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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2011 Capstone Class

The Spring 2011 WLC 400 Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Maria Zielina.

The Spring 2011 WLC 400: WLC Major Capstone Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Donaldo Urioste.

Student project abstracts are available below and were advised by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Maria Zielina, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez and Dr. Shigeko Sekine.

The Capstone Festival was held May 19-20, 2011 and student presentations are available on YouTube

Spring 2011 Capstone Students
Spring 2011 Capstone Students

Back row Left to Right: Brian Ryskind, Sydney Stampher, Kelly Stone, Stephanie Swarthout, Myra Mendez, Jesse Dyer, Tom Murdock, David Ortiz Rodrìguez, Jeronimo Loera, Ryan Bosson, Jacob Jungers, Johnathan Tamashiro, John Wood

Front row Left to Right:Emily Fanucchi, Danielle Schaubert, Melissa Cramoline, Michelle Gurka, Aubrey Grauman, Kelsey Chew, Dr. Maria Zielina, Godeleva Aalvos, Rosenely Avalos Lòpez, Molly Chess, Sarah Graff, Yadira Figueroa, Fabián Rangel, Hi Young Lee, Hoai Nguyen

  • Godeleva Avalos

    Godeleva Avalos

    El Día de los muertos en Oaxaca

    The Day of the Dead in Oaxaca

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    My tema de investigación son las ceremonias, días festivos y rituales que acompañan el Día de los Muertos en el estado de Oaxaca y lograr tener un mejor entendimiento de esta tradición que se ha venido festejando por siglos en México. En mi trabajo, presento los orígenes de esta fiesta, la manera en que los aztecas festejaban a la muerte, el impacto que tuvo la llegada de los españoles a México y la imposición del catolicismo a los indígenas. La conquista y colonización hizo que rituales que ofrecían los aztecas hacia sus dioses fueron abolidos o cambiados, especialmente los que estaban relacionados con muerte. En la actualidad, Oaxaca es uno de los estados en donde la celebración del Día de los Muertos se lleva a cabo de una manera muy especial y el que todos los oaxaqueños están involucrados.

    My research topic are the ceremonies, holidays and rituals that accompany the Day of the Dead in Oaxaca state in order to achieve a better understanding of this tradition which has been part of the Mexican culture for centuries. I present the origins of this feast; the way the Aztecs celebrated the death; as well as the impact of the arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico and the imposition of Catholicism to the Indians. Most of the rituals that Indians offered to their Aztec deities were abolished or changed, especially those who were associated with death. At present, Oaxaca is one of the states where the Day of the Dead takes place in a very special way and all the Oaxacan people are involved.

    Rosanely Avalos Lopez

    Rosanely Avalos Lopez

    El papel de las diosas y mujeres en el mundo azteca

    The Role of Goddesses and Women in the Aztec World

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    Siempre que hablamos de los dioses aztecas lo primero que nos imaginamos son los dioses del género masculino olvidándonos de la importancia que tuvieron las diosas aztecas en dicha civilización. A través de mi papel de investigación analizaré primero la importancia que tuvieron las diosas aztecas en el imperio Mexica y si hoy en día aún existen regiones en México donde estas diosas son conmemoradas y si ellas conservan la misma importancia que tenían durante el imperio. Segundo, analizaré si la mujer azteca en general tenía un papel importante en la sociedad y si las diosas ejercieron algún papel en el trato que recibieron las mujeres en esta época. Las diosas sobre las cuales enfocaré mi papel son: la diosa Coatliclue, diosa terrestre de la vida y la muerte; Tonantzin, madre de la tierra, Mictecacihuatl, diosa de la muerte en la religión azteca, Chicomecoatl, diosa del maíz y Chalchiuhtlicue, diosa del agua.

    Every time we speak or think about the Aztec civilization, the first thought that comes to mind are the gods who in gender are males. This image we have constructed about the Aztecs keeps us from neglecting and putting aside the essential importance that the Aztec goddesses had towards one of the most known and talked about civilizations in history. Throughout my research investigation, I will first analyze the importance that the Aztec goddesses had on the Mexica Empire. Furthermore, my paper will investigate if there are till this day regions in Mexico where these goddesses are commemorated, and if these goddesses preserve the same importance that they had during their empire. My research investigation will then go into analyzing if the Aztec woman in general held an important role in society, and if the goddesses had some type of an impact on how the women in the Aztec civilization were treated during their time. The Aztec goddesses which I will focus on throughout my research paper are the following: Coatliclue, Earth Goddess of life and death; Tonantzin, mother of the earth, Mictecacihuatl, goddess of death in Aztec religion, Chicomecoatl, goddess of maize y Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of the water.

