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Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center


Undergraduate Research Week

On November 16, 2011 the U.S. House of Representatives declared a week in April as "Undergraduate Research Week." UROC hosts many events during the week to celebrate undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity at CSUMB.

2023 National Undergraduate Research Week

UROC is excited to host 2023 Undergraduate Research Week. Throughout the week, UROC will be hosting a number of different of events and workshops open to all CSUMB students. Workshops will be offered in-person and hybrid. All events can be found on MyRaft

  • McNair Mixer and Panel (McNair only) ~ Monday, April 17th, 4 - 6 p.m.
  • The President's Talk (invite only) ~ Tuesday, April 18th, 12 - 1:50 p.m.
  • Scholarships and Fellowships 101: Funding your Education and Research ~ Tuesday, April 19th, 4 - 5 p.m.
  • Graduate Student Panel ~ Wednesday, April 19th, 4 - 5:50 p.m.
  • LGBTQ+ Voices in STEM ~ Thursday, April 20th, 10 - 11 a.m.
  • Continuation Education: EdD vs PhD ~ Thursday, April 20th, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • You've been accepted to a summer research opp. Now what? ~ Thursday, April 20th, 12 - 1 p.m.
  • Ethics in Research and Practice ~ Thursday, April 20th, 1 - 2 p.m.
  • What does research in business look like? ~ Thursday, April 20th, 3 - 4 p.m.
  • Professional Headshots Friday, April 21st, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Research Fair ~ Friday, April. 21st, 1 - 3 p.m.
  • Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Spring Showcase ~ Friday, April 21st, 12 - 4 p.m.
  • UROC is excited to host 2022 Undergraduate Research Week. Throughout the week, UROC will be hosting a number of different of events and workshops open to all CSUMB students. All workshops will be offered over Zoom. We hope to see you there!

    • From Costa Rica to Ph.D. with Elizabeth Reyes Gallegos, CSUMB and UROC Alumna ~ Monday, April 18, 2pm-3pm PST
    • What is the GRE? with Dr. Jessica Bautista, Research Associate, & Corin White, Curriculum Associate ~ Monday, April 18, 3pm-4pm PST
    • You've been accepted to a Summer Research Program. Now What? with Dr. Jessica Bautista, Research Associate, & Dr. Corin White, Curriculum Associate ~ April 19, 12pm PST
    • Ethics in Research and Ethics with Dr. Renee Penalver, Assistant Professor ~ April 19, 3pm-4pm PST
    • Letters of Recommendation: Tips to Secure Stellar Reference Letters for Any Application with Natasha Oehlman, Professional Writing and Communication Associate ~ April 19, 4pm-5pm PST
    • College of Business Research Open House with College of Business Faculty ~ April 20, 10am PST
    • Addressing Obstacles for LGBTQ+ Individuals in STEM and Research with Charles Scrivner, UROC Scholars ~ April 20, 2pm-3pm PST
    • Writing to Win: Crafting a Personal Statements for Applications with Natasha Oehlman, Professional Writing and Communication Associate ~ April 20, 3pm-4pm PST
    • McNair Advisory Panel: From McNair to CSUMB moderated by Wendy Feng, McNair Scholar ~ April 20, 4pm PST
    • LSAMP Gathering (invite only) with Wendy Feng & Alexandra Yokomizo, LSAMP Members ~ April 21, 12pm PST
    • Demystifying Publishing as an Undergrad with Nikole Babcock, UROC Scholar & Jocelyn Chavez Diaz, McNair Scholar ~ April 21, 2pm-3pm PST
    • Graduate School Interviews and Acceptances with Natasha Oehlman, Professional Writing and Communication Associate ~ April 21, 3pm-4pm PST
    • Spring Showcase 2022 ~ April 22, 1pm-4pm PST
  • UROC is excited to host 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Week. Throughout the week, UROC will be hosting a number of different of events and workshops open to all CSUMB students. More details on each event, including login information, will be available in April.

