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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2012 Capstone Class

The Spring 2012 WLC 400 Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Earl Brown.

The Spring 2012 WLC 400: WLC Major Capstone Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Donaldo Urioste.

Student project abstracts are available below and were advised by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Maria Zielina, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez and Dr. Shigeko Sekine.

The Capstone Festival was held May 17-18, 2012 and student presentations are available on YouTube

Spring 2012 Capstone Class
Spring 2012 Capstone Class

Back Row, L to R: Lauren Gardner, Brittany Dismukes, Jessenia Castellanos, Oliver Caballero, Kristopher Hansen, Adam Chantri, Dr. Earl Brown, Joseph Ostrowski, Hyuma Ohkawa, Bradley Goldblatt, Riley Malane, Héctor Carvajal, María Ortega-Chavez, Naomi Tatsuoka

Front Row: Samantha Perez, Ivette Zargoza, Victoria Petersen, Gabrielle Brown, Josephine Fultz, Leanna Jenkins, Ramona Hutchinson, Wyndon Villafuerte, Carolina Román, Iván Hernández, Norma Fausto, Dr. Shigeko Sekine

Not Pictured: Eduardo Navarro, Susana Caro

See student headshots on Flickr


  • Gabrielle Brown


    Drinking in America and Japan: How Society Impacts University Students’ Drinking Habits

    Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott



    Alcohol is a substance that has been present throughout all civilized society. It is a toxic substance that alters the state of mind of the consumer, and yet it has always been present throughout the ages. How, where, and why alcohol is ingested is a reflection of culture and societal norms. While studying abroad in Japan I found that the customs surrounding drinking were very different from what I had grown accustomed to growing up in America. In this capstone I will examine how drinking habits are different between Japanese and American University students through a survey. Through this examination of drinking customs and Alcohol Awareness education and how they differ between cultures I will find similarities and differences that exist in our societies.




    ○ 飲酒に関してどのようなプレッシャーが存在するのか。

    ○ どのような社会的要因が飲酒を進めるのか、又は妨げるのか。


    ○ アルコール中毒、アルコール依存症、飲酒運転についてどのような教育をうけたか。

    ○ 日本とアメリカの大学生のアルコール依存症の定義とはなにか。

    Research Questions

    What are the differences in drinking habits between American and Japanese university students?

    What societal factors influence drinking habits in Japanese and American university students?

    • What kinds of pressure is there to drink alcohol?

    • What societal elements allow them to drink or inhibit them from drinking?

    To what extent does education impact drinking habits?

    • What kind of education about alcoholism/alcohol poisoning/drinking and driving did they receive

    • What is alcoholism defined by Japanese and American students?

  • Susana Caro

    Los vascos y su identidad en España

    The Basques and Their Identity in Spain

    Advisors: Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Earl Brown

    Esta tesis pretende presentar y describir a la población vasca, y a la vez exhibir la distinción entre la perspectiva que se tiene de ella en España como país, y en País Vasco como comunidad autónoma. Los aspectos culturales en los que me centraré son: el folclórico (que incluye música, literatura, comida, y filosofía), lo religioso, político, económico, histórico, y lingüístico. El propósito del estudio es mostrar las diferencias ideológicas y culturales entre País Vasco y España para explorar cómo éstas han contribuido a los problemas políticos que han existido y siguen existiendo entre las dos regiones.

    This thesis seeks to present and describe the Basque people, as well as expose the distinction between how they are viewed in the Basque Country as a province and Spain as a country. The aspects of their culture I will focus on are: the folklore (which includes music, literature, food, and philosophy), religion, politics, economy, history, and language. The purpose of the study is to illustrate the differences in ideology and culture between Basque Country and Spain, in order to explore how these differences have contributed to the political troubles that have existed and continue to exist between the two regions.

