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Teaching, Learning & Assessment

TLA/CAT Summer Institute 2023

June 5 - 9, 2023

All faculty (lecturers and tenure-line) are welcome to attend

Scroll down for session descriptions.

Designing Equitable and Inclusive Learning Opportunities for Your Students

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment and the Center Academic Technologies are proud to announce the Summer Institute 2023, with this year’s theme: Designing Equitable and Inclusive Learning Opportunities for Your Students. Below are the professional development options, and instructions for how to sign up. This June 5th-9th institute will support faculty by exploring how we can build equitable and inclusive student experiences in and outside of the classroom. 

For this week of professional development, faculty can select among 10 tracks, and the structure of the half day session may include up to 2 hours for the workshop, an hour for group work, and an hour for self study.

RSVP for Summer Institute 2023 HERE 

The Summer Institute is a virtual event on Zoom and Canvas, with an option to join the keynote speaker live at the CSUMB University Center Living Room with refreshments provided! We will also end the institute with your group’s insights and plans for the fall 2023 semester.

Registration deadline: Friday, May 19, 2023 

Summer Institute 2023 Schedule Chart:






June 5, 

9 AM

Track 1: William Hardaway Keynote and Conversation - 

Equitable and Inclusive Teaching 

Two options: virtual or in-person watch party and refreshments option!

4 hours 


June 5, 

1 PM

Track 2: Designing Decolonized, Inclusive, Universal and Relevant Assignments

4 hours


June 6, 

9 AM

Track 3: Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Learning. Join us today for an optional kick-off/check in (asynchronous course opens 6/5@noon)

3 days


June 6, 

1 PM

Track 4: Are you Co-Creating Student Engagement and Success?

4 hours


June 7, 

 9 AM

Track 5: Faculty Wellness, Well-being, and Self-care through an Equity and Inclusion Lens

4 hours


June 7, 

1 PM

Track 6: Reducing the Cost of Instruction: Affordable Learning Solutions and Open Educational Resources (OER) Join us today for a peer meetup  (asynchronous course opens 6/5@noon)

8 hours


June 8, 

9 AM

Track 7: Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning Awareness. Join us today for a peer meetup  (asynchronous course opens 6/5@noon)

8 hours


June 8, 

1 PM

Track 8: Making your Digital Content Accessible Join us today for a peer meetup  (asynchronous course opens 6/5@noon)

3 days


June 9, 

9 AM

Track 9: Using Tools to Explore Equity and Inclusion and Respond to Equity Gaps (Equity Portal, Data Dashboards, etc.)

4 hours


June 9, 

1 PM

Track 10: Course Innovation Sharing and Summer Institute Celebration

4 hours


New!!! Track 10 is designed to celebrate your completion and success, a new feature of the summer institute for this year will be the opportunity for your group to share insights and plans for fall 2023 with a presentation at the end of the week.

Session Descriptions

Track 1: William Hardaway Keynote and Conversation: Equitable and Inclusive Teaching 

June 5th, 9:00 AM 

Speaker: William Hardaway (see bio here)

Facilitators: William Hardaway, Renee Penalver, and George Station

Description: Drawing from his own story and family history, William Hardaway will illustrate the power of stories in equity work. How can we be more self-reflective to help us identify and dismantle the impact of oppression on our personal and professional lives? How can we be in better command of the language we use and the guidance we offer students, so we are not unconsciously causing harm? How can we give students agency and voice to change the classroom? Come join the conversation to envision the inclusive classroom!

How you’ll learn: This will be a live talk hosted on Zoom with a virtual or in-person watch party and refreshments. Following the keynote, discussion will be held on Zoom and in-person for those in the room.

Track 2: Designing Decolonized, Inclusive, Universal and Relevant Assignments 

June 5th, 1:00 PM

Facilitator: William Hardaway

Description: In this workshop, participants will explore tools for evaluating and planning assignments, drawing on Universal Design, assignment mapping, and standards for relevance to explore the language and practices of building inclusive and equitable assignments. Participants will engage collaboratively to redesign one or more course assignments.

How you’ll learn: This track will be offered through a 2-hour virtual, synchronous workshop followed by a 2-hour asynchronous application.


Track 3: Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Learning. 

Course Opens June 5th at Noon – Kick-off June 6th at 9 AM

Facilitator: Laura Otero

Description: This course introduces common Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that can be used to generate content such as text, images, code, and more. You will learn how to use these tools and how students are using them, as well as how to detect the use of AI tools in your classroom and strategies for developing and communicating AI-related policies from an equity-centered perspective.

How you’ll learn: You will achieve the course outcomes by participating in asynchronous (pre-recorded) video lessons, testing your knowledge with interactive quizzes, practicing new skills through multiple assignments, and by engaging in discussion forums with your peers. You will also gain access to multiple resources that will help you stay current with the latest AI developments and trends beyond this course.


