "An Analysis of Opportunistic Forwarding for Correlated Wireless Channels", in Proceedings of IEEE WoWMoM 2015 (Short Paper)

Mostafa Dehghan, Anand Seetharam, Ting He, Theodors Salonidis, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley, Bo Jiang, Ramesh Sitaraman, "On the complexity of Optimal Caching and Routing in Heterogeneous Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2015.

Anand Seetharam, Jim Kurose, Dennis Goeckel, "A Markovian Model for Coarse Timescale Channel Variation in Wireless Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015

Anand Seetharam*, Partha Dutta*, Vijay Arya, Malolan Chetlur, Shivkumar Kalyanraman, Jim Kurose, "On Managing Quality of Experience of Multiple Video Streams in Wireless Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2015 (*Joint First Authors).

Swapnoneel Roy and Anand Seetharam, "An FPTAS for managing playout stalls for multiple video streams in cellular networks", in Proceedings of IEEE DRCN 2015 (Short Paper)

Anand Seetharam, Simon, Heimlicher, Jim Kurose, Wei Wei " Routing With Adaptive Flooding in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks", In Proceedings of IEEE COMSNETS 2015


Mikhail Badov, Anand Seetharam, Jim Kurose, Victor Firoiu, Soumendra Nanda "Congestion-Aware Caching and Search in Information-Centric Networks", in Proceedings of ACM ICN 2014 (Runners up to best paper award).

Mostafa Dehghan, Anand Seetharam, Ting He, Theodors Salonidis, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley "Optimal Caching and Routing in Hybrid Networks", in Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM 2014.


YoungJoon Byun, Sathya Narayanan, Stephanie Mott, et. al., "Wireless Broadband Measurement in California", Proc. of ITNG, 2013, Las Vegas, NV, April 15-17 2013.

Kate Lockwood, Rachel Esselstein, “The inverted classroom and the CS curriculum. “SIGCSE 2013: 113-118

  • 2012

    Florence McAtee, Sathya Narayanan, Geoffrey Xie, “Performance Analysis of Message Prioritization in Delay Tolerant Networks”, Proc. Of IEEE MILCOM 2012, Orlando, FL, Oct 29 -Nov 1 2012.

    Sathya Narayanan,Eric McDonald, Geoffrey Xie, “A Framework for Simulation Analysis of Delay Tolerant Routing Protocols”, Proc. Of IEEE VTC 2012, Quebec City, Canada, September 2012.

    Nick Hawes, Matthew Klenk, Kate Lockwood, Graham S. Horn, John D. Kelleher.

    “Towards a Cognitive System that Can Recognize Spatial Regions Based on Context.” AAAI 2012


    Matthew Klenk, Nick Hawes, Kate Lockwood, “Representing and Reasoning About Spatial Regions Defined by Context. AAAI Fall Symposium: Advances in Cognitive Systems” 2011

    Edgar Calcanas, Sathya Narayanan, “Performance Analysis of Delay Tolerant Routing Protocols”, Presentation, 2nd Prize Winner, CSU Research Competition, Fresno State, May 6, 7, 2011.

    Kevan Riley, Sathya Narayanan, "Using OPNET IT Guru for Computer Networking Education", Winter ICT Educator Conference,San Francisco, Jan 6-7, 2011.

    Xiaohuan Yan, Y. Ahmet Sekerciogly, Sathya Narayanan, "Optimization of Vertical Handover Decision Processes for Fourth Generation Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", submitted for publication at IEEE IWCMC 2011.


    Yan, X; Ahmet Sekerciogly. Y; Narayanan, S, "A survey of vertical handover decision algorithms in Fourth Generation hetrogeneous wireless networks",Computer Networks, Vol. 54, Issue 11, Pages 1848-1863, August 2010.

    David Anderson, Jeremy Gottlieb, Eric Thill, Kate Lockwood,

    “IRIS: A Student-Driven Mobile Robotics Project.” AAAI Spring Symposium: Educational Robotics and Beyond 2010


    David Braun, John Buford, Robert S. Fish, Alexander D. Gelman, Alan Kaplan, Rajesh Khandelwal, Sathya Narayanan, Eunsoo Shim, Heather Yu, (In alphabetical order) "UP2P: A Peer-to-Peer, Overlay Architecture for Ubiquitous Communications and Networking", IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2008.


    Sathya Narayanan, David Braun, John Buford, Robert S. Fish, Alexander D. Gelman, Alan Kaplan, Rajesh Khandelwal, Eunsoo Shim, Heather Yu, "Peer-to-peer streaming for Networked Consumer Electronics", IEEE Communications Magazine, June 2007.

    YoungJoon Byun, “A Tool Support for Design and Validation of Communication Protocol using State Transition Diagrams and Patterns.” JSW 2(3): 56-63. 2007

    YoungJoon Byun, “A Tool Support for Design and Validation of Communication Protocol using State Transition Diagrams.” ITNG 2007: 628-636