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Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Program assessment support

Upon request, TLA is available to support curricular and co-curricular programs with the following:

  • Preparing assessment plans & reports
  • Developing or improving learning outcomes
  • Developing or improving rubrics
  • Creating and analyzing curriculum maps
  • Developing assessment questions
  • Developing annual and five-year program learning outcomes ("MLO") assessment plans
  • Designing fun and engaging assessment projects, including creating customized online assessment tools
  • Aligning program review requirements for ULO assessment with what you are already doing
  • Analyzing and presenting assessment results
  • Using assessment results to improve student achievement (closing the loop)
  • Any other related teaching, learning, and assessment goals

For consultations and workshop requests, please contact the TLA Director, Vivian Waldrup-Patterson, at

Curricular program assessment support

Undergraduate Learning Outcome 4: Specialized Knowledge

CSUMB graduates apply knowledge, theories, methods, and practices in a chosen field of study to address real-world challenges and opportunities.

Degree programs assess student achievement of ULO4 by assessing their major learning outcomes (MLOs), making time for faculty and staff to discuss assessment results, and implementing improvements that increase student learning and success. Programs document and plan their progress in annual outcomes assessment and program review reports that culminate in a program improvement plans (PIP).

TLA program assessment support modules (CSUMB community only)

Programs can use the following modules on their own or request a TLA-facilitated workshop:

Other assessment support resources (CSUMB community only)

This website contains additional resources for assessing student achievement of learning outcomes in curricular and co-curricular contexts.

Co-curricular program assessment support

The above resources and support, including TLA consultations, can be used for assessing and improving learning in co-curricular programs.

Assessment philosophy

Read about CSUMB’s assessment philosophy and practice.

Understanding assessment for improvement

Recommended readings for understanding the national assessment context and how assessment supports student achievement at CSUMB.

  • AAHE Principles of Good Practice: Aging Nicely by Hutchings, Ewell, and Banta
  • Towards and Improvement Paradigm for Academic Quality by Roscoe
  • The VALUE of Learning: Meaningful Assessment on the Rise by Rhodes
  • Charting the Future of US Higher Education: A Look at the Spellings Report Ten Years Later by Nueman
  • Assessment and Academic Freedom: In Concert, not Conflict by Cain
  • A New Paradigm for Assessment, blog post by Linda Suskie