  • Héctor Carvajal

    La Época Dorada de La Música Salsa

    Golden Age of Salsa Music

    Advisor: Dr. María Zielina

    Este capstone es el resultado de una investigación basada en los estudios críticos de expertos académicos como: Max Salazar, John Storm Roberts, Cesar Miguel Rondón y Vernon W Boggs. Estos autores comparten en sus libros, entrevistas con los protagonistas claves en el desarrollo de la música salsa en Nueva York, entre ellos: Mario Bauza, Machito, Tito Puente y Celia Cruz. El acercamiento que se hace sobre los hechos que contribuyeron a una migración considerable de músicos cubanos, puertorriqueños y latinoamericanos hacia la ciudad de Nueva York, se lleva a cabo desde un punto de vista histórico e incluyen la Guerra Hispano-americana y la Revolución Cubana de 1959. Las consecuencias políticas, económicas, sociales y culturales afectaron profundamente no sólo a Cuba y Puerto Rico sino también a Nueva York. En esta ciudad, a mediados de los años 60, se unieron latinoamericanos y seguidores con el objetivo de admirar, crear y difundir un nuevo concepto musical, la música salsa. En este trabajo, prestamos especial atención a la gran influencia de los ritmos afrocubanos, y al aporte de los músicos puertorriqueños, nuevayorriqueños y latinoamericanos en la creación y “globalización” de este género durante las décadas de los 60 y 70. Por último mencionamos el esfuerzo de la comunidad latinoamericana y caribeña de Nueva York por tratar de conservar sus identidades a través de los valores socio-culturales que representa la música salsa como lo son el predominio del baile y el uso del idioma español en el texto de las canciones.

    This capstone is the product of research based on the views of expert academics such as: Max Salazar, John Storm Roberts, Cesar Miguel Rondon and Vernon W Boggs. In their books these authors present interviews with some of the key figures in the development of salsa music in New York, among them: Mario Bauza, Machito, Tito Puente y Celia Cruz. The focus of the paper is on the historic events that contributed to a considerable migration of Puerto Rican, Cuban and Latin-American musicians to New York City. These events include the Spanish American War and the 1959 Cuban revolution whose political, economic, social, and cultural consequences deeply affected not only Cuba and Puerto Rico, but also New York. In that city in the mid 60’s Latin-Americans and their followers joined forces to admire, create and spread a new musical concept that became known as salsa music. Special attention is given to the great influence of the Afro-Cuban rhythms as well as the contribution of Puerto Rican, Nuyorican and Latin American musicians in the creation and “globalization” of this genre during the 60’s and 70’s. Finally, mention is given to the efforts of the Puerto Rican and Latin-American communities to keep their own identity through the socio-cultural values represented by salsa music like the predominance of dancing and the use of the Spanish language in the songs lyrics.

  • Jessenia Castellanos

    Pablo Picasso y su arte: La guerra civil española a través del cuadro Guernica

    Pablo Picasso and his Art: The Spanish Civil War through the painting Guernica

    Advisor: Dr. María Zielina

    Para mi tesina, examino la vida de Pablo Picasso y exploro la guerra civil española a través de su arte y cómo es que este doloroso evento cambió no sólo su arte sino también su vida. He seleccionado el cuadro Guernica (1937), pues el mismo, a través del uso de símbolos culturales, revela su posición política después del bombardeo de la ciudad vasca de Guernica. Con este estudio doy a entender la vida y el arte de este artista español tan importante y por qué él es considerado un “héroe cultural” para los españoles y entre otros artistas. For my Capstone, I will examine the life of Pablo Picasso and I will explore the Spanish Civil War through his art and how this war changed him. I have selected the painting Guernica (1937) because it presents his political stance after the bombing of Guernica, a Basque city in northern Spain, through the use of cultural symbols. With this study I hope to present important aspects of the life of this great Spanish artist and, most importantly, why he is considered a “cultural hero” by the Spanish people and amongst artists.

  • Adam Chantri


    The Role and Use of “Konbini” and Convenience Stores by University Students Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Although convenience stores began in Texas in 1927, it was in Japan that they took root improving their products and services to fit with the evolving Japanese lifestyle. Everyday, Japanese people of all ages visit convenience stores for meals, snacks, and services that are not even available in the United State. The Japanese convenience store, also known as “konbini” has developed methods of sales and distribution that barely resemble their American counterparts. In my capstone I will be examining the differences between Japanese and American convenience stores as well as how students’ use of convenience stores differ. I will also look at how the use convenience store by students affects their perception and how this perception reflects upon Japanese and American culture.



    a. 大学生にとってコンビニはどのような点で必要か。



    a. 日本とアメリカの大学生は商品についてどのように感じているか。

    Research Questions:

    What role do convenience stores (konbini) play in the daily life of Japanese University Students?

    a. In what ways have konbini become necessary for University students?

    How do Japanese and American University student's use of konbini reflect upon their culture?

    How do konbini compare with American convenience stores?

    a. How do Japanese and American students perceive products in konbini?

