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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2014 Capstone Course

The Spring 2014 WLC 400 Capstone Course was taught by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Donaldo Urioste.

Student project abstracts are available below and were advised by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Maria Zielina, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Carlos Arrizabalaga and Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi.

The Capstone Festival was held May 14-16, 2014 and student presentations are available on YouTube playlist at

Spring 2014 Capstone Students
Spring 2014 Capstone Students

Student names and titles, abstracts below

Jose Roque Alfaro

El lenguaje, el tiempo y la inmortalidad en los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges | The Concept of Language, Time, and Immortality in the Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges

Nicholas Barr

日本とアメリカの酒文化 | Drinking Culture in Japan and America

Matthew W. Bell

日米大学生のキャリアと成功に関する意識調査 | Cultural Projections of Career and Success: A Comparative Study between the US and Japan

Adrianne Bishop

El clasismo en Chile: La desigualdad y la discriminación impuesta por los “cuicos”

Classism in Chile: Inequality and Discrimination Driven by “Cuicos”

Jonathan Chaparro

El Vocalismo y los límites de la articulación

Vocalism and the Limits of Articulation

Shawn Clark


A Comparison of Game Centers in the US and Japan

Mark Davidson

La Guerra Civil Española y sus efectos en la literatura de Alicante, Valencia

The Spanish Civil War and its Effect on the Literature of Alicante, Valencia

Margarita Chavez Escobar

El Bildungsroman femenino en las obras de Rosario Castellanos y Elena Poniatowska

The Female Bildungsroman in the Works of Rosario Castellano and Elena Poniatowska

Matthew Ira Gin


Perceptions of Marriage among Japanese and American University Students

Jennifer Gonzalez

El español americano estándar: Un enfoque en el comportamiento de la /-s/

Standard American Spanish: A Focus on the Behavior of the Letter /-s/

Antonio Gomez-Zavala

La imagen del héroe y el macho en los corridos mexicanos durante la Revolución Mexicana The Image of the Hero and the Macho in the Mexican Ballads during the Mexican Revolution

Adilene Guzman

La influencia de Junípero Serra en los indígenas mediante el desarrollo de las misiones en California The Influence of Junipero Serra on California Natives via the Development of the California Missions

Rodney Harmon

La adquisición del segundo lenguaje: Las investigaciones de Stephen Krashen

Second Language Acquisition: The Research of Stephen Krashen

Brenda Heller

Representación literaria de la Masacre Haitiana de 1937 en la República Dominicana

The 1937 Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic as Represented in Literature

Lauren Lasch

Desarrollar un programa en español para una organización local sin fines de lucro

Developing a Program Plan to Integrate Learning Spanish for a Local Nonprofit Organization

Kyle Lipscombe


The Impact of Second Language Acquisition through Study Abroad

Michelle Lupisan


Self-Esteem among University Students: A Comparative Study of Japan and America

Colin McAndrews

Elementos del Surrealismo en la novela Crimen por Agustín Espinosa

Elements of Surrealism in the Novel Crimen by Agustín Espinosa

Evelia Meza

Los retos y problemas al traducir la canción "Bracero" por Phil Ochs

Challenges and Problems in Translating the Song, "Bracero" by Phil Ochs

Kanako Miyake


Exploring Job-Hunting and Suicide: Similarities and Differences between Japanese and American University Students

Serafin Moreno

María Luisa Bombal y su visión y solución del conflicto femenino y masculino en su obra literaria María Luisa Bombal’s Vision and Solution for the Masculine and Feminine Conflict in Her Literary Works

Úrsula Olivo

El desmantelamiento de la mujer tradicional mexicana a través de _Arráncame la vida_de Angeles Mastretta The Dismantling of the Traditional Mexican Women in the Novel Tear This Heart Out by Angeles Mastretta

Felicia Prestwood

El pueblo gitano en el sur de España y su marginalización socio/cultural

The Gypsy People in Southern Spain and Their Socio/Cultural Marginalization

Matthew Sanders


Perceptions of Gender Roles among Japanese and American Students

Yury de Santos

Atrocidades de la Guerra Civil Española: El fusilamiento de "Las Trece Rosas" en 1939 Atrocities of the Spanish Civil War: The Execution of the Thirteen Roses in 1939

