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Sponsored Programs Office

Most Frequently Used Forms & Policies

Proposal Development Forms

  • Grant Budget Template
  • Fringe Benefit Rate Memo
  • RCR Plan Template for applicable NSF and NIH proposals
    • RCR Plan (guidelines)
  • Grant Routing Form (AKA: Blue Sheet)
    • OR request it from
  • Conflict of Interest (forms)

Award Management Forms

  • Personnel & Payroll - ESF, Request to Recruit, handbook, etc.
  • Procurement Card & Purchasing - policy & procedures, justification statement, manual, etc.
  • Travel - policy & procedures, handbook, quick reference, etc.
  • Vendor - Vendor Data Record, etc.
  • Risk Management - New Applicant, Privately Owned Vehicle, Incident Report, etc.


  • Gifts, Grants and Contracts

Research Compliance

  • Human Subjects Research
  • Animal Care & Use
  • Financial Conflicts of Interest
  • Biosafety/Biohazards
  • Responsible Conduct of Research
  • Data Management Planning
  • All other research compliance