  • Brittany Dismukes

    La Guerra Civil Española en el cine español desde 1939 hasta hoy en día

    The Representation of the Spanish Civil War in Spanish Film from 1939 to the Present Day

    Advisors: Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Earl Brown

    Mi trabajo de investigación trata de comparar y contrastar la representación de la Guerra Civil Española en el cine hecho en España desde 1939 hasta 1975, durante el régimen de Francisco Franco en España, con la del cine realizado tras la dictadura desde finales de 1975 hasta hoy día. El trabajo escrito examina el control que se llevaba a cabo sobre el cine, realizado por parte de la censura, durante el periodo de la dictadura, y debido a esto como afecta a la representación de la historia en las películas de la época. Después de la muerte del dictador y la caída del régimen, muchas películas sobre la Guerra Civil Española y la dictadura eran realizadas de nuevo con el fin de recuperar la historia que fue perdida y distorsionada durante casi cuatro décadas. Con esto, los españoles hayan podido finalmente reflejar la historia de los que habían perdido la guerra y lo que habían sufrido con la caída de la República.

    My research paper compares and contrasts the portrayal of the Spanish Civil War in films made in Spain from 1939 to 1975, the reign of the dictator Francisco Franco in Spain, to that of its portrayal in films after the dictatorship, beginning in late 1975 and continuing to today. The paper examines the control that the dictator exercised through censorship over how this history was portrayed through film. After his death and the fall of his regime, several movies about the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship were produced in an effort to recuperate the history that had been lost and skewed for nearly four decades. With this, Spaniards were finally able to share stories of those who had lost the war and what they had endured with the fall of the Republic.

  • Norma Fausto

    La opresión de la mujer, los conflictos de pertenecer a una familia tradicional y vivir en una cultura moderna representados en la novela La Genara The Oppression of Women, the Conflicts of Belonging to a Traditional Family and Living in a Modern Culture as Represented in the Novel La Genara Advisor: Dr. María Zielina, Dr. Earl Brown

    En mi tesis analizaré la opresión y la discriminación de la mujer, como es representada a través de la familia, el feminismo, las relaciones, las críticas sociales y el machismo. En la novela La Genara escrita por Rosinda Conde, una novela de una mujer que creció y luchó contra el conflicto entre dos culturas diferentes. La Genara, un personaje que vive atada a las tradiciones y costumbres de su familia. Costumbres y tradiciones que vienen de siglos atrás. Este personaje se encuentra en la lucha por adaptarse a vivir con las tradiciones y costumbres familiares y al mismo tiempo adaptarse a una vida moderna, muy diferente a las costumbres y tradiciones de su familia.

    In my thesis I will analyze the oppression and discrimination against women, as represented by the family, feminism, relationships, social criticism and machismo. In the novel written by Rosinda Genara Conde, a novel of a woman who grew up and fought against the conflict between two different cultures. The Genara, a character who lives tied to the traditions and customs of her family. Customs and traditions that come from centuries ago. This character is in a struggle to adjust to living in a traditional family setting because of her more modern lifestyle, which is very different from the customs and traditions of her family.

  • Josephine Fultz


    The Culture and Emergence of Graffiti: A Comparative Study in Japan and America Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Street Art is present in almost any country in the world, throughout almost any time period. Each country has their own style and culture behind the tags and every “writer” has their own unique source of inspiration. Graffiti, or Street Art, in Japan has become increasingly popular since the early 1990’s, due to the popularity of hip-hop culture. Japanese writers have developed their own distinct styles, yet there are still noticeable influences from other artists across the globe. Graffiti has slowly started becoming a more acceptable form of art, with notable artists even showing their pieces in art galleries and exhibitions. In this study, I conducted a survey and found out that graffiti is a global art and the messages that writers show are having more and more influence on global culture.





    Research Questions:

    What common themes and motifs are prevalent in people’s perceptions of Japan and America’s graffiti community?

    What are the artistic and contextual differences and similarities between commissioned and illegal art?

    Why has graffiti taken so long to become a more accepted part of contemporary culture?