    Ryan Bosson

    Ryan Bosson

    Una breve introducción a la comunicación intercultural

    A Brief Introduction to Intercultural Communication

    Advisors: Dr. Earl Brown, Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito del trabajo es examinar la comunicación intercultural entre el NGO Special Kids Crusade y las familias latinas que sirve. El trabajo se enfocará en algunos aspectos principales de la comunicación intercultural y información específica sobre las culturas mexicanas y anglosajonas estadounidenses, de los cuales utiliza el trabajo fuentes de algunos expertos. Asimismo, se enfoca en describir el SKC y, finalmente, su habilidad de comunicar interculturalmente con sus clientes latinos para lo cual cuenta con el uso de entrevistas, encuestas y un análisis del discurso. El trabajo pretende ofrecer al SKC información que les servirá a mejorar su comunicación con las familias latinas y presentará al público general un ejemplo de la importancia de la comunicación intercultural y una manera entre otras de evaluarla en una situación real. La conclusión enfocará en describir los hallazgos de la habilidad de SCK a comunicar interculturalmente.

    The purpose of this work is to examine the intercultural communication between the administration of the non-profit organization Special Kids Crusade and the Latino families that they serve. The scope of the work includes some of the core concepts of intercultural communication and cultural specific information on Mexicans and Caucasian North Americans, for which the work will utilize sources from some of the appropriate experts in the field. Also, the scope of the work will focus on describing the organization SKC, and then on examining SKC’s ability to communicate cross culturally, for which the work will use interviews, surveys, and a discourse analysis. The work intends to offer SKC information that will serve them to better their communication with their Latino clients and provide the general public with a framework that allows assessment of competency in intercultural communication in a real setting. The conclusions of the work will focus on describing the findings of SKC abilities to communicate cross-culturally.

    Molly Chess

    Molly Chess

    Semana Santa en Granada

    Holy Week in Granada

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es explorar la celebración de Semana Santa en Granada, España. La religión católica es muy prominente en la cultura española y la vida cotidiana de los españoles. La gente viene de todos partes del mundo a Granada para presenciar la fuerza que tiene esta celebración y la devoción a Jesucristo y su pasión que muestran las 32 cofradías de este lugar. Este trabajo profundizará en los orígenes de la Semana Santa, las procesiones (las hermandades que participan, los desfiles, los tronos, la música, los santos, y las diferentes procesiones que son más famosos), y también la atracción turística de esta celebración. Espero que después de leer mi pueblo papel encontrar un interés en diferentes culturas y sus celebraciones. Espero que la gente ha aprendido mucho sobre la celebración de la Semana Santa en Granada.

    The purpose of this research paper is to explore in detail the Holy Week celebration in Granada, Spain. The Catholic religion is very prominent in Spanish culture and in the daily lives of many Spaniards. Spectators come from all over the world to Granada in order to witness the amazing power of this celebration and the dedication that the 32 brotherhoods have to Jesus and his passion. This research paper will look in depth at the history of Holy Week, it will dissect the processions (the brotherhoods that participate, the outfits worn, the floats, the music played, the saints, and the different processions which are more famous), and it will discuss the tourist attraction of the celebration. I hope that after reading my paper people find an interest in different cultures and their celebrations. I hope that people will have learned a lot about Granada’s Holy Week celebration.

    Kelsey Chew

    Kelsey Chew


    Perceptions of Japanese and American College Students Toward Love and Affection

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Love and its expressions are personal manifestations of one’s self-understanding largely influenced by gender and his or her cultural background. For example, it is rare to see Japanese couples walk around linking arms or holding hands, while in the United States, this is not uncommon. In fact, it was astonishing to find a couple that would even kiss in public. Compared to a country where simple friends can exchange pecks on the cheek or bear hugs, there is an extreme gap in behaviors. How is love perceived and displayed by college students from Japan and the USA? I conducted a survey to find out the different expressions of love and explored their attitudes and cultural perspectives.

    Melissa Cramoline

    Melissa Cramoline


    Representation of Use of Color in Kabuki: Comparative Analysis of Perception of Use of Color in Modern Japan and Modern America

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Kabuki is a good model of Japan’s theatrical arts, in that it uses an abundant amount of vivid colors to effectively portray feelings, such as anger or sorrow, to the audience. Through examination of Kabuki we can see what life was like during the Edo period and how colors were perceived. For example, kabuki employs colors in makeup, costumes, and background to suggest various meanings. For my capstone I explore how people 300 years ago, the era in which kabuki was written, perceived colors, and will contrast that understanding to data gathered in a survey on how modern Japanese and modern Americans perceive information through the use of color. Through the survey’s results I will see if colors, such as black, white, purple and so on, hold the same meanings in Japan today as then.

