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Office Supply Sourcing

Before purchasing brand new office supplies consider,

  • The true needs of the office and if other supplies already present in the office could fill the role.
  • Finding second-hand sources. Such as university surplus markets.
Has your office considered refillable supplies?
Such as refillable whiteboard markers. An example of refillable whiteboard markers. Some printers even offer refillable ink cartridges.

What are some sustainable options for office paper?

Does your office purchase post-consumer waste paper or carbon zero paper?
To purchase post-consumer waste paper look for paper with Post Consumer Waste (PCW) 30% or greater on the packaging.

Stage 2:

Has the office purchased “Green” cleaning supplies?

  • Purchase cleaning solutions that are non-toxic, fair trade and cruelty-free.
  • For cleaning supplies such as reusable rags. Take the extra step by purchasing refillable containers.
    • Traditional cleaning supplies can contain harsh chemicals that aren't necessarily more effective than natural-based solutions

Stage 3:

Purchasing refillable cleaning supplies and finding refillable toner cartridges.