  • Lauren R. Gardener

    Las diferencias entre los hombres y las mujeres latinos en su percepción de la violencia doméstica

    Gender Differences Among Latinos in their Perceptions of Domestic Violence

    Advisor: Dr. Earl Brown

    La violencia doméstica es un problema muy grave en todo el mundo, pero el nivel y la definición de la violencia domestica son diferentes en cada cultura y a veces la gente acepta actos de violencia que no son aceptables en otras culturas. El propósito de este estudio es ver si existen diferencias de género en las percepciones de la violencia doméstica en los Latinos. Los elementos para este estudio incluye una encuesta y unas entrevistas individuales para ver si hay una diferencia. Esta investigación también sirve para llenar un hueco en la literatura sobre la violencia doméstica y la cultura latina. El instrumento de la encuesta incluye un resumen de una historia sobre una relación romántica involucrada en una disputa doméstica y una encuesta que corresponde con la historia. Los participantes de las entrevistas se les preguntó a leer una cita de una cantante mexico-americana famosa y responder con sus opiniones.

    Domestic violence is a widespread problem throughout the world; however different cultures seem to define domestic violence differently and levels of acceptability vary across cultures, so that what may be viewed as acceptable in one culture is considered unacceptable in another. The purpose of this study is to see if there are gender differences in Latinos’ perceptions of domestic violence. In order to measure this possible difference, a survey was administered and face-to-face interviews were conducted. This research will also work to fill a gap in the literature having to do with domestic violence and the Latino culture. The survey instrument includes a summary of a story about a couple involved in a domestic dispute and a survey about that corresponds with the story. The interview participants were asked to read a quote from a famous Mexican-American female singer and respond with their opinions.

  • Brad Goldblatt

    すし: その人気と環境に対する意識

    Sushi: Its Popularity and Environmental Awareness Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    Sushi is a very fascinating cuisine and subculture. According to Vanguard, sushi consumption in U.S. restaurants has increased 40% from the years 1997 to 2002. This percentage continues to grow today. Environmental hazards associated with sushi and overfishing are also growing. Through this research I will see how sushi's popularity and trends differ between American and Japanese college students and to what extent are they aware of the issue of overfishing and their choice of sushi. Further, I explored the impact of education in terms of their perception on the environmental concerns around the popularity of sushi.





    Research Questions

    How do the popularity and trends of sushi vary between Japanese and American sushi consumers?

    What are the differences between Japanese and American college students' perspectives on the sushi industry and related education?

    To what extent is the popularity of sushi affected by the concept of overfishing and related education?

  • Kristopher Hansen


    Drive to Succeed Among University Students in Japan and America Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Every person feels a desire to succeed and strives to achieve success with varying degrees of motivation. For those that achieve it, the university level of education is often when motivation and desire to succeed become fully developed and molded. In my own university experience, I felt incredible difficulty finding motivation and a goal that I could strive toward. University students are close enough to the real world to realize the importance of success as well as feel the crushing pressure from society to be a successful individual. It is this pressure along with a myriad of new experiences and knowledge that forces students to find the source of their motivation to succeed. In this study, I focused on the struggles and pressures or lack thereof that university students experience in Japan and America. I would like to find out what it is that motivates them or compels them to succeed.



    a. 両親と社会からどのような期待があるか?

    b. 大学生は成功に対してどのような認識を持っているか?



    Research Questions:

    How is success defined by university students in Japan and America?

    a. What are the expectations of parents or society?

    b. What do university students perceive as success?

    To what extent are university students impelled to succeed by external pressures or self-motivation?

    How do university students seek success during and after school?

  • Iván Hernández

    La travesía y aculturación de la mujer inmigrante mexicana en los Estados Unidos The Journey and Acculturation of Mexican Immigrant Women in the United States Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Earl Brown

    Las razones por las cuales se da la migración humana son muy complejas y resultan en temas contemporáneos altamente controvertidos en las sociedades receptoras. Una de las razones más comunes por la cual la migración ocurre tiene que ver con las desigualdades económicas que han resultado a partir de la expansión del modelo neo-liberal económico hacia países con inmensas desigualdades económicas. Debido a esto, esta tesis estudia el papel que las mujeres mexicanas juegan en la migración mexicana hacia los Estados Unidos. Este proyecto empieza con un análisis histórico de la migración entre estos dos países, después explora la travesía de las mujeres mexicanas. Adicionalmente, esta investigación analiza los efectos culturales que se crean debido a la incorporación de la mujer mexicana en los Estados Unidos. A través de algunos ejemplos de literatura chicana, estadísticas sociodemográficas y análisis de investigaciones previas se mostrarán las dificultades diarias con las cuales muchas de estas mujeres se ven envueltas para poder sacar no sólo sus propias vidas adelante, sino también las vidas de sus familias.

