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Pre-college Programs


Participant Selection

  • Complete the ETS application
  • Attend a participating school (Alisal, Gonzales Greenfield, King City, Seaside, Soledad, or North Monterey County High School)
  • Grade point average 2.0 or above
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Low income and/or First Generation college-bound student
  • Eligible Disconnected Students (Foster-Youth, Houseless/Homeless community members, and students with disabilities)


Individuals apply by completing an Educational Talent Search application from the main office, printing out an application from this website, at your school, or by calling the ETS Office at (831) 582-3662.

Apply Online

Application Checklist

  • Complete application signed by the student and parent/guardian
  • Proof of Income (Signed 1040’s or signed income statement)
  • High School Transcript or recent report card

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do you need a copy of my parent's income taxes (1040’s)?A: For ETS to determine eligibility for participation, federal regulations require documentation on the applicant’s family size, # of exemptions, and taxable income for the preceding calendar year. All information is kept confidential and secure within our office.

Q: What if I am not low income, can I still qualify?A: Yes. You do not have to be low income to qualify for ETS. There are many ways to qualify for the program.

Q: Why do you need my child’s social security number?A: Since services are provided FREE of charge to students, ETS must follow the Department of Education’s Regulatory Guidelines. Federal regulation requires this documentation in order to meet program eligibility. All information is kept

confidential and secure within our office.

Q: I have a child in college already, does that mean my son/daughter will not be considered first generation?A: No. Your student is considered first generation if neither of the parents received a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science here in the U.S. We are only assessing your (parent's) education level.

Q: Do I have to complete an ETS application every year?A: No. Once your student has provided all documentation and has been accepted, ETS automatically enrolls them for the following year and works with them through high school graduation.

Need Help?

The Educational Talent Search office is open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Educational Advising Specialist assigned to your school will be happy to help you fill out the forms and provide any additional information.