UROC Certificate Program
An opportunity for students already engaged in mentored research, scholarship or creative activity that will lead to an original intellectual or creative contribution to their field.
Sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center, the Undergraduate Research Certificate is intended to encourage and recognize undergraduate students who devote a portion of their undergraduate education to scholarly and research pursuits. Although the certificate will not appear on your transcript, you can add it to your resume,and it will provide you with an added credential to present to potential employers and on graduate school applications. Students who complete all the requirements of the Undergraduate Research Certificate, and their mentors, will be recognized at UROC’s annual Year-End celebration.
For questions or concerns please contact UROC's Research Associate Jessica Bautista at jbautista@csumb.edu or (831) 582-3145.
UROC's definition of Undergraduate Research:
Undergraduate research is an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that addresses a specific research question, utilizes appropriate research methodologies, adheres to the standards of the discipline, and results in the dissemination of findings.
Application components, especially the Research Description and the Faculty Statement of Support, will be reviewed to ensure that the research project adheres to this definition of qualifying research.
Capstone research projects do not typically qualify for recognition through this program. UROC would like to reserve support and recognition for projects that are not meeting a graduation requirement or are conducted as part of a credited course. However, if the capstone research project is both truly exceptional and adheres to the standards outlined in the UROC definition of undergraduate research, UROC will recognize the student and mentor for their outstanding achievement.
If there are any questions regarding whether a project can be recognized through this or any of our other programs, please contact uroc@csumb.edu for clarification.
Application Requirements
1. A minimum of one semester of research under the supervision of a CSUMB faculty mentor.
2. Submission of a Statement of Support from the CSUMB faculty who mentored the student through execution of this research project:
- Using the Reference section of the online application, each applicant will enter the name and email of their proposed Research Mentor. Using this information, the application system will send this person an email from notifications@slideroom.com asking them to provide some basic personal information and agree to a short Statement of Support.
- The Statement of Support each potential Research Mentor is asked to complete ensures the mentor's awareness of the student's application to the UROC Certificate Program, informs the mentor of the benefits and responsibilities of being a UROC Certificate participant, and affirms their commitment to serving as a mentor to the undergraduate applicant. It must completed by your mentor prior to acceptance into the program.
- As a courtesy, and to ensure the email from notifications@slideroom.com does not end up in SPAM, the applicant should notify their mentor in advance before the Slideroom application system sends this email.
- Research Mentors will be given a 2-day grace period after the deadline to access and complete the Statement of Support component of the application.
3. Submit online application. Described below.
Program Requirements
Professional Development Requirements
UROC strives to ensure that student researchers are actively and consistently taking advantage of campus and community resources that will contribute to their development as researchers, students, and professionals.
A lack of initiative by the UROC Certificate participant towards fulfilling this requirement will negatively affect the Certificate participant's chances of potential future funding.
To receive credit for your fulfillment of this requirement, UROC Certificate participants must submit the name and description of the event to UROC.
Academic Term Requirements
You must complete two professional development activities or workshops during every term you are supported by UROC. Any event that contributes to your professional development or further exposes you to research in your field is eligible to fulfill this requirement. Options may include CSUMB, UROC, Student Success community, or national events.
Workshops and activities that fulfill this requirement may include:
- UROC workshops and information sessions (found under the Events & Workshops tab on the UROC website).
research presentation events or research presentation events hosted by other groups.
Center for Advising, Career, and Student Success workshops.
- Departmental seminars and invited speakers.
- Conference workshops and poster sessions.
- Any other professional presentation related to your discipline that prepares you for your future academic and research career.
Engagement with UROC staff, workshops, and events allows students access to a broad range of resources and expertise. UROC Certificate participants benefit from this engagement in a variety of ways, which may include:
- Individualized guidance towards research and graduate school goals.
- Access to additional research, travel, and scholarship opportunities through programs like CSU-LSAMP.
- Opportunities to present research at campus research events.
- Guidance on components of graduate school, fellowship, and research applications.
- Acknowledgement at UROC's Year End Celebration.
Conference Presentation Travel Awards
- UROC Certificate participants are eligible to submit a UROC Travel Award Request to present their research products at conferences.
- Travel Award Requests will be reviewed by UROC Staff and approve or denied based on several factors, which may include cost of travel, funding availability, UROC Certificate performance, and timeliness of request submission.
- See the UROC Travel Award Policy or contact UROC for more details.
Complete the UROC Travel Award Request with as much information as possible. A UROC staff person will review your request and get back to you with a decision.
Note: You must participate in a UROC program for at least 1 term (Spring, Summer or Fall) to be eligible for a travel grant. If this is your first term participating in a UROC program, your conference must take place the following terms" .
For questions or concerns please contact UROC's Research Associate Jessica Bautista at jbautista@csumb.edu or (831) 582-3145.
Research Supply Request
Limited funds for research supplies are available. UROC may be able to purchase supplies that are vital to the research, cannot be supplied by the research mentor or institution, and are consumable supplies that would not be necessary had the student not be participating on the project.
All request must be submitted by the UROC Certificate participant via the online Research Supply Request Form or submitted in hard copy to the UROC office.
For more information, see UROC's Research Supply Request policy page or contact UROC for more details.
Eligible Items
- Funds are available to purchase consumable supplies that are critical for the execution of your research.
- Items that are considered "equipment" cannot be purchased using these funds and must be provided by the mentor and/or host organization. Email UROC to find out what is considered "equipment."
- Non-essential items, personal items (like field clothing), and items not directly related to the research will not be approved (e.g. textbooks for a class are not considered research supplies).
Submitting a Research Supply Request using the Google Form
- Requests must be pre-approved by the Research Mentor.
- The UROC student must complete this form.
- UROC Staff will review your request. If the request is approved, UROC will order the supplies directly and have the supplies delivered to the UROC office, unless otherwise specified.
The Goole Form will request the following information:
- UROC student name and contact information.
- A clear justification for each of the items requested.
- Vendor name and contact information (e.g. website and telephone number for ordering.
- Note: A separate form must be submitted for each vendor.
- Item name(s) and product id number(s).
- Cost per unit item and quantity needed.
- Total cost (incl. tax and shipping).
- Delivery address and specific shipping, handling, and delivery instructions
- Applicants must be currently enrolled at CSUMB.
- Applicants must have CSUMB faculty mentorship
Mentors and mentee at USDA-ARSApplication elements
To be submitted via the online application:
- Applicant Information: Name, DOB, email, etc
- Academic Background: Major, GPA, etc
- Applicant Demographic Information
- Research Description
- Letter of Support from CSUMB Faculty Research Mentor
Application deadline: Applications will open the first day of the semester and will accepted through the eighth week of the semester.