    The reasons as to why humans migrate are very complex and result in contemporary topics that are highly controversial that affect the host societies that receive them. One of the most common reasons as to why people migrate has to do with the economic inequalities that resulted from the spreading of the neo-liberal economic model into countries where enormous economic inequalities are present. A motivating factor for this capstone are these economic inequalities that often lead Mexican women to leave their home country for the US. Consequently, this project addresses the role that women play in the migration between México and the US. This research project starts with a historical analysis of the migration between these two countries; it then explores the journey of Mexican women. Additionally, this project analyses the cultural effects that result from their incorporation into the United States. Through the use of a few examples of Chicano literature, sociodemographic data, and analyses of previously conducted research, this capstone shows the daily hardships that many of these women have to go through as they try to improve, not just their own lives but also the lives of their families.

  • Ramona Hutchinson


    Everyday Perceptions of Green Tea, Black Tea, and Coffee in Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    コー ヒーと様々な種類のお茶は世界で最も人気のある飲み物であり、日本でも非常によく親しまれている。日本では、緑茶が伝統的な飲み物として昔からよく飲まれていたが、コーヒーや紅茶は明治時代から西洋の飲み物として紹介された。始めは紅茶もコーヒーも西洋的であり日本人にとっては珍しい飲み物として扱われたが、今では様々な種類のコーヒーや紅茶が提供され多くの日本人が日常的に飲んでいる。

    この研究では日本の大学生が コーヒー、紅茶、緑茶に対してどのような見方をしているのか、どのように飲み物を選択しているのか、又それが如何にテレビや広告等のメディアに影響されているのかについてアンケート調査を行い、その結果をまとめてみた。

    Coffee and tea are two of the world’s main beverages, and both are used in Japan. Originally green tea was the only kind of tea used in Japan, however around the Meiji era black tea and coffee were also introduced. Coffee caught on quickly, and eventually black tea did as well, both being surrounded by the ideals of the Western world that many Japanese found fascinating. In this study I examined how coffee, black tea, and green tea are perceived differently among Japanese university students, how the students choose what to drink, how the media has influenced these perceptions and choices, and the influence of advertising on the popularity of the beverages.


    1. コーヒー、紅茶、緑茶の中で、日本人はどの飲み物を好んで飲むのか。

    2. み物の選択の理由にはどのようなものがあげられるか。それぞれの飲み物にはどのようなイメージがあるのか。

    3. 広告や宣伝は飲み物の選択に関してどのような影響を及ぼしているのか。

    Research Questions

    1.What are Japanese people’s choices of beverage among coffee and tea?

    2.For what reasons would a Japanese person choose to drink a particular beverage?

    In what ways do they perceive these beverages?

    3.To what extent does advertising influence their choices?

  • Leanna Jenkins


    Perspectives on Foreign Language Education between Japanese and American University Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    To what extent are the perceived values of foreign language education similar or different among university students in Japan and America? The purpose of this thesis will be to examine the English educational system in Japan and how it distinguishes itself from the foreign language educational system in America. English has been highly valued within Japan and traditionally, Japanese high school students graduate with at least six years of English education. However, due to the test content of most Japanese national examinations, communicative competence was often neglected in the English classroom.

    Japan has attempted to remedy this issue by introducing communicative language courses in high school and requiring all Japanese students to start their English education in fifth grade and continue studying English for eight years until they graduate high school. The early implementation of English in Japan has faced some criticism from the public and thus this research will explore the perceptions university students have on the challenges and benefits of implementing foreign language education in elementary school.




    Research Questions

    To what extent are the perceived values of foreign language education similar or different among university students in Japan and America?

    What are university students’ perceptions on the introduction of foreign language education in elementary school?

  • Riley Malane

    La originalidad del español chileno

    The Originality of Chilean Spanish

    Advisor: Dr. Earl Brown

    El español de Chile, y más particularmente en la capital, Santiago, es muy diferente del español de cualquier otro país. Aunque su lengua puede ser muy difícil de entender para un extranjero, es lo que realmente hace la identidad chilena. El propósito de este trabajo es explorar el origen del español chileno, investigar las diferencias entre el español de Chile y el español de otros países, y examinar la variación en la lengua entre los chilenos, especialmente en las diferentes clases sociales. Espero que este proyecto no sólo sirva como un medio en que los lectores puedan mejor comprender mejor la importancia del idioma en Chile, sino que también permita a los chilenos celebrar la originalidad de su cultura.

