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Sponsored Programs Office

Role of the Dean/Director/AVP

The associate vice presidents (AVP), deans and directors are academic leaders with programmatic, managerial and fiscal responsibilities for all internally and externally funded projects and activities within their department or school.

Review, approval and management of proposals and awards

The AVP or dean and director review and approve the Grant Proposal Routing Form "Blue Sheet" and proposal for:

  • all activities within their department/school
  • academic and programmatic review
  • requests to reduce or waive indirect cost rates
  • requests to modify on-campus space
  • requests for the university to provide the matching funds
  • requests for the university to provide additional resources to support the project
  • approve all faculty buyout
  • compliance issues

As necessary, the dean approves cost share requests/documentation if required by sponsor.

Oversight responsibilities

AVPs or deans review and approve the annual funding plans for their areas. As necessary, the AVP or dean approves cost share if required by sponsor

The AVP or dean and director provide local oversight when needed for

  • re-budgeting
  • subcontracts/subawards
  • Uniform Guidance issues, such as direct/indirect cost
  • cost sharing requirements
  • compliance issues
  • business decisions
  • allocating resources such as personnel, equipment, space, etc.
  • evaluating opportunities
  • mentoring
  • assisting with project community relations
  • equipment costs and ongoing maintenance

As necessary, the AVP or dean:

  • approves and provides local oversight for the academic review and approval for renewals
  • assists with identifying problems and possible solutions for the problems, making appropriate use of internal and external constituencies
  • encourages quality in all academic and non-academic programs in the center
  • encourages and supports high quality, research, and externally funded projects
  • effectively makes individuals fully aware of their responsibilities and provides guidance with respect to the accomplishment of the specific goals and objectives related to these responsibilities