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Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Faculty Information About Student Accommodations

Note-taking services include Peer Note-sharers, note-taking applications such as Glean, and recording lectures. 

  • When a student presents a note-taking accommodation to the faculty, it is the faculty’s responsibility to review the accommodation letter with the student and implement the request by announcing if any students in the course would be able to serve as peer note-sharers. 

    • Suggested Class Announcement (see example announcement below).

      "A student with a disability needs a peer note-sharer volunteer in this course. The student who shares their notes is expected to note the main ideas, plus deadlines and provide the notes to the student within 24-hours of each class. This is a way for students to discreetly support a fellow student with their academic success. If you are interested, please stay after class and I will give you Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC) contact information, who will support you on how to proceed."


    Note-sharer Recruitment Video

    • SDR also has a prepared video for helping to recruit peer note-sharers. You may also show this video to students who might be interested in becoming Peer Note-sharers. The video can be found here.

    All note-sharers will submit a written agreement to maintain confidentiality in all aspects of the note-taking service provision.

  • Glean is a note-taking application which helps with tracking and embedding notes within a recorded lecture. Students authorized for Glean will use either a phone, laptop, or tablet to record a lecture and take notes. Students may flag important sections of a lecture and review supplement notes after the lecture.

  • Students may also be authorized for recording lectures as an accommodation. Authorized students may use their personal devices, such as cell phones or laptops, or they may be loaned an authorized recording device through SDR. Both the student and faculty must sign the Recording Lectures Agreement and submit it to SDR. This agreement protects the faculty’s course content by ensuring the student will only use recordings for personal use and not share with others.