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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2002 Capstone

The Spring 2002 WLC 400 Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Maria Zielina.

The Spring 2002 WLC 400: WLC Major Capstone Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Maria Zielina.

Student project abstracts are available below and were advised by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Maria Zielina, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez and Dr. Shigeko Sekine.

The Capstone Festival was held May 24, 2002 and student presentations are available here


  • Melinda Beers

    La Virgen de Guadalupe

    The Virgin of Guadalupe

    "El día en que no se adore a la Virgen del Tepeyac en esta tierra, es seguro que habrá desaparecido no sólo la nacionalidad Mejicana, sino hasta el recuerdo de los moradores de la Méjico actual." Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, The Feast of Guadalupe

    La Virgen de Guadalupe es un emblema nacional de México. Ella es una de los primeros símbolos aceptados dentro de las poblaciones españolas e indígenas. La historia de esta representación se ve cargada con cuestiones de religión, corrupción y devoción. En esta presentación hablaré sobre la importancia que tiene la Virgen como símbolo cultural dentro de estas comunidades. Además investigaré el culto guadalupano y como éste ha cambiado a través de los siglos. Finalmente haré una comparación entre la Virgen de Guadalupe y la Virgen de los Remedios y el uso de estos símbolos en la Guerra de Independencia mexicana y la Conquista de México

    Por medio de mi investigación espero enseñar que en definitiva no importa si la Virgen realmente apareció o no en México. Lo que importa es que la aparición de la Virgen de Guadalupe sirvió para unir a las comunidades españolas e indígenas.

    “The day in which the Virgin of Tepeyac is not adored in this land, it is certain that there shall have disappeared, not only Mexican nationality, but also the very dwellers of Mexico today.” Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, The Feast of Guadalupe

    The Virgin of Guadalupe is a national symbol of Mexico. She is one of the first national figures, which was accepted in both the Spanish and Indigenous communities in Mexico. The story of this apparition includes elements of corruption, devotion and religion.

    In this presentation I will discuss the importance of the Virgin of Guadalupe as a symbol to the Mexican communities. I will also research the community, which is devoted to the Virgin and how this group has changed throughout the years. Finally I will make a comparison between the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Virgin of the Remedios and the use of these symbols during the war for Mexico's Independence and the conquest of Mexico.

    Through my research I hope to show that it really doesn't matter whether the Virgin actually appeared in Mexico. What matters is that the apparition of the Virgin united the Spanish and Indigenous communities in Mexico.

  • Patricia Esquivel

    Un estudio del desmantelamiento del “personaje de la mujer tradicional” a través de algunos de los personajes femeninos en algunas de las obras de Laura Esquivel, Rosario Castellanos, Ana Castillo y Sandra Cisneros.

    A study on the dismantlement of “the traditional woman’s role” through some of the female characters in works written by Laura Esquivel, Rosario Castellanos, Ana Castillo and Sandra Cisneros.

    Después de haber leído Como agua para chocolate de Laura Esquivel y Balún-Canán de Rosario Castellanos, escritas por dos escritoras mexicanas, y The Mixquahuala letter de Ana Castillo y La casa en Mango Street de Sandra Cisnero, dos escritoras chicanas, me he dado cuenta que tanto las escritoras mexicanas como las chicanas intentan desmantelar el papel de la “mujer tradicional” a través de la estructura y desarrollo de personajes femeninos tales como Tita y Gertrudis De La Garza en Como agua para chocolate, Zoraida Arguello en Balún-Canán, Teresa y Amalia en The Mixquahuala letters y Esperanza Cordero en La casa en Mango Street.

    I will examine how Mexican and Chicana authors have tried to dismantle the role of the “traditional woman” through the structure and development of several woman characters in the novels of Rosario Castellanos, Laura Esquivel, Sandra Cisnero and Ana Castillo.

    My project first looks at definitions of patriarchal society. Then I provide examples of how the authors move their characters away from societal norms.

