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College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Program Pathways

PPSC Three Year Pathway

The following list of courses and the semester in which the courses must be completed will guide enrollment to attain a Master of Social Work degree as well as the Pupil Personnel Services Credential and Child Welfare & Attendance Authorization. Courses are required to be taken in the sequence listed.  Any variance from the Individual Learning Plan must be formally requested in writing and approved by the student’s Advisor and Department Chair. It is understood that any variance from the outlined ILP will create a minimum of one-year delay in graduation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

First Year, Fall Semester

  • SW 501 - Diversity & Social Justice
  • SW 510 - Foundations of Social Work
  • SW 540 - Cross-Cultural Human Behavior in the Social Environment

First Year, Spring Semester

  • SW 531 - Generalist Practice III: Community and Organizational Practice
  • SW 550 - Social Work Research
  • SW 570 - Social Work Research

Summer (Optional): Depending on faculty availability

  • SW Elective 

Second Year, Fall Semester

  • SW 520 - Generalist Practice: Individuals and Familie
  • SW 564 - Trauma-Informed Practice
  • SW 596 - Field Practicum I

Winter (Optional): Depending on faculty availability

  • SW Elective 

Second Year, Spring Semester

  • SW 530 - Generalist Practice: Groups
  • SW 598 - Field Practicum II
  • SW 670 - Social Policy & Advocacy
  • SW 611 - Social Work with Children, Youth, & Families 

Summer (Optional): Depending on faculty availability

  • SW Elective

Third Year, Fall Semester

  • SW 600 - Applied Social Work Research Project
  • SW 696 - Advanced Field Practicum I
  • SW 620 - Advanced Generalist Practice: Engagement and Assessment
  • SW 565 - School Social Work

Winter (Optional): Depending on faculty availability

  • SW Elective

Third Year, Spring Semester

  • MAE 645 - Educational Policy & Advocacy 
  • SW 630 - Advanced Generalist Practice: Intervention and Evaluation
  • SW 698 - Advanced Field Practicum II
  • SW 611 - Advanced Practice Children, Youth, & Families

MSW Electives

Students working towards earning a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Social Work and Child Welfare & Attendance Authorization are required to complete the four electives listed below.

Foundation elective courses:

  • SW 564 - Trauma-Informed Practice
  • SW 565 - School Social Work

Advanced Practice elective courses:

  • SW 611: Social Work with Children, Youth & Families
  • MAE 645: Educational Policy & Advocacy