Track 4: Are you Co-Creating Student Engagement and Success? 

June 6th, 1:00 PM

Facilitator: William Hardaway

Description: In this workshop, William Hardaway will explore challenges and principles for creating human-centered classrooms in higher education. Through a case study approach, participants will consider practices for co-creating engagement and success with students. Participants will then have an opportunity to innovate for co-creation within their own classroom practice.

How you’ll learn: This track will be offered through a 2-hour virtual, synchronous workshop followed by a 2-hour asynchronous application.  


Track 5: Faculty Wellness, Well-being, and Self-care through an Equity and Inclusion Lens

June 7th, 9:00 AM

Facilitators: Educators Thriving Facilitators, including CSUMB Faculty

Description: In this Educators Thriving workshop, participants will learn concrete, evidence-based strategies to help them sustain themselves in the work. For this session, we will focus our time on boundaries and difficult conversations. During the boundaries session, participants reflect on their ability to set effective boundaries. They learn about the science of why boundary setting is often so challenging. Participants then set intentional boundaries to pursue their priorities, vision, and goals. Because setting boundaries can lead to tension or trade offs that need to be made, we’ll then dive into difficult conversations. Participants will reflect on their own conflict style, consider research related to the impact of ongoing conflict, explore methods of engaging in difficult conversations, and plan for an upcoming conversation of their own. Centering our own wellness in these ways increases our capacity to deliver equitable and inclusive experiences for our students.

How you’ll learn: This track will be offered through a virtual, synchronous workshop with some asynchronous application. 


Track 6: Reducing the Cost of Instruction: Affordable Learning Solutions and Open Educational Resources (OER) 

Course Opens June 5th at Noon – Peer Meetup June 7th at 9 AM

Facilitators: Heather Rougeot and Kelsey Nordstrom-Sanchez

Description: The course will cover CSUMB's Affordable Learning Initiative, Affordable Learning $olutions grant funding opportunities, and various forms of affordable learning materials, such as open educational resources (OER), library resources, and low-cost textbooks. This course highlights the importance of using affordable materials and provides faculty an opportunity to identify strategies for adopting them into their courses. 

How you’ll learn: This is an asynchronous online course, and participants can work through the course materials at their own pace. The course includes videos, readings, discussion forums, and hands-on activities.


Track 7: Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning Awareness. 

Course Opens June 5th at Noon – Peer Meetup June 8th at 9 AM

Facilitators: CAT Staff

Description: This course will help build our foundation of digital accessibility knowledge at CSUMB. It will help shed light on some common questions and introduce the Universal Design for Learning concepts, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all.

*This course is not recommended for participants who completed the accessibility course during the 2022 Summer Institute.

How you’ll learn: This guided asynchronous course will be completed during the week of June 5th. CAT staff will be available to facilitate participation and answer questions in live drop-in sessions.


Track 8:  Making your Digital Content Accessible

Course Opens June 5th at Noon – Peer Meetup June 8th at 1 PM

Facilitators: CAT Staff

Description: In this 3-day course the Center for Academic Technologies will focus on an area of inequity on campus: inaccessible course materials. Through the adoption, creation, and remediation of instructional materials, faculty will foster a more equitable learning environment that will benefit students with disabilities and the wider CSUMB student population. Instruction will include guest speakers, practice activities, and hands-on training in best practices for accessible course materials.

*This course is not recommended for participants who completed the accessibility course during the 2022 Summer Institute.

How you’ll learn: This guided asynchronous course will be completed during the week of June 5th. CAT staff will be available to facilitate participation and answer questions in live drop-in sessions.


Track 9: Using Tools to Explore Equity and Inclusion and Respond to Equity Gaps (Equity Portal, Data Dashboards, etc.)

June 9th, 9:00 AM

Facilitators: Vanessa Lopez-Littleton, Sathyan Sundaram & Michael Dorsch 

Description: This workshop will explore three equity tools: the Equity Portal, the CSUMB Dashboard, and the Faculty Student Success Dashboard, offering insights and strategies for delivering equitable outcomes for students. 

How you’ll learn: This track will be offered through a 2-hour virtual, synchronous workshop followed by a 2-hour asynchronous application.


Track 10: Course Innovation Sharing and Summer Institute Celebration

June 9th, 1:00 PM

Facilitators: Vivian Waldrup-Patterson and Jeff McCall 

Description: Track 10 offers space to celebrate your completion and success, an opportunity to work with your disciplinary colleagues to incorporate lessons learned from Summer Institute into plans for your fall 2023 courses.

How you’ll learn: Disciplinary work groups will meet through a live Zoom for group collaboration, presentations, and celebration.

Contact Center for Teaching, Learning, & Assessment

Phone: (831) 582-4574

Email: Send an email

Building: Building 18

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm