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Academic Senate

Committee on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (RSCA)

The charge of this committee shall include, but not be limited to, initiating, developing, recommending, reviewing and/or supporting:

  • Policies and resources that govern and support faculty and student research, including grants and contracts;
  • Policies regarding faculty intellectual property and copyright rights for research and curricular materials;
  • Research policies;
  • The availability and allocation of adequate resources to support quality research programs;
  • Campus research competitions including faculty and student research;
  • Advocating and disseminating research on campus and to broader communities;
  • Advocate support for research related compliance issues including policy/procedures and infrastructure (Human Subjects, Animals, Research Misconduct, Conflicts of Interest, Export Control, Biohazards, etc.);
  • Closely working with units on campus to bring in more research funding and activities;
  • Serve as a forum for the discussion of improvement and expansion of research activity;
  • Advocate for needs/resources related to research and the research environment;
  • Promote collaborative research internally and externally;
  • Encourage and support faculty and students engaging in research, scholarship, and creative activities.

2023/25 RSCA members include:

Position First Name Last Name
Chair Kent Adams
COE Kimi Crossman
COS Tori Derr
University College    
Library Kathlene Hanson
CPHS Rep. Kent  Adams
IACUC Rep. James Lindholm
UCorp Faculty Board Member Jill Hosmer-Jolley
Appointed Senator    
Student Rep.    
UROC Rep. Natasha Oehlman
Sponsored Programs Rep. Cindy Lopez
Director of Communications (or designee) Aaron Bryant