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Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Academic Accommodations

Alternate Formats

Alternative formats include electronic text (e-text), PDFs converted via Optical Character Recognition, digital audio, large print, and braille. 

Students registered with SDAC, may be eligible to receive alternate formats of text by submitting proof of textbook purchase, course syllabi, and a completed Service Agreement. Rental books or books on loan from the library are not acceptable for conversion to alternate formats.

Students must start the process prior to the start of each semester, by meeting with a SDAC Advisor to create a Semester Accommodation letter, which the student will deliver to each of their instructors. The process to convert materials into a different format can take up to 2 months, please plan ahead.

  • Students requesting e-text of a course required book must make their request 1-2 months before the semester. If there is a digital version of the book available, we recommend students purchase that version.

    If the e-text is not available, SDAC’s production team can remove the spine of the hardcopy book, scan it, proofread the scanned text and convert the e-text to an appropriate format for use with screen-reading software such as Kurzweil 3000, JAWS, or an MP3 Player. 

    If there is a class handout you received and it’s in a PDF format, you can email it to SDAC at  We ensure PDFs have gone through Optical Character Recognition checks to ensure accurate reading in a screen reader.


  • Braille is a system of reading and writing for blind individuals that SDAC can provide as an alternate format.

  • The use of a closed-circuit television (CCTV) system & document cameras permits magnification of the textbook page. CCTVs are available in the Library. SDAC also has document cameras available as a loan.

  • Textbooks can be obtained in audio format from Learning Ally or Bookshare. If audio textbooks aren’t available, SDAC recommends students to purchase the audiobook version of their textbook, if that is what is preferred. If the audiobook is not available, the student is advised to have an e–text version of the textbook created as described above.

Alternative Media Process

Alternative Media Process

After meeting with an SDAC advisor and the request for accommodation/s is approved, students will receive an email from our Alternate Media Production team. This email will inform students on what is needed by SDAC to move forward on conversion requests. Please respond to emails from quickly to keep the conversion process moving smoothly. 

Please remember to send conversion requests to 1-2 months prior to class starting. 

If training is needed on the software programs that are authorized as an accommodation or to see if the program would be a good option as an accommodation, request this from the SDAC Advisor. The SDAC advisor will refer students to the Assistive Technology Coordinator at the Center for Academic Technologies