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The Campus Sustainability Fund supports sustainability efforts on campus. Funds generated are used to support student participation in sustainability-related conferences; student-led projects that support the sustainability goals, they also could be used to support student positions. In addition to the general support for sustainability efforts, we are raising funds to specifically support the goal of planting 2,030 trees by 2030. You can help support the planting of trees and habitat restoration on campus by donating to the campus sustainability fund, enter "trees" in the comment box and that is where your money will go!

Any amount helps, but for reference:

  • $150 is the cost for a 15-gallon Coast Live Oak with water for the first 2-3 years;
  • $450 = 24" Tree box;
  • $1,300 =36" Tree box.

Thank you so much for considering a donation at any level.