  • Maria G. ‘Lupe’ Figueroa

    Sus voces tienen que ser plasmadas en papel para ser escuchadas

    Mentoring First Generation College Students

    Existe un dicho que dice: “El buen maestro enseña mediante el ejemplo.” Es precisamente un mentor quien cumple la función de un maestro; además resulta una guía de fundamental importancia para el éxito académico de sus estudiantes. Desafortunadamente, el hecho de poder contra con el apoyo de un mentor no es algo con que resulte igualmente accessible para todo estudiante. Es possible que el obstáculo más grande lo encuentren aquellos estudiantes que por primera vez completan el bachillerato y/o continuan una carrera universitaria en la familia. Estas familias al no poseer una instrucción académica amplia no pueden brindar el apoyo académico que sus hijas/os requieren. Este hecho limita a los estudiantes a la hora de identificar a un mentor y no se dan cuenta de la importancia que éste tiene y como consequencia los estudiantes optan por dejar sus estudios sin haber completado su instruccion academica.

    Los estudios que se han llevado a cabo referentes a la mentoría académica han revelado que aquellos estudiantes que cuentan con un mentor alcanzan mayores níveles de educación superior. Por esta razón, la oportunidad de contar con un mentor académico es crucial puesto que ayuda a los estudiantes a lograr una clara definición en cuanto a metas académicas y técnicas, y lograr que las mismas se conviertan en realidad. Siendo yo, la primera en mi familia en cursar una carrera universitaria, puedo hablar de la importancia que tiene el mentor, pues gracias a su ayuda académica consideré y logré continuar mis estudios universitarios. Los objetivos de mi capstone aparecen enlistados a continuación:

    · Identificar los factores primordiales que impiden a estudiantes el obtener la guía de un mentor.

    · Analizar el impacto de un mentor en los estudiantes y en sus comunidades (amigos, familia y sociedad, etc.) desde un punto de vista cultural.

    · Recopilar los testimonios de lucha y logro de los estudiantes para crear una historia digital.

    · Con la aprobación de los estudiantes entrevistados, sus testimonios serán compartidos con otros estudiantes con la finalidad de informarles de la importancia de contar con un mentor e inspirarlos a continuar una educación superior.

    A good mentor orients her/his students to reach academic success by showing them the right path to follow. The function of a mentor is of extreme importance for the achievement of student’s academic success. Unfortunately, not all students have the same opportunity to rely on a mentor’s advice. In the path to obtain a mentor’s support, it is possible that first generation college students are the ones who face more obstacles than other students. Since their families do not have an ample academic history, the academic guidance they can provide to their children is limited. As a consequence of this, first generation college students do not recognize the role or the need to obtain a mentor’s advice and opt to conclude their studies before their graduation. Previous studies on mentorship reveal that those students who rely on an academic advisor reach higher levels of education. For this reason, the opportunity to have an academic mentor is of crucial importance, because it is due to their assistance that students are able to define and to reach their academic goals. Since I am a first generation college student, I present my personal case as the most evident and valid proof of the statement presented above, since it was due to a mentor’s guidance that I considered and pursued a college career. The purposes of my capstone include the following:

    · Identify the primary obstacles that impede students from receiving academic support and guidance from a mentor.

    · Analyze the impact of mentorship in students’ lives and their communities (friends, family, and society, etc).

    · Gather/record students' testimonies of struggle and success to create a digital story.

    · I will obtain the interviewed students’ authorization to share their testimonies with other students in order to make them aware of the importance of having a mentor, as well as to inspire them to pursue a higher education.

  • Rocío Gabriel

    El juego de pelota de los Mayas

    The Mayan Ballgame

    El primer juego de pelota con fines deportivo en el mundo comenzó en México. Éste era una actividad deportista y ritualística establecida hace mas de 3000 mil años por los Mayas. Se jugaba con pelotas de hule en canchas de piedra y en él se combinan elementos del fútbol de hoy en día.

    The world’s first ball game sport began in México. It was a game that combined sport and ritual that was established over 3000 years ago by the Mayas. Played with rubber balls in stone courts, the Mayan ballgame combined elements of today’s modern day of soccer.