    Jesse Dyer

    Jesse Dyer

    La Península de Nicoya: Tierra de longevidad y salud

    The Peninsula of Nicoya, Costa Rica: Land of Health and Longevity

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    La anciana leyenda de “la fuente de juventud,” desde su nacimiento, hace miles de años, ha cautivado la mente del hombre. Willie Drye, escritor para la revista National Geographic, dice en su artículo, “Fountain of Youth-Just Wishful Thinking?”, que “Alexander the Great, who conquered most of the known world before his death around 323 B.C, may have been looking for a river that healed the ravages of age.” Hoy en día la búsqueda en descubrir algo que pudiera extender la vida humana sigue teniendo más interés que nunca. Sea agua milagrosa, una droga o una hierba, todo el mundo quiere afirmar que ha encontrado el secreto de la longevidad de la vida. Gracias a la tecnología y la globalización, los científicos, investigadores y exploradores han descubierto que existen varias regiones del mundo que son hogares de culturas especiales. ¿Qué es lo que hace que sean especiales? ¡Están llenas de ancianos saludables de 80, 90, 100 e incluso 110 años! Dan Buettner, autor y explorador, les ha dado el nombre de “Blue Zones” a estas regiones. En su libro, Blue Zones: Lessons For Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest, Buettner habla de cuatro “Blue Zones” y las teorías que explican cómo la gente de los “Blue Zones” tienen vidas largas y saludables. Una de las regiones que exploran Buettner y su equipo de científicos y periodistas es la Península de Nicoya en Costa Rica. Según el Doctor Luis Rosero, un demógrafo de Costa Rica, los nicoyanos de 60 años tienen una esperanza de vida dentro de las más altas del mundo. En 2007 tuve la oportunidad de viajar a Nicoya y vivir con una familia nicoyana por cinco meses. En este ensayo presentaré teorías basadas en investigaciones hechas por estudiosos de la materia y publicadas en diferentes libros y revistas, así como mis propias observaciones para ayudarme a explicar este fenómeno entre los nicoyanos.

    The search for the legendary “Fountain of Youth” began thousands of years ago. According to an article by Willie Drye, a writer for National Geographic Magazine, “Alexander the Great, who conquered most of the known world before he died around 323 B.C., may have been looking for a river that healed the ravages of age.” While most have given up searching for a literal fountain of “miracle water,” human beings are as interested as ever in finding ways to slow down the aging process. Scientists, researchers and explorers have begun to identify many regions throughout the world where the incidence of some of the world’s most deadly diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease, are almost nonexistent. Within these cultures, the frequency of individuals living into their 90’s, 100’s and even older, is impressive. Dan Buettner, an author and explorer, has deemed these areas “Blue Zones.” In his book, Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest, Buettner discuses four regions throughout the world which are reportedly home to the oldest people on the planet. One of the “Blue Zones” in which Buettner and his team of scientists and journalists study is the Peninsula of Nicoya, in Costa Rica. According to Dr. Luis Rosero, a Costa Rican Demographer, 60-year-old Nicoyans have the highest life expectancy in the world. In 2007 I was lucky enough to be able to spend five months living with a local family in the Nicoya Peninsula. In this paper I will present theories, based on published research and personal observations that help to explain why the people of Nicoya enjoy extremely long and healthy lives.

    Emily Fanucchi

    Emily Fanucchi


    Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Role of Christianity in Post-Atomic Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    1945年8月6日と8月9日は広島と長崎に原爆が投下された日であり、世界の歴史の中でも最も悲劇的大惨事の一つとして知られている。広島も長崎も戦後目覚ましい復興をとげたがその悲劇は被爆者等の問題で今でもその保証責任等が問われている。 特に長崎はキリスト教が盛んであったこともあり、長崎の復興にも色々な面で貢献をしたことでしられている。この論文では投爆後そして現在においてどのようにキリスト教が惨事を乗り越えるために貢献してきたのかを調べてまとめてみた。

    Two of the worst acts of war the world has ever witnessed were the dropping of atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and August 9, 1945. Both cities were remarkably able to rebuild and recover after the war, but even now, the problems of the A-bomb victims are addressed by the Japanese government. Particularly in Nagasaki, the Christian community played various roles in the recovery of the city. In this paper, I investigated Christianity's impact on the recovery efforts of these two cities.