    The Spanish spoken in Chile and most particularly in its capital, Santiago, is unlike that of any other Spanish speaking country. Although their language may be quite difficult for outsiders to understand, it is what truly makes up the Chilean identity. The purpose of this work is to explore where this unique level of Spanish came from, investigate the differences between Chilean Spanish and the Spanish of other countries, and examine the changes in language amongst Chileans especially in different social classes. I hope that this project will not only serve as a means for readers to better understand why language is so important in Chile but also allow Chileans to celebrate the originality of their culture.

  • Eduardo Navarro

    Historia, Baile y Crecimiento: Salsa y Merengue

    History, Dance and Growth: Salsa and Merengue Advisor: Dr. Earl Brown

    La historia del baile salsa y merengue proviene de los orígenes de la música y movimientos africanos. El movimiento de caderas de un lado al otro, la postura derecha, el modo de como dejarse llevar por la música sin ponerle tanta atención a la letra, te da cosquillas en los pies y te pone a bailar. Esos sonidos de la trompeta, y del cencerro, hace que la música corra por tus venas y te lleva hacer los movimientos sensuales que se requiere sin importarte nada. La metas para de este proyecto, con un buen análisis del tema, es hacer ver a la gente como estos bailes de orígenes afro-cubano a influenciado a toda la cultura latina en diferentes regiones al igual en como a crecido mundialmente y como ambos bailes de la misma raíz a puesto a varía gente en sus pies.

    The history origins of Salsa and Meregue dance come from African music and movements. The hip movement form side to side, proper posture, the feeling of letting yourself go with the flow of the music without paying attention to the lyrics, makes your feet tingle and puts you to dance. The beats of the cowbells and trumpets, makes the music get inside you and leads you to do sensual salsa and Merengue steps without noticing that your actually dancing. The purposes of this project, with its well established analysis on the topic, is to make people see how these similar background (Afro-Cuban) dances has had a big influence in all Latin cultures and in different regions all over the world and how it has put many people on their feet.

  • Hyuma Ohkawa


    The Journey of Japanese Americans and their Identity Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Japanese Americans have a unique story from first coming to the Unites States and also the history during World War II and their life in internment. They have overcome adversity and continue to live all over the United States. Being an Japanese American myself, and also having studied in Japan, I wonder of my own identity and how my life was shaped because of the past history of Japanese Americans that came to the U.S. before my family.The purpose of this thesis is to better understand whether or not Japanese Americans deal with identity issues, especially of the types of values and beliefs they are grown into and are maintained as part of their culture. I will also examine if newer generations are affected by the elders values and what they decided to teach their children. What influenced people of Japanese ancestry to choose what to pass on and what not to pass on? I would like to investigate whether or not language skills and cultural values were carried on to later generations.




    Research Questions

    1.To what extent do Japanese Americans living in the U.S. deal with identity issues and are their differences in the age groups?

    2.Are there any differences in generations about the heritage language skills and Japanese culture?

  • María Ortega-Chavez

    La Malinche y Sacagawea: Las diferencias y las semejanzas en la percepción de dos mujeres simbólicas en la historia de México y de los Estados Unidos

    La Malinche and Sacagawea: The Differences and Similarities in the Perceptions of Two Symbolic Women in the History of Mexico and in the United States

    Advisor: Dr. Earl Brown

    En este estudio se incluye un fondo de ambas de La Malinche y Sacagawea y sus papeles como mujeres influyentes. La Malinche es importante en la historia mexicana porque fue aun más que una intérprete azteca de Hernán Cortés en la conquista de Mexico. Se convirtió en un punto de referencia sobre “el Malinchismo” y la creación de la nueva cultura “ser mestizo.” En otro aspecto, es similar a Sacagawea, una nativo-americana que también se convirtió en heroína muy importante con la intervención de la expedición de Lewis y Clark en 1804. Se hará una comparación con las intervenciones, las percepciones de sus acciones y sus características en el arte y en la literatura.

