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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

2017 CSU Student Research Competition

(Back Row: Sarah Coffin, James Vongsaroj, Katrina Conen, Jayme Luna; Front Row: Char'Mane Robinson, Cecilia Garcia

The CSU Student Research Competition is held each spring to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments across the 23 CSU campuses. This year, the competition was held at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on April 28-29, 2017.

CSUMB sent six undergraduate delegates to the competition accompanied by faculty mentors Dr. Danielle Burchett and Dr. Brian Cook. UROC's Outreach Specialist, Megan Bassett also accompanied the group.

Congratulations to the delegates! 

  • Sarah Coffin, Environmental Science & Psychology; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour, Seeing through the Eyes of an Albatross: Perspective-Taking at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Katrina Conen & Jayme Luna, Psychology; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Danielle Burchett, Impact of Using Raw Versus Uniform T Scores in MMPI-2-RF Descriptive and Inferential Research
  • Cecilia Garcia, Biology; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Henrik Kibak, RNA interference (RNAi) control of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci MEAM1
  • Char' Mane Robinson, Environmental Science; Faculty Mentor: John Silveus, A statistical and spatial analysis of chemical contaminants in Cocos Lagoon, Guam -__1st Place Award
  • James Vongsaroj, Kinesiology; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brian Cook, Examining Temperament in Exercise Dependence and Eating Disorders - 1st Place Award
"The CSU SRC has been a rewarding team experience that boosted my confidence to continue researching and pursuing an advanced degree. A personal thank you to the UROC program, my faculty mentor, and professors for helping me to achieve this award."
Char' Mane Robinson
James Vongsaroj with his mentor Dr. Brian Cook
CSUMB attendees
"Winning first place to me means more than just winning a competition. This victory has opened many opportunities for me and helped me know that I’m able to work hard towards a goal and accomplish difficult goals. My goal was to have the best experience I could ever had. I’ve gained much confidence and trust in myself that will help as I work towards earning my Doctor of Physical Therapy degree."
James Vongsaroj