    Sara M. Graff

    Sara M. Graff

    Las maquiladoras y el feminicidio: una mirada al estado de las mujeres en Ciudad Juárez

    Maquiladoras and Femicide: A Look at the State of Women in Ciudad Juárez

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste and Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito de mi proyecto es identificar y explorar el impacto cultural que los Estados Unidos tienen en la vida de las mujeres que viven en la ciudad fronteriza Ciudad Juárez. Esta exploración se enfoca en los últimos veinte años de esa interacción e identifica los fenómenos culturales que trajeron las maquiladoras como lo han sido el libre comercio, la inmigración, el feminicidio y el reciente aumento del tráfico de drogas. En mi proyecto hablo específicamente sobre las mujeres porque ellas son un parte vital en la cultura y la economía de Ciudad Juárez y se ven afectadas de una manera única a causa de la proximidad de dicha ciudad a los EE.UU. Esta tesina es mi forma de expresar mis deseos de darle voz y ayuda a estas mujeres.

    The purpose of my project is to identify and explore the cultural impacts that the United States has on women in the border city of Ciudad Juarez. The investigation focuses on the last twenty years of interaction. I explore the relationship between the two countries through the following cultural phenomena, las maquiladoras and free trade, immigration, feminicidio (the sexualized killing of women), and the recent surge in drug trafficking. My hope is that this project will bring to light the effects that our country has on the lives of Mexicans. In my project I speak about women because I believe that they are a vital part of the culture and economics of Ciudad Juarez and that they are affected in a unique way by their proximity to the United States. I also concentrated my investigation on this part of the population because I would like to give voice to these exploited women.

    Aubrey Grauman

    Aubrey Grauman


    The Effect of Images in Japanese Fairy Tales to Teach Japanese Culture to Children: A Case Study of Issun Boshi

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    How do children learn foreign culture? Which images support learning foreign cultural concepts? In this capstone, I used the well-known Japanese fairy tale ???? Issun Boshi (One Inch Boy) to investigate how Japanese and American college students perceive uniquely Japanese cultural elements in a story based on a modern retelling of the fairy tale. Based on the information gathered from this study, I designed a storyboard for Issun Boshi and showed it to children in order to identify which aspects of the visual images helped children learn Japanese culture.

    Michelle Gurka

    Michelle Gurka


    An Analysis of the Use of English Words in JPop Songs

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    More and more English words and expressions are commonly used in contemporary daily conversation in Japan. This trend is evident in songs popular among young people in Japan. This study investigates what extent the use of English words has changed since 1999 to 2009 through examination of the use of English words in top-ten JPop songs, the very popular genre of music in Japan. I conducted a survey with Japanese university students and examined when, why and how Japanese use English words and expressions instead of Japanese in JPop songs.

    Jacob D. Jungers

    Jacob D. Jungers


    Making of “Charaben,” Japanese Homemade Lunch Meal for Children

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Japanese homemade lunch bento for children looks cute and is very elaborately arranged. Bento is a takeout or homemade meal and typically consists of rice, fish, vegetables and pickles in a box-shaped container. There are many styles of bento such as kyaraben which are decorated using rice and vegetables to look like popular characters from anime, manga or video, such as Pokémon, and have become more and more popular among mothers when preparing lunch meal for their children. This kind of bento making is unique to Japanese cuisine and cannot be found in other countries. Who and why do they make such obento? In this study, I studied how university college students perceive making such elaborate lunch meals and the cultural value of such practice. By comparing their perceptions between American and Japanese college students’ perspectives toward practice of making such elaborate bento, I wanted to learn more about Japanese culture reflected in bento making practice.

    Hi Young Lee

    Hi Young Lee

    Cuentos infantiles, mitos y leyendas mexicanos y coreanos: Semejanzas y diferencias

    Mexican and Korean Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends: Similarities and Differences

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar algunas de las semejanzas y diferencias que existen entre los cuentos infantiles mexicanos y coreanos a través de mitos y leyendas antiguas y contemporáneas Se comparan mitos relacionados con la ‘creación del mundo’, los asociados con ‘el Sol y la Luna’ y con ‘animales embrujando a los humanos’ y los que presentan ‘reverencia hacia los dragones”.. Basándonos en la “Teoría de la población temprana de América”, estos personajes- héroes, mexicanos y coreanos, tendrían un linaje paterno común, pues serían descendientes de los primeros asiáticos que cruzaron a América y llegaron a México y otros territorios caribeños.

    This project aims to study some of the similarities and differences between Mexican and Korean children's stories through ancient and contemporary myths and legends such as: 'creation of the world', ' Sun and the Moon ', ‘human bewitched by animals”, and those related with the reverential treatment of “dragons”. Based on the “theory of America early settlers,” these characters/heroes, Mexicans and Koreans, would have a common paternal lineage, because they would be descendants of the first Asians who crossed to American Continent and settled in Mexico and other Caribbean territories.

