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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Graduate School Research Fellowships & Resources

What is a fellowship? "A short-term, funded, merit-based opportunity to do something exceptional."

Graduate school fellowships

Why apply for a fellowship? Because it helps fund graduate school. Below is a selection of opportunities for fellowships.

NOTE: Reference each fellowship for the latest deadlines and application criteria and requirements.

Fellowship Field Support
DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program Computational approaches to STEM fields  
GEM Fellowship Program Science, Engineering  
National Physical Science Consortium Graduate Fellowship Physical Sci.  
NOAA Nancy Foster Scholarship Program Marine Sci. UROC 
NIH Ruth Kirchstein National Research Service Award Biomedical Sci.  
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Exceptional Research Opportunities Program \(EXROP\) Gilliam Fellowship Biomedical Sci.  
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Humanities, Social Sciences  
Soros Fellowships for New Americans All UROC 
Knight-Hennessey Scholars, Stanford University  All programs at Stanford University  UROC 
Marshall Scholarship  All Masters or Doctoral Programs at various UK Institutions. UROC 
Project Horseshoe Farms Public health, medicine, community leadership, community health.   

Fellowship Resources

Harvard Webinar: How to Find and Win Competitive Fellowships

Writing a Strong Fellowship Research Proposal

How to Write a Winning Fulbright Proposal

VIDEO: Expressing the "Why" in the Personal Statement