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Academic Senate

Senate Committees

Standing Senate Committees, coordinated by the Academic Senate Executive Committee (ASEC), are the principal vehicles through which the Academic Senate participates in the shared governance of the University. These committees, along with their subcommittees and work groups, act as liaisons between the Faculty and the rest of the University. All faculty are encouraged to serve on Academic Senate committees as part of their contributions under the Retention, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) criteria for University Service.

Academic Senate Executive Committee (ASEC)

Academic Committee on International Programs (ACIP)

Assessment Committee

Budget and Resource Management Committee

Committee on Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)

Committee on Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity (RSCA)

Educational Planning & Policy Committee (EPPC)

Faculty Affairs Committee

General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC)

Post Graduate Studies Committee (PGSC)

Senate Curriculum Committee Council (SCCC)

Senate Technology Committee

Student Affairs & Academic Support Committee (SAAS)

University Requirements Curriculum Committee (URCC)

Appeals & Grievances Committee (Not a Standing Committee)