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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Funding Your Research Travel

UROC may have funds to finance travel expenses for active UROC participants that are:

  • presenting oral or poster research presentations at professional conferences
    • Many conferences offer travel awards, grants or scholarships. UROC requires that you investigate whether the host organization offers Travel awards. If so, you are required to apply for these funds, which are often due 4-6 months before the conference. Plan ahead.
  • Visiting prospective graduate schools (McNair Scholars only)
  • Traveling for the purpose of summer research (UROC Scholars/McNair Scholars only)

Travel grants are available through other agencies and professional conferences often offer travel awards that students can apply for. It is strongly advised that students apply for travel grants or awards prior to applying for UROC travel funding.

Note that in comparison to travel for presenting research, funding for graduate school visits and summer research is much more limited. Applications are still welcome, but not all will receive awards.

How to apply for a UROC Travel Award

To provide you with funding for these trips, we ask that you complete a Travel Award Request Form six weeks minimum before your expected travel date. Refer to the UROC Travel Award Policy, and complete the any process for obtaining instructor consent for missing university classes for research-related travel. We also require that you investigate whether the host organization offers Travel awards. If so, you are required to apply for these funds.

Travel funding is restricted to approved states only. If your travel funding request is in a banned state, travel funding may still possible, but will require you to complete the travel award request form eight weeks minimum before expected travel for possible approval. 

Other travel awards