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College of Education

Department of Education and Leadership

Applying for Credential

Step 1: Enroll in your summer pre-service courses. Upon completion of all pre-service courses, request an Advising Form from your specific program's Coordinator. The Advising Form will show the completion of your pre-service courses with grades and requires the signature of your Program Coordinator. The Advising Form will be submitted with other documents as part of your credential application.

Step 2: Compile all the necessary documents to submit to the Credential Analyst. These include the Information Cover Sheet, Intern Credential Application Checklist (and all items on the checklist), and the Early Field Experience Verification Form. Save each form as a PDF, Word Document, or JPEG.

Information Cover Sheet

Intern Credential Application Checklist

Early Field Experience Verification Form

Step 3: Send all documents in one email to: Chris Villanueva at (2-4 days for processing)

Step 4: Wait for an email from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) with instructions to pay for the credential online. This email will arrive at the email address you put on the Information Cover Sheet. Pay for the credential online and an email receipt will arrive within the hour. You can show this to potential employers while waiting the 10-15 days for the credential to post. The application is then processed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Normal processing time by CTC is 10-15 days. Once it is granted, the credential then posts to your Educator Page on the Commission on Teacher Credential website where it will stay forever. When you need to access it for job applications, just log in on to your profile on the Commission on Teacher Credential website using your username and password, click on the document number of the credential, then print the screen that shows all of your authorization codes, including the English Learners Authorization.

Pre-Admission Disclosure for Credential Programs

Admission into programs leading to licensure and credentialing does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or credential. Licensure and credentialing requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the CSU and requirements can change at any time. For example, licensure or credentialing requirements can include evidence of the right to work in the United States (e.g., social security number or tax payer identification number) or successfully passing a criminal background check. Students are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure or credentialing requirements. The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, to students who determine subsequent to admission that they cannot meet licensure or credentialing requirements. Information concerning licensure and credentialing requirements are available from Department of Education and Leadership Credential Analysts: Christy Hanselka (831) 582-3638 or Chris Villanueva (831) 582-3613, 100 Campus Ctr., Bldg. 3, Seaside, CA 93955.