    • Too Diverse for STEM with Dr. Melissa Callaghan, CSUMB & UROC Alumna ~ Monday, April 19, 1pm-2pm PST
    • From CSUMB to PhD with CSUMB Faculty & Staff McNair Professional Panel~ Tuesday, April 20, 12:30-2pm PST
    • McNair College of Business with Dr. Ishva Minefee, Iowa State & Dr. Jenny Lin, College of Business, CSUMB. Tuesday, April 20, 3-4pm PST
    • NSF GRFP Introduction & Workshop with UROC Scholars and Writing Fellow Sam Miller and Ally Morris. Wednesday, April 21, 11-12pm PST
    • An Evening with McNair Alum with McNair CSUMB Alum Ari Perez, Alexandra Taylor Cervantes, and Daniel Olivares- Zambrano. Wednesday, April 21, 4-5:50pm PST
    • Funding your Graduate Education with Dr. Heather Haeger. Thursday, April 22, 10-11am PST
    • I was accepted into an REU...Now what? with Dr. Jessica Bautista. Thursday, April 22, 1-2pm PST
  • Undergraduate Research Week is April 20-24, 2020. Join CSUMB and UROC in celebrating this week by highlighting the abundance and diversity of undergraduate research on our campus.

    Grad School 101 - April 22, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    Interested in going to graduate school, but not sure where to start? Join us for this low-stakes introduction to graduate school and learn more about the admission process led by Don Asher. All students and staff interested in participating must RSVP. A Google Calendar invite will be sent you containing log-in information.

    Navigating Academic Spaces - April 22, 5:00PM - 6:00PM

    "I know I want to go to grad school! I have my CV, GRE, and personal statement ready. What else am I missing?" If you believe you already know quite a bit, but just need a bit more guidance, this may be the workshop for you. Come explore everything you should consider before you apply with Don Asher, author of eleven books on careers, job search, and higher education.

    UROC Virtual Happy Hour - April 23, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    This special faculty-only event will offer an opportunity for UROC Mentors and interested faculty for a virtual discussion on how to continuing supporting and engaging undergraduate students in scholarly activity.

    SACNAS Mixer!

    The SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) Chapter at CSUMB will be hosting a virtual mixer. Join faculty and other students for an hour of games, mind hacks, and friendly conversation.

    Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Spring Showcase - April 23-24

    Please join us for this year's Virtual Spring Showcase! CSUMB's Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Showcase is a forum for both graduate and undergraduate students to share their research, scholarship, and creative work(s) within CSUMB and the surrounding community. Students have been working hard on transitioning their traditionally poster and oral presentations to a digital platform.

  • In response to Covid-19, as of March 13, 2020, all Undergraduate Research Week events have been moved to a virtual platform or postponed to fall 2020.

    Monday, April 20

    Professional Communication

    Effective professional communication is integral in the workplace. Learn how to efficiently communicate with others through this informative workshop.

    What Did They Say? An Inquiry Into Interpersonal Communication

    Generally, people are unaware of what research is and how it is conducted in various disciplines. Even novice researchers can make mistakes when communicating their work or following procedures. Come join us for an interactive look into the world of research communication.

    Tuesday, April 21

    College of Sciences Open House

    Labs throughout the Chapman Science Center are opening their doors to showcase research across the multiple fields of study in CSUMB's College of Science. Students will also tour the CSUMB Natural History Museum. This open house event is a great opportunity to meet mentors and get to learn how to get involved in their research!

    Hands-On Psychology: Virtual Reality and Fun Research Activities to Try

    The Dept. of Psychology will be hosting Virtual Reality demonstrations in addition to a number of hands-on activities to illustrate some of thew ays in which psychological research is conducted, utilized, and relevant to every day life. Come have fun with us in the west wing of Heron Hall!

    Faculty Panel: UROC Mentors

    Why do mentors choose to become mentors? Come learn from faculty about the impact mentoring undergraduates has had on them and what they've learned along the way.

    Archives Open House

    The CSUMB Library Archives and Special Collections invites the community to a series of open house events to see highlights of CSUMB history and notable pieces from the library's special collections. The library's Archives Specialist will be there to talk about these unique materials and answer all your questions. Also happening on April 22 and April 23

    Wednesday, April 22

    College of Business Open House

    The open house will take from as a round table discussion group where current undergraduate researchers will present their research, share their journey and experiences with prospective students, giving you a peek as to what it looks like to be involved in research. Mentors will also discuss exciting research projects and opportunities. This a great chance for you to speak to potential mentors and form collaborative relationships.

    Introduction to Special Collections & Archives

    Join CSUMB Library Archives and Special Collections for an interactive workshop. Learn what archives are, how they are significant, and how they can help with research projects. Find rare and unique materials in the library archives and practice handling those materials safely. Included in the workshop is a tour of Archives and Special Collections.

    Grad School Workshop with Don Asher

    Thinking about graduate school? Come explore everything you should consider before you apply with Don Asher, author of eleven books on careers, job search, and higher education.

