This is a test site. For the most accurate information, visit

Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Academic Accommodations

Test-Taking Accommodations

Students must meet with an SDAC advisor prior to the start of each semester, to create a Semester Accommodation Letter, which the student will deliver to each of their professors.

Students are responsible for working with their instructors to discuss testing accommodations 2 weeks prior to the quiz, test or exam.

  • After speaking with your instructor to discuss your testing accommodations, please ask your faculty to complete the semester Testing Facilitation Form.
  • If you are interested in testing at the Test Center, please review the Test Center webpage for more information about alternative testing.

Test Center

The purpose of the test center is to provide a space for academic departments and Student Disability Resources (SDAC) to give students extra time and a reduced distractions environment for alternative testing purposes.

Exception: SDAC may proctor and coordinate the space for the exam, pending on the type of assistive tech needs.

To inquire about testing at the Test Center, contact them at