    This study includes the backgrounds of both La Malinche and Sacagawea and their roles as influential women. La Malinche is important to Mexican history because she was more than just as an Aztec interpreter for Hernán Cortés during the conquest of Mexico; she was an important figure in the creation of the new culture called “mestizo" and "el malinchismo.” Similar to La Malinche, Sacagawea was an Native American and the only female on the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804 in the Western United States. Even though there is very little information written about her, she became an American symbol. This capstone will compare these two women, their interventions, their people’s perspective of their actions, as well as their characteristics in art and literature.

  • Joseph Ostrowski


    The Perceptions of Japanese and American University Students toward their Local Police Force

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    The relationship between the police and the citizens has a significant impact on how effective the society is at handling crime. When the relationship between the officers and the people they serve is poor or uneasy, the police’s effectiveness is hindered. Japan is regarded as one of the safest countries in the world, and at first glance may seem like a “heaven for cops.” America, in an almost opposite fashion, has often faced incredibly fractured police/citizen relations, and the American police have been consistently portrayed in a negative way.

    This capstone investigates the current perceptions of university students in Japan and America toward the law enforcement patrolling the areas in which they live. The data will highlight the significant cultural differences and similarities between these two societal groups and show how the police/citizen relationship may fluctuate as these students begin living in the specific community in the future.





    Research Questions

    How are the police perceived in Japan by university students?

    How are the police perceived in America by university students?

    What are the similarities and differences between these countries?

  • Victoria Petersen


    Perceptions of Diet and Body Image among University Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Body image is the way we feel about and perceive our physical bodies. It is also how we are perceived by other people and the many cultures we live in. Body image can strongly influence behavior, affecting our health and mental state. Some people diet because they have a poor body image, rather than because they want to be a healthy weight. In America, weight has become the crucial factor in how the vast majority of Americans judge their own attractiveness and that of their peers. While in Japan, the media has played a substantial role in increasing pressure on Japanese society to be skinny.

    In this capstone, I will examine how both American and Japanese University students perceive diet and body image differently and how the media has influenced these perceptions. Also, by comparing how men and women draw their perceptions of a “perfect body,” I wanted to learn more about the different types of lifestyles and what role these perceptions play in their daily lives.





    Research Questions

    1.To what extent is the ideal body image different in Japan and America? Ware the differences between male and female perceptions of the ideal body image?

    In what ways is diet and body image perceived in Japan and America?

    What social pressures contribute to dieting?

  • Carolina Román

    El realismo mágico en la literatura mexicana

    Magical Realism in Mexican Literature

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Ovidio Casado-Fuente, Dr. Earl Brown

    El propósito de este estudio es mostrar que la literatura mexicana cuenta con grandes escritores de realismo mágico como Juan Rulfo y Laura Esquivel. Este estudio muestra lo que es el realismo mágico, presenta dónde se originó este concepto literario artístico, cuándo fue que este concepto artístico literario se introdujo en Hispanoamérica y finalmente cómo se aplica en la literatura mexicana. Para mostrar la aplicación de este concepto literario en la literatura mexicana, se estudian dos novelas, Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo y Como agua para chocolate de Laura Esquivel, y se muestran ejemplos claros y precisos del realismo mágico. Asimismo, se ve cómo estas novelas fueron escritas en diferentes tiempos pero que tienen referencia a la misma época histórica. La meta de este estudio es ayudar a entender mejor este concepto literario y de igual manera mostrar que el realismo mágico es un concepto artístico literario que comenzó hace mucho tiempo y aún sigue vigente. De igual manera, la meta más importante es poder contestar cuando alguien pregunte ¿qué es el realismo mágico? No sólo se mencione al famoso escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez sino también a los autores mexicanos Juan Rulfo o Laura Esquivel.

    The purpose of this study is to show that Mexican literature has great magical realist writers such as Juan Rulfo and Laura Esquivel. This study shows what magical realism is, where this artistic literary concept originated, when this term was introduced in Spanish-speaking Latin America and finally how it is manifested in Mexican literature. To demonstrate the application of this literary artistic concept in Mexican literature, two novels are analyzed: Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. These novels show clear and precise examples of magical realism. It is also shown that these novels were written during different time periods but they both make reference to the same era. The goal of this study is to help the audience better understand this artistic literary concept and show that magical realism is a literary concept that began long ago and still continues today. Similarly, the most important goal is to be able to answer the question: What is magical realism? The answer should not only mention the famous Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, but also the Mexican authors Juan Rulfo and Laura Esquivel.

