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Green Office Certification

The Green Office Certification Program supports sustainability within campus departments and units. It includes an external review by students and internal employee reflection across a variety of sustainability metrics including waste, energy, water, and social interactions. Results of the surveys and visual audits help develop specific actions by the office or unit that in turn help the campus achieve our shared sustainability goals.

Certify Your Office!

Getting your office certificated is simple, each form takes about 10 minutes and can be completed within a month depending on the office. To start the process, please fill out the sign up form. After completing the form, you can expect to receive an email in 1-2 business days regarding the next steps. If you have any questions about this please email

Leading your Office through Certification

For the Green Office Certification Program to succeed, we ask that a small leadership team is formed in your office. The team would be a one or more employees who are especially motivated to inspire their office to meet sustainable goals. The team would be the primary contact for the Sustainability Office, in order to set up meetings, relay surveys and set of the visual audit. The responsibilities of the group include:

  • Contact/Providing the total number of employees in the office
  • Setting Up Meetings
  • Filling out the General Survey
  • Distributing the Individual Survey
  • Assisting in Leading the Final Meeting

Green Certification Steps

In order for the certification to go as smoothly as possible, it is advised to have a strong understanding of what will take place during certification. Review of certification steps is strongly encouraged

Step 1: Sign Up

Fill out the sign up form online to inform the Sustainability Office about your interest in the program. The team will then contact you to begin steps 2-4. Note: When filling out the sign up form, have in mind a person or a few people that will help you lead the certification through your office.

Step 2: General Survey

The lead team will fill out the general survey, which will provide information about the overall, current practices of the office or department.

Step 3: Individual Survey

Each employee fills out an anonymous individual survey with information about their own activities that have an impact on sustainability practices within the office.

Step 4: Visual Audit

Lastly, the Sustainability Office will collect all the information received and then do a visual inspection.

Additional Information