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Sponsored Programs Office

Role of the Principal Investigator

The principal investigator (PI) is the individual primarily responsible for development of the concept and execution of the award. The role prior to the award of funds includes:

  • Development of the initial concept
  • Submittal of the concept form with required signatures, if not in the approved Annual Funding Plan
  • Research of potential funding sources (can also be done with assistance from SPO and UA
  • Identification of most likely funding sources
  • Funding sources cleared with UA (private) or SPO (public) to ensure campus-wide coordination
  • Creation of Grant Proposal Routing form
  • Completion of Conflict of Interest - External Funding form, if required
  • Drafting of proposal
  • Development of proposal budget and review by SPO and/or UA; if required - matching funds identified and secured if possible
  • Completing the Responsible Conduct for Research Plan for NSF, NIH and USDA sponsored proposals
  • Coordination of required attachments with SPO or UA
  • Certifying not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified under the nonprocurement common rule
  • Compliance documents
  • Completing proposal and paperwork in time for internal review and approval