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Student Disability and Accessibility Center

Student Accommodations

Requesting Accommodations

Students benefit most from accommodations when they are requested well in advance to the start of each academic year or semester, depending on the type of accommodation request

If this is your first time requesting accommodations, please refer to the Getting Started page. If you have received accommodations from SDAC before, please request your accommodations in AIM, or schedule an appointment

Be sure to meet with an SDAC advisor to discuss your specific needs and determine reasonable accommodations. Some students may need more than one meeting for full consideration of needs.

Accommodation Types

Requesting Additional Accommodations

If you have already met with the Student Disability and Accessibility Center (SDAC) Advisor and need to request additional or adjust accommodations, please schedule another appointment with your SDAC advisor. 

If your Request is Denied

If an accommodation request is denied, SDAC will clearly state the reason for the denial and provide actions the student needs to take for reconsideration (such as to provide more detailed current medical documentation).

Student Responsibilities

The student with accommodations is responsible for meeting with faculty during office hours (or to consult online or via phone) in a timely manner to:

  • Discuss their needs and the SDAC Semester Accommodation Letter.
  • Notify faculty to contact SDAC if they have any concerns about providing the accommodations in a timely manner.

Please note that “timely manner” means the students submit the Semester Accommodation Letter to their instructors as soon as the students receive it from SDAC. Some accommodations require student action three months ahead.

Students should notify SDAC immediately if:

  • Your faculty, SDAC service provider, service learning community partner or other CSUMB program is not fulfilling their obligation or commitment to accommodate your disability-related needs.
  • You do not need your requested accommodations any longer.
  • You drop the course or withdraw from CSU Monterey Bay.

If you feel that your disability-related needs are not being met please visit our Disability Related Complaints page to obtain the Access Issue form. Fill out the form and return it to the SDAC office.

Disability Related Complaints

Faculty  & Student Responsibilities

To view Rights & Responsibilities of the faculty and more about Students’ Rights & Responsibilities, please see the Faculty Responsibilities webpage.