    Myra T. Mendez

    Myra T. Mendez

    Análisis de la novela La Genara de Rosina Conde

    Analysis of the Novel La Genara by Rosia Conde

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    El año pasado tuve la oportunidad de tomar una clase sobre novelas, cuentos y escritores de la frontera y esto fue lo que me motivo a querer aprender más sobre la literatura de la frontera. Además me llamo la atención estos temas por el hecho de tener un gran contacto con personas que han nacido y crecido en estas aéreas del norte de México. En mi tesis voy a analizar cómo se presenta el feminismo, el machismo, el marianismo, la religión, las tradiciones fronterizas, y el patriarcado en la novela La Genara de Rosina Conde. Esta novela me llamó la atención entre otras cosas por sus temas y valor literario; temas cotidianos y realistas que pasan diariamente en las vidas de los fronterizos.

    Last year, I had the opportunity to take a class on short stories, novels, and writers of the border and this was what motivated me in wanting to learn more about border literature. In my thesis, I will analyze how the topics of feminism, sexism, marianismo, religion, border traditions, and patriarchy reveal in La Genara, a novel by Rosina Conde. This novel caught my attention because it has great literary value and how it focuses on the controversial topics of women living within the border.

    Tom Murdock

    Tom Murdock

    Los efectos de desarollo del bilinguismo e identidad en los estudiantes de escuelas primeras que tienen programas de doble inmersión

    The Developmental Effects of Bilingualism and Identity that Dual Language Immersion Programs Have on Elementary School Students

    Advisors: Dr. Earl Brown, Dr. Maria Zielina

    Hoai Nguyen

    Hoai Nguyen


    College Students’ Perceptions Toward Psychological Counseling Service

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Psychological counseling is a practice that originally was used to treat those with clinical psychological problems, but currently the service is widely available to any person experiencing any psychological difficulty. In fact, this support system is provided for students who face many problems. On the other hand, Japan’s psychological counseling services are not readily available despite the fact that they face various social problems. Japanese college students do not commonly seek counseling services as a resource for maintaining their psychological health. In this capstone, I explored the reasons why they do or do not seek psychological counseling and analyzed their perceptions towards the service by comparing these reasons and perceptions to American students through online surveys and literature review.

    Martha L. Oregón

    Martha L. Oregón

    El folclore nicaragüense a través de festivales, música y poesía

    Nicaraguan Folklore through Festivals, Music and Poetry

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    Como yo nací en Nicaragua y migré a los Estados Unidos a la edad de dos años a causa de guerras civiles en Nicaragua no pude disfrutar totalmente de la cultura de mi país. En mi Capstone deseo proporcionar una mejor comprensión sobre el folklore nicaragüense a través de la poesía, festivales, música y costumbres religiosas. El enfoque será en la región del centro del país que incluye las ciudades Masaya y Granada y la región del Caribe que incluye Corn Island y Bluefields. Mi enfoque será en estas zonas por ser las más conocidas del folklore y la tradición nicaragüense. Además de ser las ciudades más conocidas por la gente de Nicaragua también son las más conocidas por el turismo. Espero que mi capstone sirva para informar e inspirar un mejor entendimiento sobre la cultura nicaragüense y también que me sirva para aprender yo misma de mi país.

    As I was born in Nicaragua and migrated to the United States at the age of two years due to civil wars in Nicaragua, I was not able fully enjoy the culture of my country. In my capstone I hope to provide a better understanding of Nicaraguan folklore through poetry, festivals, music, and religious customs. The focus will be on the Midwest region to include the cities of Masaya and Granada and the Caribbean region to include Corn Island and Bluefields. My focus will be on these areas since they are best known for Nicaraguan folklore and tradition. Besides being the most famous cities for the people of Nicaragua they are also the most known by tourists. I hope my capstone serves to inform and inspire a better understanding of the Nicaraguan culture and to also serve as a teaching tool for myself.

    David Ortiz Rodriguez

    David Ortiz Rodriguez

    Un análisis literario de la pieza teatral La Carreta de René Marqués

    A Literary Analysis of La carreta, A Play Written by Rene Marqués

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    En mi tesis voy a analizar la obra teatral La carreta de René Marqués “La carreta”. Una de las razones por la que me interesó esta obra es porque mientras estudié en Puerto Rico estuve viviendo en el campo donde experimenté por mi mismo muchos de los temas de los cuales se hablan en esta obra; pude ver y vivirlos prácticamente durante mi estudios en Puerto Rico. En mi trabajo analizaré los siguientes temas: la vida en el campo vis a vis en la ciudad, la pobreza, el encarcelamiento, la muerte, el retorno a Puerto Rico, las consecuencias de la emigración puertorriqueña a los Estados Unidos así como la frustración y la decepción los personajes al tener que empezar su s vidas nuevamente. Espero que después de mi presentación se tenga un conocimiento de algunos aspectos de la vida y la cultura del Puerto Rico de los 1940.

