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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Application Access & Deadlines

Applications for each term will be approximately 1 month before the deadline. Scroll down to view application deadlines and to access applications. Applicants and mentors will be notified of their acceptance into the UROC Program via email approximately 2-3 weeks after applications close.

Research mentors will be given a 2-day grace period after the deadline to access and complete the Statement of Support component of the application.

Application Deadlines

Semester UROC Researcher Application Deadline Koret Scholars  Deadline Scholars/McNair Scholars
Summer 2024 Thursday, April 25th @3pm n/a n/a
Fall 2024 Thursday, July 25th @3pm n/a Friday, October 18th @3pm

If you are applying for the first time to the UROC Researchers Program, please complete the New Researchers application.

Click on the button below to access all live applications. Email Jessica Bautista if you have any questions or concerns.  
