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Academic Senate

Student Affairs & Academic Support Committee (SAAS)

The Committee on Student Affairs and Academic Support shall review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding student services and academic support programs of the University.

The Committee’s charge shall include, but not be limited to, review, evaluation and recommendation regarding:

  • Academic advising and articulation planning and implementation, to insure effective academic advising for increased student success;
  • Academic support planning, implementation, and evaluation through the related student services;
  • Integration with other student-support programs that enhance the academic success of students;
  • Proposals and responses by the faculty to policies and issues regarding student life, recruitment, retention, admissions, records, and other areas within the Division of Student Affairs.

2023/25 SAAS members include:

Position First Name Last Name
Elected Member Carlos Mariscal
Elected Member Kayce Mastrup
Appointed Senator    
Appointed Senator    
Appointed Senator    
Student Representative, Associated Students    
Vice President, Student Affairs or designee John Fraire