    In my thesis, I will analyze the play La Carreta by René Marques. One of the reasons that interested me about this play is because during my studies in Puerto Rico, I lived in the rural area where I was able to experience some of the issues that are mentioned in this play. I will analyze the following topics: the consequences of the immigration of Puerto Ricans to the United States; the return to Puerto Rico; the deception of having to start over; the relationship between family members, frustration, imprisonment, poverty and death. I hope that after my presentation you will have more knowledge of some aspects of the life and culture of Puerto Rico in the 40s.

    El Latido de la Gente The Beat of the Streets Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    Nicolas M. Perez

    Nicolás M. Pérez

    Mi proyecto para Capstone es presentar mis conocimientos sobre dos géneros de la música urbana: el Reguetón y el Hip-Hop. Me enfocaré en la historia y orígenes de estos géneros, así también como de sus culturas -jamaiquina –latina, los mensajes o formas de expresión, sus críticas, los instrumentos utilizados para componer un ritmo, el impacto hacia la sociedad americana, y popularidad. Finalmente, hablaré sobre distintas consecuciones que lograron algunos artistas latinoamericanos que se extienden más allá de la música. Con respeto al Reguetón, hablaré de artistas latinoamericanos que actualmente son los más populares en los Estados Unidos: Daddy Yankee, Pitbull, Calle 13, y Tego Calderón. En el género de Hip-Hop hablaré de los siguientes artistas: Kid Frost (por ser uno de los primeros artistas Latinos en este género), B Real del grupo Cypress Hill, Big Punisher, Immortal Technique, y Kinto Sol. Hablaré sobre sus historias, sus contribuciones hacia la industria musical, y su impacto en la sociedad americana.

    I will present my knowledge relevant to two genres of urban music, which are Reggaeton and Hip-Hop. I will discuss the history and origins of these genres, as well as their various sub-cultures -Jamaican –Latin, messages contained in their contents, forms of expression, critics, instruments used to composed a rhythm, impact on American society, and popularity. Finally, I will discuss some accomplishments by selected Latino artists that extend far beyond music.In regards to Reggaeton, I will discuss today’s most popular artists in the U.S., including Daddy Yankee, Pitbull, Calle 13, and Tego Calderón. As far as Hip-Hop artists, I will talk about Kid Frost, B Real of Cypress Hill, Big Punisher, Immortal Technique, and Kinto Sol. I will briefly discuss each artist’s history leading up to their music break, as well as their overall contributions to the music industry, and impact on American society, which is significant, controversial, and noteworthy.

    Fabián Rangel

    Fabián Rangel

    Contenido socio-histórico y cultural de la sociedad mexicana en Nadie me verá llorar de Cristina Rivera Garza

    Socio-Historic and Cultural Development of Mexican Society in Nobody Will See Me Cry, by Cristina Rivera Garza

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    En mi tesis analizo el contenido histórico, cultural y social que se presenta en la novela Nadie me Verá Llorar de la escritora mexicana Cristina Rivera Garza durante la época del Porfiriato en México. En esta novela Cristina Rivera Garza presenta a una sociedad en la que las injusticias sociales, la pobreza, el patriarcado y la discriminación predominan entre los más pobres, quienes componían la mayoría de la población durante esa época. Haciendo uso de documentos históricos, esta autora nos presenta una sociedad víctima de un sistema político durante el cual sufrieron millones de mexicanos. Mi interés en este tópico se debe a que durante uno de mis semestres en WLC tomé una clase titulada “Literatura de la frontera” en la cual aprendí sobre dichos temas. Con este proyecto quiero dar a conocer esta etapa que muchos historiadores la describen como una de las más obscuras de la historia mexicana.

    In my thesis, I analyze the historical content, cultural and social development in the novel Nadie me Verá Llorar by the Mexican writer Cristina Rivera Garza during the era of Porfirio Diaz in Mexico. In this novel, Cristina Rivera Garza presents a society in which social injustice, poverty, patriarchy and discrimination are prevalent among the poor who made up the majority of the population during that time. Using historical documents, the author presents a society victim of a political system in which sustained millions of Mexicans. I am interested in this topic because during one of my semesters at WLC, I took a class called "Literatura de la frontera" in which I learned about these issues. With this project I want to present this period, considered by historians as one of the most obscure in Mexican history.

