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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

LSAMP Rising Researcher Program

As of February 2023, the LSAMP Rising Researchers program will be put on hold. Please visit our other research programs for other ways to get involved. 

The goal of the CSU Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) @ Monterey Bay is to increase the participation of individuals who face or have faced social, education, or economic barriers to careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering , and Math.

The LSAMP Rising Researcher Program is a consecutive three term (spring, summer, and fall) undergraduate research program that provides incoming CSUMB LSAMP transfer students opportunities to engage in funded research placements with CSUMB faculty mentors on individual research projects. This program is designed to provide professional, academic, and research funding to students, build educational ownership, scholarly identity, and community.

Program Benefits

Along with UROC LSAMP benefits, this program provides:

  • Research funding for three consecutive terms(spring, summer, and fall)
    • Paid research during fall and spring semesters
    • Paid research for summer (must participate in UROC Summer Research Program)
  • Hands-on research guided by CSUMB faculty
    • If you do not have a research mentor for fall semester, we will work with you to identify a research mentor
  • Monthly cohort meetings
  • UROC Conference Presentation Travel Awards
  • Research Supply Request

Application Requirements

Complete LSAMP Rising Researcher Application. The application includes:

  • Academic Resume or CV
  • Unofficial transcript from community college and CSUMB, if available
  • Personal Statement
    • Describe your background and the personal experiences that have led you to where you are today in your educational and professional career. Do not hesitate to express relevant circumstances or obstacles in your personal or academic background. 500 words max.
    • Looking forward, what are you graduate/career goals? 250 words max.
  • One Letter of Recommendation
    • As part of the online application, each application will be asked to submit the name and email of the letter writer. This individual will receive an email prompting them to submit a letter of recommendation on the applicant's behalf. 


  • Must be a recent transfer students from a community college starting CSUMB in Fall 2021.
  • Must be a CSUMB LSAMP participant.
  • Must complete the UROC Research Rookies program by November 20, 2021
  • Must be able to participate for three consecutive terms (spring, summer, and fall).
  • Applicants must be committed to pursuing a graduate degree.


  • Must conduct research during the spring, summer and fall semesters.
  • Participate in UROC's Summer Research Program (early June - early August). 
  • Attend monthly cohort meetings.
  • Create an e-portfolio and continuously improve throughout the program.
  • Attend and present at SACNAS’ National Diversity in STEM conference (October).
  • Attend monthly UROC's Speaker Series (1st Thursday of each month).
Ready to Apply?