Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jenny Duggan
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Environmental Science and an affiliate with the Department of Biology and Chemistry. My training is primarily in the fields of behavioral landscape ecology and mammalogy. I enjoy conducting research that can inform conservation and management while also testing ecological theory. I'm also interested in research used to improve science education.
Graduate Students
Emily Kelvin
M.S. student examining effects of vegetation management on rodent movements into crop fields.
Kat Molinari
M.S. student interested in the ecology of reptiles found in habitats of coastal California.
Colette English
M.S. student using drone technology to conduct surveys of the Pajaro River watershed.
Lucas Raymond
M.S. student excited about working in conservation, community ecology, and entomology.
Janette Perez-Jimenez
M.S. student examining responses of bats to removal of invasive vegetation along the Salinas River.
Bethany Schulze
M.S. student (co-advised) assessing foraging habitat of bats along urbanization gradients.
Sarah Winkel
M.S. student interested in developing and implementing management actions to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
Caroline Bolen
M.S. student interested in management that benefits community ecology and ecosystem health.
Rebecca Roberts
M.S. student comparing wildlife communities among various types of agricultural ditches.
Josh Beasley
M.S. student studying the ecology and conservation of herpetofauna in central coastal California.
Sam Gautreaux
M.S. student (2023 graduate) interested in vegetation mapping and river restoration in Monterey County.
Matt McGee
M.S. student (2023 graduate) used camera stations to investigate mesopredator release along urbanization gradients.
Erika Garig
M.S. Student (2023 graduate) interested in using fuel reduction to benefit the conservation of California wildlife.
Jess Sutton
M.S. student (2023 graduate) interested in studying the flora and fauna of California's central coast to aid in conservation efforts.
Duncan Miller
M.S. student (2022 graduate) monitoring management potential of ruminant grazing on coastal grassland habitats in central California.
Monica Sanchez
M.S. student (2022 graduate) working in water conservation and land management in California's agricultural areas.
Amanda Preece
M.S. student (2020 graduate) investigating factors driving reproductive success of native song birds in urban green spaces.
Undergraduate Students
Mario Coronado Cartmell
UROC Researcher (2023) testing effects of acorn predation on valley oak recruitment at the Santa Lucia Preserve.
Emily Donahue
UROC Scholar (2022) examining spatial and temporal patterns of fish choruses in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Monica Urias
UROC researcher (2022) assessing habitat needs of amphibians in the UC Ft Ord Natural Reserve and the Ft Ord National Monument.
Phoebe Lord
Undergraduate researcher (2022 graduate) radio tracked the frequency and duration of deer mouse movements into leafy green crop fields.
Diego Salgado
UROC researcher (2022) examining effects of native plant restoration on pollinator abundance and richness in local urban parks.
Sienna Carrillo
Undergraduate researcher (2022) identifying animals in photos from wildlife camera stations set along local urbanization gradients.
Annabelle McCarthy
UROC researcher (2020-2022) in the LSAMP Rising Researcher Program studying bird nest success in urban green spaces.
Katherine Molinari
Undergraduate researcher (2021) assessing ecosystem services to better inform the natural resource management of Pacific Grove, CA.
Jessica Whitaker
Undergraduate researcher (2021) assessing ecosystem services to inform natural resource management in the city of Pacific Grove, CA.
Carlo Battaglia
Undergraduate researcher (2021) identifying wildlife in photos from camera stations set along urbanization gradients in Salinas, CA.
Hannah Carrell
UROC researcher (2019-2020) examining the relationship between acoustic bat call numbers and insect activity along the Salinas River.
Thomy Tran
UROC researcher (2019) using hole-board tests to determine if personality characteristics of shrubland small mammals are related to trappability.
Miya Fukutomi
UROC researcher (2019 graduate) using hole-board tests to determine if personality characteristics of small mammals are related to foraging locations.
Deven Jimenez
UROC researcher (2019 graduate) using radio telemetry to track responses of woodrats to nonconsumptive recreational disturbances at the UC Fort Ord Natural Reserve.
Marinn Browne
UROC researcher (2019 graduate) observing if California ground squirrel activity differs between locations with and without active pest management.
Yimin Gu
UROC researcher (2019) in Community College Apprentice Research Experience (CCARE) comparing efficacy of 3 types of shrew traps.
Yucheol Shin
UROC researcher (2018 International Student) examining diversity of herpetofauna among habitats at UC Ft Ord.
Rebecca Roberts
UROC researcher (2018 graduate) using hole-board tests to determine if personalities of rodents relate to foraging locations.
Bailey Gastelum
UROC researcher (2018 graduate) assessing wildlife handling preferred for entry-level positions in wildlife biology.
Andrew Caudillo
UROC researcher (2018 graduate) sampling arachnids to compare diversity among habitats at the UC Fort Ord Natural Reserve.
Mei Liu Owens
UROC researcher in the Transfer Student Summer Researcher Program (2018) radio tracking woodrat responses to recreation.
Rubi Rangel
UROC researcher (2018 graduate) observing if CA ground squirrel activity differs between locations with and without active pest management.
Isabella Munguia
UROC researcher (2018 graduate) observing if CA ground squirrels vary foraging and vigilance behaviors across an urbanization gradient in Monterey, CA.
Mary Hernandez
UROC researcher (2017 graduate) using hole-board tests to examine personalities of CA ground squirrels along urbanization gradients.
Adriane Baade
UROC researcher (2017 graduate) using Giving Up Densities to test if foraging behavior of small mammals varies with distance from canine scent.
Samantha Gautreaux and Bridget Rittmann (2017-2018)
Undergraduate volunteers
Matt Kendall (2017)
Undergraduate student volunteer
Kendall Emerick (2016-2017)
Undergraduate student volunteer