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Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Academic Accommodations

Academic Accommodations

Each semester, students are required to meet with the SDAC Advisor for review and authorization of their accommodations. SDAC will provide an electronic copy of the authorized request for accommodations via the Symplicity Accommodate portal. Students can generate a PDF of their letter to send to their faculty. 

Upon accommodations being approved, a  Semester Accommodations letter will indicate that for the verified disability, the student has select reasonable accommodations. The accommodation letter appoints the instructor to be responsible for the provision of the accommodations, when they will be provided, and how they will be provided. It also invites faculty to contact SDAC if there are any concerns or questions about the accommodations. Instructors are not expected to compromise essential elements of the course or evaluation standards.

It is also beneficial when the students can advocate and communicate directly with the professor so they can ensure their accommodations are being fulfilled in a timely manner.