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College of Science

Scholarships & Awards for College of Science Students

Scholarships are grants or payment made to support your education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievements. They do not need to be paid back (unlike loans) and frequently are a recognition of accomplishments of a student in either high school, higher education, or in the community.

Typically the scholarship application process at CSUMB takes place from around Oct. 15 and concludes around Feb. 15. To begin the process, you can visit - you will need your Otter ID, name and password. After logging in, you will be able to browse current scholarship listings, even prior to the application being active in Mid-October.

In addition to filling out an application, the requirements include a 1,300 word essay and two professional references, typically from teachers or professors. Most scholarships are for students enrolled full-time.

Below is a list of scholarships that College of Science students may be eligible for. Please note that this list is NOT comprehensive as new scholarships are added all the time. Therefore, if you do not initially see a scholarship that you qualify for, it does not mean there is not one that you might be eligible for. There is also a list of external (outside CSUMB) scholarships available at, which also includes the most updated list of CSUMB scholarships.

When you receive a scholarship that is outside of CSUMB, make sure you notify Ashlie McCallon ( in the Financial Aid office, located on the 3rd floor of the Student Services Building (#47), phone number (831) 582-5100. This will allow us to add your external scholarship to your financial aid package.

If you have questions, please contact Ashlie, your academic advisor, or your guidance counselor (for incoming freshman).

Name of Scholarship Description Class Level(s) Major(s) Financial Need? GPA
Bob Curry Available to students involved in the CSUMB Watershed Program and graduate students with Coastal/ Watershed Science program with Watershed Emphasis Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate Environmental Science Majors Must file a FAFSA or Dream App Min. cum. 3.0
Bruce W. Woolpert  Graduates of Santa Cruz or San Benito county high school Priority to graduates of Parajo High School, Watsonville, High School, San Benito High School, and Anzar High School, and graduates of the Bruce W. Woolpert Algebra Academy Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior  Mathematics Based on need US Citizens/AB540 -
Carmel Garden Club Scholarship Available to continuing students with active participation in Return of the Natives or plans on using native Plants in final Capstone Project or Thesis Sophomore, Junior, Graduate Environmental Science, Environmental Studies or other involved in RON Not based on Need Min. cum. 2.50
CSUMB Academic Scholarship Must possess a 1000 SAT Score or 25 ACT Score Incoming Freshman All Not based on Need Min. cum. 3.50
CSUMB Alumni Association Scholarship Available to current and new students; new students must be residents of Monterey, Santa Cruz, or San Benito County Freshman Sophomore, Junior, Senior; Graduate All Must file a FAFSA or Dream App Min. cum. 3.0
CSUMB Distinguished Student Achievement Scholarship Available to continuing 2nd year students. Sophomore: Must have completed 30 college units prior to the start of the Fall semester All Majors Not based on Need  2.00 – GPA must have increased 1% since start of enrollment at CSUMB
CSUMB Merit Scholarship Must possess a 1200 SAT Score Incoming first time freshman All Not based on Need Min. cum. 3.75
CSUMB Transfer Scholarship Incoming Transfer Students Juniors; Must complete 60 transferable college units prior to start of the Fall semester All Based on Need  Min. cum. 3.00 
CSUMB Veterans Scholarship Available to all veteran students who are no longer in active duty. Must provide copy of DD214 All undergrad All All Not based on Need  Min. cum. 2.5
Faira E. Johnson Scholarship Current or former foster youth from Monterey County All undergrad All Based on Need Min. cum.2.50
Fort Ord Alumni Association Scholarship Preference to descendants of those who served at Fort Ord or who served in any branch of the military, or who themselves served in the military or are disabled veterans. By qualifying for this scholarship, you are also applying for General EOC Ord Scholarship and James & Helen Rucker Scholarship Continuing and incoming undergraduate and graduate students All Must demonstrate need Min. cum.2.50
Harold & Olivia Douthit Scholarship Preference to students who served in any branch of the military, or who are descendants of members of the military Continuing and incoming undergraduate and graduate students All  Must demonstrate need Min. cum.2.50
Hermana Scholarship Students from Monterey County and committed to graduating from CSUMB and completing at least 12 credit courses each semester Incoming First Time Freshman - Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Juanita Villarreal Scholarship - Available to incoming Junior transfer. All Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Karen & Richard Hargrove Scholarship Priority is for students with Academic Merit Juniors and Seniors Computer Science and Information Technology Not Based on Need Priority is for students with Academic Merit
McDowell Scholarship - Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Seniors. All Based on Need or Dream app Min. cum. 2.00
Merrill Farms Scholarship Preference first Generation, from Soledad, Greenfield, and Demonstrated interested in Ag with a good academic standing Undergrad: Freshmen and Junior incoming student Any College of Science major Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Paul and Dorothy Teoppen Scholarship Current residents of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz County. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate All Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Robert and Leslie Taylor Scholarship - Undergraduates who have completed 60 college level credits  - - -
Ron Cisneros Vision Scholarship Priority given to First Generation College students. First Time Freshman, Sophomores, Junior, Senior - Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Ruark-Wight Veteran Scholarship Continuing and incoming undergraduate students who are considered veterans from active duty or a reserve from any of the military branches including immediate family members (spouse and children) of a veteran and active duty members. Must provide copy of DD214 with application Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior All Must demonstrate need  Min. cum. 2.50
Sturdy Oil Scholarship Preference for Salinas Valley or Tri-county student. First generation and demonstrates interest or connection to Ag. Renewal up to five years.  Freshman All College of Science majors Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Suzanne W. Killian and Jack R. Killian Scholarship Award to students with a disability which may include learning, physical, and mental health challenges. To assist the eligibility review process for this scholarship and respect student confidentiality, applicants must provide a letter of eligibility from CSUMB Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC). Do not submit diagnoses, medical documentation and/or disability reports to Financial Aid. DEADLINES: Fri. Jan.31, 2019 is the deadline to meet by appointment with a CSUMB Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC) Advisor to discuss your eligibility for the Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Jack Killian Scholarship. Freshmen, Sophomore, Juniors, Seniors, Master, and Credential All Based on Need Min. cum. 2.50
The Gertrude Cox Scholarship for Statistics Preference a student with financial need and first generation college students. Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Statistics Based on need Min. cum. 2.50
The Jack R. Killian and Olivia B. Killian Scholarship-Military Connections to United States Military Freshmen, Sophomore, Juniors, and Seniors All Not Based on Need Min. cum. 2.50
The Mathematics Achievement Award Preference for a student in good academic standing and has financial need Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Statistics or Mathematics Based on need  Min. cum. 2.50
Tri County Vision Scholarship Available to all current and incoming undergraduate and graduate students who are current residents of Monterey, San Benito, or Santa Cruz County. : First Generation College Students Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Teaching Credential All Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.00
W.H Wattis Scholarship Priority and preference to Tri-County (Monterey County, San Benito County and Santa Cruz County) transfer students included from but not limited to Hartnell College, Monterey Peninsula College and Cabrillo College. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Agribusiness, Marine Science and/or Environmental Studies or successor majors Not based on need  Min. cum. 3.00
Women's Leadership Council Scholarship Available to students with a minimum age of 25 or above, who are returning or have returned to school after an absence of several years to: a) complete a degree; b) seek a higher degree; or to c) obtain certification, credential, or licensing required for advancement in his/her profession. Undergraduate: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate student All Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50
Yukon & Clemence Chow Scholarship Available to all current and incoming undergraduate and graduate students. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate All Must demonstrate need Min. cum. 2.50