  • Mari Garcia

    Colombia: Un mundo que va más allá de las guerrillas y drogas

    Colombia: A world that goes beyond the war and drugs

    Colombia es mucho más que drogas y guerras, es un modelo de resistencia y sobrevivencia, y por esta razón, en mí proyecto final, presento uno de los más bellos y prominente aspectos de la cultura colombiana: la música popular, sus raíces, temas, e intérpretes más famosos. En este análisis deseo demostrar como la salsa, en particular, revela la vida diaria de los colombianos, sus alegrías, tristezas, frustraciones, y aspiraciones. Es una música que le da voz a su identidad y resistencia cultural contra la guerra, drogas, y los estereotípos. Me concentro en la música que se produce y escucha en la ciudad de Cali porque en ésta la salsa ha sido sumamente popular desde los años 1960's, y la misma es parte de la identidad del ser 'caleño.' Hablar de Cali tanto dentro como fuera del país es hablar de una ciudad en que sus habitantes no se han dado por vencidos y continúan gozando, riendo, llorando y teniendo orgullo de la salsa y sus mensajes de resistencia cultural.

    Colombia is much more than just drugs and guerrilla wars. It is a model of resistance and survival. For this reason, in my final project, I will express one of the most beautiful and prominent aspects of the popular culture of Colombia: its roots, themes, and major interpreters of the Colombian music. In this analysis, I hope to demonstrate how salsa, in particular, reflects the daily life of the Colombians, their happiness, sadness, frustrations, and aspirations. It is a music that gives a voice to their identity and cultural resistance against war, drugs, and stereotypes. I will concentrate on the music that is produced and heard throughout Cali because this is the city in which salsa has been extremely popular since the 1960’s and it is part of the identity of a “caleño.” To mention Cali throughout the country as well as throughout the world is to mention a city in which its people have not given up and continue to enjoy, laugh, cry, and most of all have pride in their music and their messages of cultural resistance.

  • Bryan Hollar


    Japanese Humor 101



    Humor, the ultimate social lubricant. No matter where you go in the world, each culture has a concept of humor. Trying to understand the humor of a foreign culture requires significant background knowledge concerning the history and culture of that country. It can often seem demanding for people like me who are students of a foreign language and culture to come to that kind of understanding. Nevertheless, I love humor more than just about anything. Making people around me laugh and being made to laugh by those same people is one of the greatest feelings on earth for me.

    While in Japan as an exchange student, I was able to touch on some of the basic points of Japanese humor. I started thinking, is Japanese humor so different from my own country’s humor? What is humor, anyway? I decided to use these questions as the basis for my capstone to figure out the history, usage and importance of humor in Japan. I surveyed many Japanese people this summer using a questionnaire as a base for my research.

  • Maria T. Rocha

    El Origen, el desarollo y la caida de la gran Tenochtitlan.

    The origins the rise and the fall of the great city of Tenochtitlan.

    La ciudad de Tenochtitlan con el trascurso del timpo llegó hacer la ‘gran Tenochtitlan,’. La ciudad mas grande poderosa y organizada que existió en el peíodo precolombino. Esta gran ciudad fue establecida por los Mexicas y sobre la misma se levanta el México de nuestros días. Lamentablemente Tenochtitlan fue destruida por los españoles en el año 1521. Este proyecto de investigación está escrito con el propósito de dar a conocer la historia de la ciudad de Tenochtitlan desde su origen hasta su caida.

    The city of Tenochtitlan came to be the greatest city of all. Tenochtitlan was a great powerful and well-organized city. The Mexicas established this city during the year of 1325; unfortunately the city was conquest and destroyed in the year 1521 by the Spaniards. This research project is done with the purpose of introducing the history of a great city from its origins to its fall.

  • Suzue Takahashi


    The Changing Role of Japanese-American Christian Churches in California: Salinas and Monterey



    Before World War II, there were a large number of Japanese-Americans residents in Salinas. All of them were sent to internment camps during the war, and the Salinas Rodeo Grounds is famous for it’s role as an assembly internment center. After the war, many came back to Salinas, but they were not welcomed by the locals.