    Griselda G. Ruiz

    Griselda G. Ruiz

    Frida Kahlo: Su vida en su arte

    Frida Kahlo: Her Life through Her Art

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito de este estudio es examinar y explorar la relación que según los críticos existe entre la vida de Frida Kahlo y su arte. Voy a explorar su vida y mencionar algunos de los puntos claves que afectaron su persona como artista: su accidente de tranvía y su estancia en los Estados Unidos. Estos hechos se revelan en sus cuadros “La Columna rota”(1944) y “La Frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos”(1932). Examino además, la manera en que la artista llevó a cabo su búsqueda de identidad y cómo la Revolución Mexicana tuvo un papel importante en ese proceso. Me ayudaré teóricamente de estudios psicoanalíticos para entender los motivos por los cuales se cree que Frida ocultó su persona a través de sus famosos autorretratos al hacer uso de objetos simbólicos y de vestuarios típicos de México. Con este trabajo espero poder ayudar a entender mejor a esta artista mexicana del siglo 20 y como su arte refleja no sólo experiencias de la vida de la artista sino también de la cultura y la historia mexicana.

    The purpose of this study is to examine and explore the relationship that critics assert exists between Frida Kahlo’s life and her art. I will explore the most important moments of her life that affected her identity as an artist such as her tragic streetcar accident and her stay in the United States which are events that are revealed in her paintings “The Broken Column” (1944) and “Self-Portrait on the Border between Mexico and the U.S.”(1932). I will examine the manner in which the artist carried out her search for identity and the important role that the Mexican Revolution played in the process. I will also explore psychoanalytical studies to achieve understanding of the motives by which it is believed that Frida hid her identity through her famous self-portraits while making use of symbolic objects and typical Mexican wardrobe.

    Brian Ryskind

    Brian Ryskind


    The Expectations and Realities of Job Hunting in Japan and the U.S.

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    日本の就職活動に学生は多大な時間を費やし、その道のりは非常に困難であることで知られている。第二次世界大戦後に日本経済はサラリーマンによりその復興を果たしたといっても過言ではない。「漫画」や「すし」が 日本の文化の代表的な物となっているように日本の就職活動もまた日本特有な事象である。このキャップストーンでは、アメリカと日本の就職活動において、どのような類似点や相違点があるのか、どのような点に理想と現実の違いがあるのか、又大学生や既に働いている若者達は就職活動に対してどのような見解を持っているのか、等について調査してみた。日本の就職活動がこれからの日本の社会においてどのように変わっていくべきなのかも考察してみた。

    Throughout the world, Japan’s system of employment is extremely time consuming and notoriously difficult. In the so-called “age of the salary-man” brought about by Japan’s recovery after World War II, the job hunting system has become as much a part of Japanese culture and tradition as manga and sushi. In this capstone, I will first explore the similarities and differences in the job hunting experiences faced by both Americans and Japanese, followed by the expectations and image of job hunting versus the outcomes, and will finally compare the opinions on job hunting held by college students and full-time workers. The findings of this research will contribute to the analysis on what kind of role the current job-hunting system plays in modern Japanese society.

    Danielle Schaubert

    Danielle Schaubert


    Bullying at School In Japan and America

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Ijime (bullying) has been a serious and important social issue in Japanese schools both historically and in current times. Japan is known to be a homogenous society, where people stick to social norms. If someone deviates from what others find normal then that person often becomes subject to bullying, especially in the school setting. In my capstone, I studied what types of bullying exist, what triggers bullying, and the role of the school system and parents. I also looked at the results to see whether or not there are any differences between in Japan and the U.S. I strongly feel that we need to understand how Ijime has become such a social problem at school so that we may be able to help reduce the bullying in the future.

    Sydney Stampher

    Sydney Stampher


    Shoujo Manga: Learning and Experiencing Romance through Fiction

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Shoujo manga are popular Japanese comic books for young girls and are read nearly everywhere, including between classes, on the train, and at home. Shoujo manga first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and by the 1970s they developed into the more sophisticated books published today. Shoujo manga provide young girls role-models and allow them to develop their own ideals of romance. I studied the way the stories and characters can influence the lives of Japanese women. In this capstone, I studied how the relationships and stories in shoujo manga have an effect on Japanese youth, and how they relate to the reality of romantic life in Japan. I compared the romantic reality of shoujo manga readers to the romantic lives of American youth in order to gain an understanding of the influence of shoujo manga on its readers from broader perspectives.

    Kelly Marie Stone

    Kelly Marie Stone


    Kawaii Culture: Analysis of “Cute” in Japanese Society

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    The concept of kawaii or ‘cute’ is very important in Japan. Kawaii is a culture unto itself, spanning hundreds of years deeply embedded in Japanese society. Seemingly innocent on the surface, many do not realize the potential power kawaii offers. From street signs, warnings, and instructions to toys, videos, and other merchandise, big business has utilized the influential power of kawaii. This capstone will break down the physical and emotional components of ‘cute’, as well as demonstrate the swaying power kawaii holds. By researching the importance of character usage in Japan, I will explore the necessity of kawaii to be integrated with marketing strategies.

    Stephanie Swarthout

    Stephanie Swarthout


    Marriage and Family Life: University Students’ Perspectives

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Opinions on marriage and marriage life are greatly affected by the country in which they were born and raised. What are Japanese and American college students’ perspectives on marriage? What is Japanese and American college students’ perspective on having children? In what ways do Japanese and American perspectives coincide and differ on these two topics? And how have Japanese perspectives changed from 20 years ago? This capstone project explores the different practices of marriage; different ways of thinking of having children, and life styles young people wish to have in two different countries through a survey in Japan and America.

    Jonathan Tamashiro

    Jonathan Tamashiro


    Influencing Intercultural Perspectives through Film: A Study on the Portrayal of Japanese and Western Cultures in Studio Ghibli Movies

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Of the internationally distributed Japanese movies, few have garnered such critical acclaim as those created by Studio Ghibli. Audiences worldwide are drawn in by the lovable characters, deep plots, and classic animation while being exposed to important messages about society and the environment. This capstone project examines Japanese elements in My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away, as well as European elements in Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle. This study also investigates the role Studio Ghibli movies play in shaping cultural perspectives of young adults from Japan and the United States.

    Yadira Figueroa Trujillo

    Yadira Figueroa Trujillo

    El feminismo en tres poemas de Alfonsina Storni

    Feminism in Three Poems of Alfonsina Storni

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste and Dr. Maria Zielina

    Mi capstone analiza cómo se presenta el feminismo en tres poemas de la escritora y poeta argentina Alfonsina Storni. Ella es una de las poetas más reconocidas del siglo XX por sus ideas feministas y su lucha en favor de la mujer para que ésta tuviera un lugar justo en la sociedad patriarcal de su época. A través de poemas como “Tu me quieres blanca”, “Hombre Pequeñito” y “la Loba”, y con un lenguaje lleno de metáforas e imágenes modernistas, la poeta presenta su rebeldía y frustraciones. Al final de mi análisis espero dar a conocer un poco más acerca de la poesía Alfonsina Storni y como dichas obras exponen la lucha en favor de los derechos de la mujer.

    My capstone analyses three poems of Alfonsina Storni through a feminist framework. Storni is one of the most recognized poets of the twentieth century. She is widely known for her feminist ideas and activism for women rights. Her work reflects the desire for gender equality during the twenty century. Through her poems “Tu Me Quieres Blanca”, “Hombre Pequeñito” and “La Loba” the author presents her opposition and frustration towards patriarchal ideologies. At the end of my analysis, I hope to expose more about Alfonisna Storni’s writing. I also hope that her work for women rights become widely known among future generations of readers.

    Jesús Villanueva

    Jesús Villanueva

    Ecos de los pueblos Purépechas en la cultura y arte de Michoacán, México

    Impact of the Purepechan People on Michoacán Culture, Mexico

    Advisor: Dr. Maria Zielina

    Mi tema de investigación es la cultura purépecha; una cultura que se encuentra ubicada en el centro de México, en el estado de Michoacán. En sus orígenes, la influencia cultural de los pueblos purépechas abarcaba los estados de Michoacán, Guerrero, Jalisco, Guanajuato y Querétaro, y su éxito militar y económico los convirtió en una potencia de primera magnitud en Mesoamérica, capaz de resistir las batallas del imperio mexica durante los siglos quince y dieciséis. La poca importancia que hoy en día se le da a este grupo y su cultura es lo que me ha llevado a presentar la misma a través de su historia, tradiciones, creencias religiosas, artesanía, y su lengua madre, la tarasca. Actualmente aún existe esta cultura aunque con menos apogeo. Espero que mi tesina sirva para dar a conocer aspectos de este grupo indígena a la cual se debe la fundación y gran parte las tradiciones culturales de Michoacán.

    My research topic is the Purépecha culture located in Michoacan state, Central Mexico. Originally, the cultural influence of the Purépecha people was felt across Michoacán, Guerrero, Jalisco, Guanajuato and Queretaro, and the economic and military success of this indigenous group made them powerful in Mesoamerica, able to withstand the battles of the Mexican empire during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The little importance now given to this group and its culture is what have led me to research their history, traditions, religious beliefs, crafts, and their language: tarasca language.

    John S. Wood

    John S. Wood


    The Kyoto Protocol: Perceptions of Japanese Culture and Environmental Policy

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Japan made environmental policy headlines in December 1997 when it hosted the 7th Conference of Parties in Kyoto, which resulted in the drafting of the Kyoto Protocol, the first major international effort to mitigate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Japan again made headlines in November 2010, when it refused to renew the Protocol in 2012. The purpose of this thesis is to examine perceptions of Japanese involvement in the Kyoto Protocol by Japanese and American college students with a questionnaire, and analyze these responses to find commonalities and origins for these sentiments.