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College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Department of Social Work

Fall 2019 Update

The Department of Social Work extended a warm welcome to the 2019 cohort during the New Student Orientation for two days in August. Faculty and staff greeted 46 admitted students. Included in the 2019 cohort are 12 students on the two-year pathway and 34 students on the three-year pathway.

The National Coalition Building Institute (NCB) team kicked off orientation with the first half of their award-winning "Welcoming Diversity" workshop, focusing on the more interpersonal aspects of multicultural equity. Students engaged in thoughtful conversation, becoming more familiar with one another while building relationships amongst themselves.

As the Master of Social Work Program approaches its 10th anniversary, we are heartened by the impact the program and its graduates have had on the California Central Coast.

Here are a few program accomplishments to share:

  • A total of 234 graduates.
  • A total of 224,640 completed field hours with 122 students currently enrolled.
  • Faculty has grown in numbers and diversity to mirror the student body.
  • The program remains compliant with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) while awaiting the final decision for reaffirmation, maintaining accreditation.
  • The program has been awarded county, state, and national funding.

This program was created to further educate members of the social work profession in the local area in an effort to meet the needs of the community. The department's strategic plan was built in collaboration with more than 40 community stakeholders as they created a vision that continues to guide the department, to become the premier center for multicultural, multilingual social work education in service to and partnership with Californi Central Coast region.

This academic year brought many additions to faculty and continued collaborations with community partners int the tri-county area including San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara counties. The Department of Social Work faculty and staff are thankful for the support and proud of the accomplishments thus far. We are excited about the years ahead!