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College of Science

School of Computing and Design

Transfer Cohort Success

Time and time again, we hear from industry leaders that this is the most important question for candidates who interview at top companies. “What did you do that was above and beyond simply attending class and doing the minimum work required?” Your answer to this question demonstrates your commitment, motivation, passion, work ethic, problem solving skills, teamwork skills and positive attitude - all qualities that make you stand out in applications to industry or graduate school.

To assist incoming transfer students to make the best use of the resources available to support their success, become part of a learning community, and assimilate into the CS culture of above & beyond, we recommend the following important actions:

Verify your readiness for the rigorous curriculum of CS@CSUMB

Preferably, you already will have taken the equivalent of CST 231 & CST 238. It will be great if you also have taken the equivalent of MATH 170 or at least MATH 130.

  • If you have not taken these classes, it will be okay. However, you may need to plan for the possibility of an additional semester or year to graduate.
  • If you have taken equivalent classes, verify your knowledge is current and complete through the Articulation Verification Tests.
  • Based on your performance in these tests, consider retaking a course at CSUMB if you don’t feel you are ready for the next level.

Have a plan for your time at CSUMB.

  • Vanessa Lopez ( ) is your academic advisor for CS program. She is your new best friend. Read her emails and follow her instructions/guidance.
  • Timeline for the next few months:

- Ongoing: Email communication and remote appointments with Vanessa.

- Center for Advising, Career and Student Success- Webinars and helpful resources

Prepare, prepare & prepare

There are dozens of excellent online resources for practicing and improving your computer science and math skills. It doesn’t matter which you choose, but it’s important that you complete them. Here are a few of our favorites: