UndocuAlly Training Mission
The mission of the UndocuAlly training is to identify, educate, and support allies by creating awareness of the current laws and legislation surrounding the undocumented student population. This training will address how to better serve and support our undocumented students, and to build a campus culture that acknowledges, integrates, and accepts students from diverse backgrounds. To ensure access to educational opportunities and promote a sense of belonging for all students regardless of their immigration status. Allies are individuals within the CSUMB community who consider themselves knowledgeable about undocumented issues and provide advocacy by supporting our undocumented students. To foster an atmosphere of support and inclusivity for our undocumented and mixed-status student population at CSUMB.
Course Name: CSU-Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community
Training Sections Overview
- Section 1: What is an Ally? Why Is Allyship Important?
- Section 2: Key Definitions
- Section 3: Diversity in the Undocumented Community
- Section 4: Building My Allyship Skills
- Section 5: Campus Legal Resources
- Section 6: Resources for Allies
- Section 7: Allyship Pledge
Logging into your CSU Learn portal is the first step to becoming a CSU UndocuAlly for undocumented and mixed-status students. The web page link below will take you straight to the training course.
After completing the training please email the Undocu-Success Center at undocusuccess@csumb.edu to receive your certificate of completion.
- Who can register for the training?
CSU administrators, faculty, and staff, including student employees, benefit from becoming an UndocuAlly.
- How long does the training take to complete?
The training can be completed in approximately 2-3 hours depending on the pace of the trainee.
- Does the training have to be completed all at once?
No, SumTotal will save your progress as you advance on the training modules.
- Will I receive a certificate of completion from SumTotal after successfully completing the training?
Yes, below is the certifications you will acquire upon successful completion of this activity. CSU-Becoming an Ally to the Undocumented Community: This is a Certification.
- I just completed an activity, where do I print out my certificate?
All completed activities are available via the Transcript tile on the dashboard of SumTotal. Please refer to the How to Access Training Transcript Article.
- Will I receive a certificate of completion from the Undocu-Success Center after successfully completing the training?
You can also receive a separate certificate of acknowledgement for completing the training from the Undocu-Success Center. Please email the Undocu-Success Center at undocusuccess@csumb.edu to request your certificate.
- Where can I access SumTotal Frequently Asked Questions?
Please visit the SumTotal FAQs website.
- Who do I contact if I need technical assistance?
Please email training@csumb.edu
- Establish a foundation of knowledge to support undocumented students and students of mixed-status families.
- Provide an opportunity for campus faculty and staff to express their concerns and fears for undocumented students on campus and how to better assist them and facilitate their academic journey.
- Explore best practices to create an inclusive classroom for all students regardless of their immigration status.
- Create a campus environment that supports undocumented students' academic and career goals and social and personal growth.
- Establish a campus network of allies that can provide resources, assistance, and guidance towards undocumented students.
- Create campus awareness about the concerns and needs of undocumented students.
- To promote a campus culture that acknowledges students from diverse backgrounds.
- To promote a campus culture free of discrimination.
- Someone who is motivated in providing support and advocacy for undocumented students.
- Is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of students' immigration status.
- Helps students by supporting their academic endeavors.
- Acknowledges that undocumented students have a right to be enrolled in the university.
- Creates an atmosphere of trust and respect pertaining to undocumented issues.
- Listens openly, yet does not question the student's immigration status.
- Handles students’ emotions with empathy and support.
- Provides professional resources to students when needed.
- Identifies discriminatory behavior towards undocumented students and reports it.
- Glossary of Immigration Terms
- Admissions Process
- About AB 540 / AB 2000 / SB 68
- CSU Resources for Undocumented Students
- Protecting Student Data in California
- Guide for Advisors: A guide and other training resources for advisors.
- Policy Advocacy Tools
- Immigrants Rising
- UndocuCollege Guide and Equity Tool
Department Position Name Email College Support Programs Undocu Success Coordinator Guillermo Metelin Bock gmetelin-bock@csumb.edu Thank you to the systemwide committee who developed this course:
- Dr. Ana Aguayo-Bryant, CSU Chancellor's Office
- Magaly Corro Flores, San Diego State
- Polet Hernandez Perez, Stanislaus State
- Jairo Leon, Cal State San Bernardino
- Luis Mendiola, Cal State Long Beach student
- Guillermo Metelin Bock, CSU Monterey Bay
- Diana Rea Flores, Fresno State
- Dr. Norma Salcedo, Cal State Long Beach
- Cynthia Torres, San Diego State
- CSU Systemwide Learning & Development
In addition, many thanks to:
- Dulce, CSU Monterey Bay graduate student, for providing their thoughts on CSU support of undocumented students.
- Fatima, Cal State Long Beach undergraduate student, for providing their thoughts on CSU support of undocumented students.
- Heaven Razon, CSU Monterey Bay student, for providing UndocuAlly wordmark.