  • Naomi Tatsuoka

    同性愛についての大学生の認識: 日本とアメリカの比較調査

    Perceptions of Homosexuality: Comparisons Between Japan and the US

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine



    Homosexual behavior has been present throughout recorded history, and relatively recently, homosexuality has become a form of identity. Yet, while 49% of both Japanese and American respondents were accepting of homosexuality, according to a Pew Research Poll (2007), the percent of respondents who thought homosexuality should be rejected was 41% in America, while in Japan it was only 28%.

    In this capstone, I explore the reasons and factors of why homosexuals are or are not accepted in both cultures and analyze the reasons why through a survey and comparison of perceptions. I will also examine if these opinions differ by gender. Finally, I will examine whether Japanese and American students have the same level of exposure in their scholastic and social lives to the topic and issues of homosexuality, and relate this to the large disparity in the neutral responses shown by the Pew poll.





    Research Questions

    What similarities and differences exist in Japanese and American university students’ perceptions of homosexuality?

    What are the differences in perceptions of homosexuals by gender between Japanese and American male and female university students?

    To what extent does the discussion of homosexuality affect the actual perception of homosexuality?

  • Wyndon Villafuerte

    Mobile Phone Usage among University Students in Japan and America


    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    携帯電話は現在の日本社会で欠かせないものであり、携帯電話を持っていない人はまずいないであろう。1980年代以来、日本は携帯電話の技術で世界最先端の技術を誇り、 その精密さや様々な機能には世界の人々を驚かせている。本研究では、日本とアメリカの大学生の携帯電話利用に関してのアンケート調査を行いその結果をまとめてみた。どのような理由で学生は携帯かスマートフォンを選ぶのか、どのような機能やアプリケーションを使用しているのか、さらに携帯を使用する際のマナーが日本とアメリカではどのように違うのか等の意見を分析してみた。

    Mobile phones have become a ubiquitous tool in modern society and one would be hard-pressed to find a person without one. Japan has been at the forefront of mobile phone technology since the 1980s. Japan is famous for producing cell phones whose unique functions are unheard of or would amaze cell phone users in the West. In my study, I investigated American and Japanese college students’ mobile phone usage, specifically what factors (i.e. mobile phone features, etc.) influence them in choosing and buying a mobile phone of their choice (basic vs. Smartphone), their current behavioral trends and attitudes of mobile phone use, and their perception of its use in public areas.


    1) 携帯電話を購入する際、大学生はどのような機能を考慮して選ぶか。

    2) 携帯電話を使用する際アメリカと日本ではどのような相違点があるのか。

    3) 公共の場での携帯電話のマナーに対する日本とアメリカの大学生の認識はどのように違うか。

    Research Questions

    1) What factors influence university students in choosing and buying a phone?

    2) What are the similarities and differences in current behavioral trends and attitudes in regards to cell phone usage?

    3) What are Japanese and American college students’ perceptions of cell phone use in public areas, in terms of cell phone etiquette?

  • Ivette Zargoza

    Femicidio en la novela chicana: Desert Blood y If I Die in Juarez

    Femicide in the Chicano novel: Desert Blood and If I Die in Juarez

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Femicidio en la novela chicana: Desert Blood y If I Die in Juarez Femicide in the Chicano novel: Desert Blood and If I Die in Juarez Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste Mi tema es sobre el femicidio que está ocurriendo en Ciudad Juárez, México y como ha influido en la literatura chicana. En mi capstone hablo brevemente de la historia del femicidio y cuando y porque comenzó en Ciudad Juárez, México. Para demostrar como este femicidio ha influido la literatura chicana analizo dos novelas: Desert Blood por Alicia Gaspar de Alba y If I Die in Juárez por Stella Pope Duarte. Me enfoco en la forma que escriben y los eventos que han ocurrido en Juárez que inspiran a estas autoras en sus novelas. Mi último punto es una investigación de porque estas autoras escribieron sus novelas y que las motivaron a escribir de este tema en particular.

    My topic is about the femicide that is occurring in Cuidad Juárez, México and how it has influenced Chicano literature. In my capstone I briefly talk about the history of the femicide and how and why it started in Cuidad Juárez, México. To demonstrate how this femicide has influenced Chicano literature I analyzed two novels: Desert Blood by Alicia Gaspar de Alba and If I Die in Juarez by Stella Pope Duarte. I focused on their form of writing and the events that inspired these authors to write their novels. My last point is an investigation in regards to why these authors wrote their novels and what motivated them to write about this particular topic.