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Bucket List

Make your experience at CSUMB a memorable one! Explore all that CSUMB and the Monterey Peninsula has to offer! Complete all 30 items on the list and send an email (confirming with your challenge pictures, ticket stubs, etc.) to claim your CSUMB Bucket List swag!

1. Attend an Otter Days event to kick off the academic year

2. Catch a wave or some rays at any of our local beaches

3. Volunteer through the Community Engagement

4. Get your photo taken with Monte Rey

5. Join one of CSUMB's 100+ Student Organizations (learn more at Otter Showcase)

6. Visit one of the peninsula farmers' markets

7. Soak up the sun on the Main Quad

8. Attend an MB Athletics game of your choice

9. Vote for your student leaders in an Associated Students election

10. Go on an adventure with Recreation

11. Eat at a locally-owned restaurant

12. Visit OC3 or attend one of their dialogues

13. Pose with the Clint Eastwood boulders near the Alumni Visitor Center (AVC) for good luck!

14. Attend a Concert sponsored by Otter Student Union (OSU)

15. Enroll in a fitness class, or use the Otter Sports Center

16. Witness the basketball team begin their season at Midnight Madness

17. Bring a buddy to your RA's program

18. Attend a Capstone Festival

19. Use a free pass to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

20. Wear CSUMB gear on MB Mondays to show your Otter Pride

21. Get late night breakfast at RHA's Eggs After Dark event

22. Challenge friends to billiards or ping pong

23. Prepare for your future by attending a career fair or networking event

24. Listen to or share your own talents at an RHA Open Mic Night event

25. Attend a Study Abroad information session or become an Otter Buddy

26. Visit the Center for Advising, Career, and Student Success

27. Use your Otter ID card to catch a free ride with MST anywhere on the peninsula

28. Set up your course pathway with your academic advisor

29. Find the perfect study spot at the Tanimura and Antle Family Memorial Library

30. Choose your own adventure!

Don't feel like doing something on the list? Substitute up to 3 list items with a with a legal and ethical challenge of your choice.