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Core Goal Progress

1. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

3% reduction in scope 1 & 2 emissions from 2018 to 2022

pie chart


18% increase in scope 3 emissions (specifically waste related emissions and student commute - staff and faculty commute decreased

All figures in MTCO2e 2018-2019 2021-2022
Scope 1: Natural Gas and Fleet Vehicles 3,846.30 3,705.82
Scope 2: Purchased Electricity 2,599.26 2,566.35
Scope 3: Commute, Waste, Misc. 5,935.00 6,985.67
Total 12,380.56 13,247.84

2. Planting Trees

Almost 600 students, staff, faculty and administrators have participated in tree planting events. Our hard work has helped the campus stay on track to plant 2,030 trees by 2030. Since 2020 we have planted 584 trees, 29% of our goal.
This achievement is coordinated in large part by the Habitat Working Group, representing the Habitat Stewardship Project, Campus Planning and Development and College of Science faculty and graduate students

3. Diverting Waste

We have achieved 37% of the 90% goal for waste diversion by 2035

waste diversion bar graph


In 2021-2022

  • 1,026 tons of material were landfilled
  • 393 tons of material were recycled
  • 192 tons of material were composted

Core Goals

STARS Report

Planning Documents