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Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Distressed and disruptive student behavior

Student stress, depression, and anxiety often manifest themselves as disruptive and distressed behaviors. Reducing stress, depression, and anxiety increases student engagement, ability to learn, and the mental health and well being of our communities. Our most distressed students are ambassadors with special sensitivities who can help us all, if we listen.

This web page contains information and resources for helping faculty identify and respond compassionately and effectively to students exhibiting distressed and disruptive behaviors.

Crisis information

PGCC: crisis information webpage

PGCC: Recognize, respond, refer

PGCC: What to do, what not to do

Care Team

The Care Team meets weekly to provide coordinated assistance and support to students in distress and/or students of concern, based on referrals. The team is composed of representatives from Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and The University Police Department, which are areas of campus that are generally involved in the holistic wellness of our students. The goals of the team are safety, well-being and student success. The team encourages all members of our campus community to adopt the perspective of, “see something, say something.”

Select this link for more information or to make a referral.

Where to refer for what

Use the table below to help connect students to the proper campus resources. If you are unsure where to start, personnel at any of the offices can help you route students to the proper place.

Behaviors Office
Severe behaviors that pose an imminent threat to self or others Campus Police - 911 (Note: Calling 911 from a cell phone will connect you to the University Police Department.)
Any mental health or behavioral issue, depression, anxiety, stress, persistent disruptive or distressed behaviors, academic challenges, relationship conflicts, etc. Personal Growth & Counseling Center
Sexual discrimination, harassment & assault Title IX Office
Disruptive or inappropriate behaviors Student Conduct
Disruptive or inappropriate behaviors Dean of Students (start with Student Conduct)
Physical illness Campus Health Center
Any issues involving veterans Veteran's Services
Academic challenges, requests for academic support Cooperative Learning Center (CLC)
Academic challenges, requests for academic support, requests for special accommodations Student Disabilities Resources (SDR)
Academic challenges, requests for academic support, ongoing absenteeism, failure to submit assignments, etc. Student Success Center

Behavioral Intervention Team

The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) serves as the centralized campus team for discussion and coordinated action regarding reports of disruptive, problematic or concerning behavior or misconduct from co-workers, students, community members, friends, colleagues, etc. Upon receipt, the Team reviews the report, assesses the threat and determines the best referrals for support, intervention, warning/notification and response. Core members of the team include representatives from Title IX/DHR, Student Affairs, University Police, Human Resources, Health and Wellness, and Student Conduct.