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Academic Senate

Educational Planning & Policy Committee (EPPC)

The Educational Planning & Policy Committee (EPPC) shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding strategic and long-term planning and overarching policies and issues that are beyond the charges of the SCCC Committee.

The Committee's charge shall include, but not be limited to, review, evaluation, and recommendation regarding:

  • Campus strategic planning, long-term academic planning, and other significant planning efforts that directly affect the University’s educational mission and student learning;
  • University academic standards including, but not limited to, grading policy, admissions policies and procedures;
  • Policies related to the academic calendar and the scheduling of learning experiences;
  • The composition of work groups to evaluate existing programs, to include first-year program reviews, WASC and other accrediting bodies, etc.;
  • Organization and reorganization of academic centers, institutes, and programs.

2023/25 EPPC members include:

Position First Name Last Name
Elected Member Mary Anne Majadillas
Elected Member    
Chair / Appointed Senator Jeffrey Wand
Appointed Senator    
Appointed Senator    
Associated Student Rep.    
AVP for AA, Planning and Budget Dale Grubb
AVP for AA, Planning and Budget Christina Rocchi