    I have attended a Japanese-American church in Salinas since arriving in the United States to study English. I was born and raised in Japan and I never learned any Japanese-American history. I had no idea that families from my church had experienced such hardships until I took the “Japanese-American Experience” class at CSUMB. I began to ask the families questions.

    Japanese American churches were a significant factor in helping in Japanese Americans overcome the hardships of internment. They are valuable resources for understanding the camp experience, but they are declining in number. Fortunately, I was able to interview two pastors who nurtured their f locks through these difficult times. The purpose of this capstone project is to examine the information collected from my interviews and see how the Japanese Americans and their churches in the Monterey Bay area have evolved from the end of the war to the present and what influence they have had on the community.

  • Lisa Thornsbury


    Japanese Kimono: History and Origin



    The Japanese kimono has a history of over 1500 years. How has kimono evolved over time, and what was the birth of today’s kimono?

    When I was younger, my grandmother gave me a kimono, and it left a strong impression on me; I was fascinated by it and wanted to study Japanese kimono and Japanese culture because of it. I chose to do my Capstone on how history, culture, western style and other things influenced the design.

    First, I will discuss the history and origin of kimono by era (pre-isolationism, mid-isolationism, post-isolationism). I will summarize the characteristics of the period and talk about the various factors that shaped the kimono. Next, I will talk about the heritage of the appearance of the kimono and finally, how the kimono fits into the lifestyle of the Japanese today.

  • Mammie M. Vallecillo

    A través de la historia de la frontera: Nicaragua, una década de revolución y su defensa

    Across a frontier of history: Nicaragua, a decade of revolution & its defense

    El Marxismo está en retirada. Nicaragua, el país más grande de Centro América, fue atrapada al final. Fue el último país para llevar a cabo un triunfo revolucionario por un partido político substancialmente basado en análisis Marxista. Pobre Nicaragua, nada hay que aprender sobre su revolución a excepción de su fútilidad, así se verá. El primer y paso esencial es examinar ambos teoríca y practicamente el desarrollo que hizo posible para que el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) tomaran la dirigencia de una insurrección que derrocó la dictadura Somocista, así marcando el final de un proceso largo de una revolución socialista en el siglo XX. Los cambios efectivos y dramáticos que afectaron a la mujer nicaragüense durante la revolución será examinados en esta presentación comprensiva sobre la realidad de la vida de la mujer en condiciones de guerra y crisis económico. El camino ha sido dificultoso pero diez años allí sin retorno; la mujer nicaragüense ahora sirven sus necesidades y demandas más confidencialmente que antes. Por último, pero no menos importante, propongo ver la literatura nicaragüense, especialmente la poesía, que es el arte más amado en Nicaragua, como una práctica ideológica de la lucha Nacional, saliendo de un medio complejo de las relaciones culturales e instituciones resultantes de las tradiciones y codificando nuevas formas personales, nacionales y de identidad popular. Mirando a los cambios y contradicciones a conciencia representados por tales escritores como Ernesto Cardenal, y Gioconda Belli.

    Marxism is in retreat. Nicaragua, the largest of the Central American countries, was caught at the end. It was the last country to complete a revolutionary triumph by a party based substantially on Marxian analysis. Poor Nicaragua, nothing is to be learned from its revolution except the futility of it all. Or so it would seem. The purpose of this research project is to demonstrate the opposite. The first essential step is to examine both theoretical and practical developments that made it possible for the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to take leadership of an insurrection that overthrew the Somoza dictatorship, thus, marking the end of a long process of socialist revolutions in the twentieth century. The dramatic and significant changes that affected Nicaraguan women during the revolution will be examined in this comprehensive presentation of the realities of women's lives in conditions of war and economic crisis. The road has been rough but ten years on there is no turning back; Nicaraguan women now assert their needs and demands more confidently than ever before. Last, but not least, I propose to look at Nicaraguan literature, specifically poetry, Nicaragua' s most beloved arts, as an ideological practice of national liberation struggle, emerging from a complex set of cultural relations and institutions given by tradition and encoding new forms of personal, national, and popular identity. It looks at the changes and contradictions in consciousness represented by such writers as Ernesto Cardenal, and Gioconda Belli.