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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Fall Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Showcase

UROC hosted the second annual Fall Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Showcase on November 30, 2016. The Showcase is designed to highlight and support undergraduate research projects, scholarship, and creative activity at CSUMB.

This year we had ten oral presentations, including two group presentations for a total of fifteen student presenters. Topics ranged from molecular biology, to kinesiology and marine science. Each student, or research group, completed a ten minute oral presentation on their research, followed by a brief question and answer period.

UROC models the presentation format and evaluation criteria after the CSU Research Competition. Winners of the Fall Showcase are encouraged to apply to the CSU Research Competition in spring. The winners this year were:

1st place- Nicole Barbour (UROC Researcher): Spatial and temporal variability on the Monterey Bay sandy continental shelf 2nd place- Gina Dabbah (UROC Scholar): Ascospore dissemination in mummified blueberries 3rd place-Jacob Green (UROC Scholar): Juvenile rockfish enzymatic response to ocean acidification
