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Academic Senate

Assessment Committee

The Assessment Committee shall comprise a representative body of faculty from across the campus to provide oversight of the University assessment process and provide feedback to the Provost's office on matters relating to assessment at the departmental, college, and University levels.

The Senate Assessment Committee's charge shall include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Establish, implement, and continuously evaluate the University Assessment Plan including Baccalaureate Outcomes
  • Ensure effective assessment of student learning outcomes
  • Work with the General Education Program to coordinate GE Program Assessment
  • Advocate for resources and structure to assist in Annual Program Assessment of Learning Outcomes
  • Provide feedback to the Academic programs and the Provost on the annual assessment documents; and
  • Work with the Academic programs to incorporate the annual assessment documents into their Periodic Program Review

2023/25 Assessment Committee members include:

Position First Name Last Name Leadership Team
Representative from the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Fred Vermote x
Representative from the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences      
Representatives from the College of Business Shaowen Hua x
Representative from the College of Business      
Representative from the College of Education Ondine Gage x
Representative from the College of Education      
Representative from the College of Health Sciences and Human Services Eric Martin x
Representative from the College of Health Sciences and Human Services George Beckham  
Representative from the College of Science Corin Slown x
Representative from the College of Science Peri Shereen  
Representative from University College Michelle Lewis x
Representative from University College Nelson Graff  
Representative from the GE Committee George Beckham  
Faculty from the Library Sarah Dahlen  
Representative from ASEC      
Ex Officio:      
SCCC Chair Trish Sevene  
Provost or Designee Dale Grubb  
TLA Director Vivian Waldrup-Patterson  