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College of Science

Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology


Peer-reviewed publications

Dizney, L., Duggan, J. M., Connors, P., Lanier, H., Varner, J., Flaherty, E. A., Erb, L., and C. Yahnke. 2023. Response to Messager et al.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Flaherty, E., Lanier, H. C., Varner, J., Duggan, J. M., Beckmann, S., Yahnke, C. J., Erb, L. P., Patrick, L. E., Dizney, L., Munroe, K. E., and P. K. Connors. 2023. Teaching Mammalogy in the 21st century: advances in undergraduate education. Journal of Mammalogy.

Patrick, L. E., Duggan, J. M., and L. Dizney. 2023. Integrating evidence-based teaching practices into the Mammalogy classroom. Journal of Mammalogy.

Yahnke, C. J., Lanier, H. C., Flaherty, E., Varner, J., Munroe, K. E, Duggan, J. M., Erb, L. P., Dizney, L., P. K. Connors. 2023. What should students be able to do? Helping students recognize professional skills in our courses. Journal of Mammalogy.

Shin, Y., Miller, J., and J. M. Duggan. 2021. Observations on the year-round communal use of an artificial structure by Northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) in coastal Central California. Herpetological Bulletin. 155:25-27.

Connors, P. K., Lanier, H. C., Erb, L. P., Varner, J., Dizney, L., Flaherty, E. A., Duggan, J. M., Yahnke, C. J., and J. D. Hanson. 2021. Connected while distant: Networking CUREs across classrooms to create community and empower students. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 61: E494-E495.

Dizney, L., Varner, J., Duggan, J. M., Lanier, H. C., Connors, P. K., Erb, L., Flaherty, E., Yahnke, C., and J. D. Hanson. 2021. Squirreling from afar: adapting Squirrel-Net modules for remote teaching and learning. CourseSource

Dizney, L., Connors, P. K., Duggan, J. M., Varner, J., Lanier, H. C., Erb, L., Flaherty, E., Yahnke, C., and J. D. Hanson. 2020. An introduction to Squirrel-Net teaching modules. CourseSource

Duggan, J. M., Varner, J., Lanier, H. C., Flaherty, E., Dizney, L., Yahnke, C., Connors, P. K., Erb, L., and J. D. Hanson. 2020. Squirrels in space: using radio telemetry to explore the space use and movement of sciurid rodents. CourseSource

Yahnke, C. Dizney, L., Varner, J., Duggan, J. M., Erb, L., Lanier, H., Flaherty, E., Connors, P. K., and J. D. Hanson. 2020. Sorry to eat and run: a lesson plan for testing trade-offs in squirrel behavior using giving up densities (GUDs). CourseSource

Connors, P. K., Varner, J., Erb, L., Dizney, L., Lanier, H. C., Hanson, J. D., Yahnke, C., Duggan, J. M., and E. Flaherty. 2020. Squirreling around for science: observing sciurid rodents to investigate animal behavior. CourseSource

Varner, J., Lanier, H. C., Duggan, J. M., Dizney, L., Flaherty, E., Connors, P. K., Erb, L., Yahnke, C., and J. D. Hanson. 2020. How many squirrels are in the shrubs? A lesson for comparing methods for population estimation. CourseSource

Ma, S., Duggan, J. M., Eichelberger, B., McNally, B., Foster, J., Pepi, E., Conte, M., Daily, G., and G. Ziv. 2016. Valuation of ecosystem services to inform management of multiple-use landscapes. Ecosystem Services

Duggan, J. M., Eichelberger, B., Ma, S., Lawler, J. J., and G. Ziv. 2015. Informing management of rare species with an approach combining scenario modeling and spatially explicit risk assessment. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability

Krosby, M.,Wilsey, C. B., McGuire, J. L., Duggan, J. M., Heinrichs, J. A., Nogeire, T. M., Tewksbury, J. J., and J. J.Lawler. 2015. Climate-induced range overlap among closely related species. Nature Climate Change

Nogeire, T. M., Davis, F. W., Duggan, J. M., Crooks, K. R., and E. E. Boydston. 2013. Carnivore use of avocado orchards across an agricultural-wildland gradient. PLoS ONE

Duggan, J. M., Schooley, R. L., and E. J. Heske. 2012. Gap-crossing decisions by adult Franklin’s ground squirrels in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Mammalogy 93:1231-1239.

Duggan, J. M., Schooley, R. L., and E. J. Heske. 2011. Modeling occupancy dynamics of a rare species, Franklin’s ground squirrel, with limited data: are simple connectivity metrics adequate? Landscape Ecology 26:1477-1490.

Duggan, J. M., Heske, E. J., Schooley, R. L., Hurt, A., and A. Whitelaw. 2011. Comparing detection dog and livetrapping surveys for a cryptic rodent. The Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1209-1217.

Diffendorfer, J. E., Fleming, G. M., Duggan, J. M., Chapman, R. E., Rahn, M.E., Mitrovitch, M. J., and R. N. Fisher. 2007. Developing terrestrial, multi-taxon indices of biological integrity: an example from coastal sage scrub. Biological Conservation 140:130-141.

Non-peer-reviewed publications

Flaherty, E. A., Varner, J., Duggan, J. M., Connors, P. K., Dizney, L., and members of the Squirrel-Net Consortium. 2019. A CURE for the common course: Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences could benefit wildlife undergraduates. The Wildlife Professional. 13: 32-35.

Duggan, J. M. 2017. Dulzura kangaroo rat, Dipodomys simulans. In Tremor, S., D. Stokes, D., Spencer, W., Diffendorfer, J., Thomas, H., Chivers, S., and P. Unitt, editors. San Diego County Mammal Atlas. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 46.

Duggan, J. M. 2017. California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. In Tremor, S., D. Stokes, D., Spencer, W., Diffendorfer, J., Thomas, H., Chivers, S., and P. Unitt, editors. San Diego County Mammal Atlas. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 46.

Duggan, J. M. 2017. Brush mouse, Peromyscus boylii. In Tremor, S., D. Stokes, D., Spencer, W., Diffendorfer, J., Thomas, H., Chivers, S., and P. Unitt, editors. San Diego County Mammal Atlas. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 46.

Duggan, J. M. 2017. Cactus mouse, Peromyscus eremicus. In Tremor, S., D. Stokes, D., Spencer, W., Diffendorfer, J., Thomas, H., Chivers, S., and P. Unitt, editors. San Diego County Mammal Atlas. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History 46.

Conte, M. N., G. C. Daily, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, J. M. Duggan, B.A. Eichelberger, Y. Ghile, G. M. Kaiser, S. Ma, B. W. McNally, E. M. Rauer, M.H. Ruckelshaus, G. Ziv. 2016. Enlisting ecosystem services: quantification and valuation of ecosystem services to inform base management. ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program) ProjectRC-201113. Prepared for the Department of Defense.

Schooley, R. L., E. J. Heske, and J. M. Duggan. 2011. Developing effective survey and habitatevaluation procedures for Franklin’s Ground Squirrels. Final report for Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program Project W-152-R. Prepared for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Duggan, J. M., Heske, E. J., Schooley, R. L., and A. Hurt. 2009. Finding Franklin’s. Outdoor Illinois. Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Spencer, W., Diffendorfer, J. E., Tremor, S., Beyers, J., Fleming, G. M., Soto-Centeno, A., Duggan, J. M., Morin, D., Hogan, D., and P. Schuette. 2006. Fire effects on chaparral-associated mammals: Progress on a multi-year study following the Cedar fire. Third International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, San Diego, CA.

Diffendorfer, J. E., Fleming G. M., Duggan, J. M., Chapman. R., and D.Hogan. 2004. Creating and index of biological integrity for coastal sage scrub: A tool for habitat quality assessment and monitoring. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game.

Diffendorfer, J. E., Chapman, R. E., Duggan, J. M., Fleming, G. M.,Mitrovitch, M., Rahn, M. E., and R. del Rosario. 2002. Coastal sage scrub response to disturbance. A literature review and annotated bibliography. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game.

Diffendorfer, J. E., Chapman, R. E, Duggan, J. M., and G. M. Fleming. 2002. An analysis of monitoring data in light of small mammal, plant, and bird responses to disturbance in CSS and the development of an index of biological integrity. Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Game.