    See the Sea: Research below the ocean's surface!

    Thursday, April 23

    Maker Space Challenge

    Visitors "research" alternative uses of a "mystery material" and create a unique project.

    A Whole New World: What Does Psychological Science Look Like?

    Are you passionate about mental health? Come learn how science can be used to improve mental health services, to get paid as a researcher, address important issues within the field of psychology, and participate in a technology being used to treat various ailments.

    Research Is More Than A Lab Coat?

    We're all trying to find our "path" in college. Is research your path? Come create art and gain a new perspective of what research is and can be.

    Friday, April 23

    HCOM Open House

    Come join us in the CAHSS Atrium for light brunch and informal dialogue about undergraduate research opportunities in HCOM! We will have HCOM faculty mentors and HCOM UROC student scholars and researchers on hand to discuss their experiences. Bring your questions and ideas.

  • Monday, April 8th

    Discover the Future: Research & Graduate School

    Featuring Barry Goldwater Scholar and CSUMB Alumni Juan Cerda, this event starts with a talk from Juan about his path through graduate school at Penn State, his research, and a Q&A session. This session followed by a panel of current undergraduate researchers sharing their experiences on graduate school preparation and research. Come learn about how research can be a gateway to graduate school. Pizza will be served.

    The Best of Both Worlds: Work/Life Balance

    Join researchers in exploring the best ways to take care of yourself, stay on top of your research, and be a good student. It may seem impossible, but time management tips, research methods, and a Q&A with student researchers will shed some light on the subject. Pizza will be served.

    Tuesday, April 9th

    Coffee with a Researcher

    Enjoy coffee, tea, and pastries with current UROC researchers in a casual conversation about research, graduate school, post graduation plans, and how undergraduate research can help meet your goals. Staff and students alike will be available to answer questions.

    CSUMB Natural History Museum

    View CSUMB's astounding scientific collections and listen to curator Dr. Gerick Bergsma and student researcher Aleks Ljubisavljevic show off specimens including a genuine lion skin, alligator heads, massive shells, and more!

    Kinesiology Open House

    The Kinesiology department, representing the college of Health and Human Sciences, is displaying their research in an interactive experience!

    College of Science Open House

    Labs throughout the Chapman Science Center are opening their doors to showcase research across the multiple fields of study in CSUMB's college of science. This open house event is a great opportunity to meet mentors and get learn how to get involved in their research!

    Wednesday, April 10th

    College of Business Open House

    Meet business majors as they present their research! This open house will showcase posters and provide opportunities to chat with research mentors.

    Trivia with a Transfer

    Test your trivia chops with transfer researchers from UROC! Geared towards transfer students looking to get involved in research, this event features coffee, pastries, and prizes!

    Table Talk: Identity, Community, & Impact

    A table-talk event where participants engage in a organic dialogue about topics regarding Identity, Community & Impacts. Facilitators will first share their experiences to begin a dialogue about how can research include community engagement and contribute to the broader impacts in society. Everyone is welcome to attend, from individuals who have no experience with research to faculty who have dedicated their academic career towards the advancement and support if underrepresented communities.

    Marine Science Rotating Research Panel

    Want to know more about Marine Science research opportunities on campus and in the Monterey area? Researchers from different disciplines will be representing their respective sub-disciplines to answer questions and have a discussion about marine science in this rotating panel! Not sure what to ask? No worries! We’ll have a set of questions available if you’d like. Be sure to stay afterwards for a short mixer with the representatives! Snacks will be provided.

    Humanities and Communication Open House

    Meet faculty mentors and undergraduate researchers to hear about inventive and exciting applications in humanities and communication research. Snacks provided.

    Thursday, April 11th

    Quilting: Critical Making as Research Method

    Come quilt with us! This workshop will use quilting to explore critical making as research method allowing participants to engage with material objects in new ways to extend the possibilities of scholarly critique and connect lived experiences with academic work.

    Maker Space: Research in Education

    Details coming soon!

    Research Opportunities Workshop

    This session introduces prospective student researchers to two different student research perspectives with a message that being a researcher in a major can take many different paths. Come hear about these diverse research journeys!

    Psychology Open House

    Get psyched for psychology during the psychology open house! Featuring open labs for research in clinical assessment, trauma, memory, child development, and a slew of other fascination topics, this open house is an excellent way to get started in psych research.

    Friday, April 12: Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Showcase from 1-4pm