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Academic Senate

Senate Curriculum Committee Council (SCCC)

The Senate Curriculum Committee Council (SCCC) shall evaluate and make recommendations regarding all CSUMB curriculum and academic programs following Academic Affairs Sub-Group’s evaluation of the fiscal feasibility for implementation of the proposed curriculum or program. This includes curriculum development as well as program review and evaluation, and assessment practices and processes.

The Senate Curriculum Committee Council’s charge shall include, but not be limited to initiation, review, evaluation and recommendation regarding:

  • Review and evaluation of content, outcomes, criteria, and standards of curriculum, based on continuing analysis of the vision, objectives, and mission of the University and the needs of its students;
  • Coordination and consultation among curricular units of the University in order to foster efficiency, minimize course duplication and proliferation, and assure continuous renewal and quality of the curriculum;
  • Coordination of Academic Program Review including evaluation of the review procedures and policies;
  • Coordination of assessment practices across curricular areas;
  • The SCCC effects the General Education Committee’s decision on a course’s request for GE through the course’s placement on the Course Consent Calendar. For new courses requesting GE, effecting the GE Committee’s decision shall be in tandem with the SCCC’s vote on the course;
  • Evaluation and vote on the Course Consent Calendar and announcement of its vote to the Senate on the agreed upon Course Consent Calendar Schedule.

2023/25 SCCC members include:

Position First Name Last Name
Chair of the SCCC Trish Sevene
Chair of the GE Committee, or Rep. Becky Pozzi
Chair of the Postgraduate Studies Committee Cathi Draper Rodriguez
Chair of CAHSS Curriculum Committee Amanda Pullum
Chair of College of Business Curriculum Committee Leslie Boni
Chair of College of Education Curriculum Committee Ondine Gage
Chair of College of Health Science & Human Services Curriculum Committee Trish Sevene
Chair of College of Science Curriculum Committee Judith Canner
Faculty Representative of University College Ernest Stromberg
Representative, ASEC Jill Hosmer-Jolley
Representative, Associated Students    
Representative, Senate Technology Committee Erin Ramirez
Representative, Center for Academic Technology Jeff McCall
Representative, Scheduling Office Michael Vicent
Representative, Registrar's Office Gail StAubin
Provost or Designee Dale Grubb