Angela Sellitti

La representación del "Tren de la Muerte" en La Travesia de Enrique por Sonia Nazario y otras obras literarias The Representation of the "Death Train" in Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario and Other Literary Works

Steven Silbert


A Cross-Cultural Comparison: Perceptions of Male Attractiveness between the USA and Japan

Sierra Stapp

El nacionalismo y el regionalismo en España: Los sentimientos de la identidad español a través de la historia Nationalism and Regionalism in Spain: Sentiments of Spanish Identity throughout History

Terry Tan


Comparative Study between Japan and America: Gender Discrimination of Women in the Workplace

Alex Titus

La transformación socio/política de Pablo Neruda a través de su poesía

The Social and Political Transformation of Pablo Neruda as Seen in His Poetry

Ana Topete

Las contribuciones de la mujer a la Revolución Mexicana a través del personaje Jesusa Palancares The Contributions of Women to the Mexican Revolution as Seen through the Eyes of Jesusa Palancares

Jenna de Vries


The Heroine: A Comparative Study of Walt Disney and Hayao Miyazaki

Zach White


The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Disaster and its Legacy

Yumiko Williams


Parenting in Japan and America through University Students’ Perspectives

  • * Indicates "2014 Outstanding Capstone Award" recipient

    Jose Roque Alfaro

    Jose Roque Alfaro

    El lenguaje, el tiempo y la inmortalidad en los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges

    The Concept of Language, Time, and Immortality in the Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges

    Advisors: Dr. Zielina, Dr. Urioste, Dr. Gómez, Dr. Arrizabalaga

    En medio de tanta fama, la fidelidad de Jorge Luis Borges prevalece en su amplio trabajo como escritor. Muchos escritores, críticos literarios e intelectuales han leído, sin duda alguna, a Borges y han reflexionado sobre su obra literaria. Borges tiene un solo propósito en su trabajo: acercarnos más a la literatura y hacernos vivirla. Teniendo en mente la asombrosa sabiduría de éste sobre la literatura universal, podemos concluir que Borges se enfoca en comenzar un diálogo con el lector. Mediante este proyecto de investigación La literatura, Borges dice, es un diálogo vívido entre el lector y el escritor. Es decir, el tema del tiempo refleja una aferración personal del autor sobre la filosofía, y de esta manera del escritor al lector. Pudiendo controlar el tiempo mediante el uso de las palabras, el escritor se convierte en un ser inmortal pudiendo manipular el tiempo. Más aún, el lenguaje, siendo indudablemente crucial no solamente para nuestro éxito y progreso como una especie intelectual, también, desafortunadamente, es la causa que nos limita a expandirnos aún más. La literatura borgeana no solamente trata el concepto del lenguaje, sino también nos enseña y nos lleva hasta un nivel superior mostrándonos la conexión entre El tiempo y La Inmortalidad. Es decir, en sus cuentos, Jorge Luis Borges nos acerca a dichos conceptos filosóficos corroborando su manipulación del tiempo. Y de esta manera Borges llega a ser inmortal mediante el lenguaje de sus cuentos.

    Amid endless fame, Jorge Luis Borges’ simplicity prevails in his extensive work as a writer. Many writers, literary and intellectual critics have read, without any doubt, Borges’ works and have reflected on his literary works. Borges has one purpose in his work: to profoundly immerse the reader into the world of literature so that we live the experiences as we read them. Realizing the amazing wisdom Borges had of world literature, we can conclude that Borges focused on starting a dialogue with the reader. Literature, says Borges, is a vivid dialogue between the reader and the writer. That is to say, the theme of time reflects a personal adherence of the author about philosophy, and in this way from the writer to the reader. Being able to control time through the use of the words, the writer becomes an immortal as he/she can manipulate time. Moreover, language, being undoubtedly crucial not only for our success and progress as intellectuals, is also unfortunately the cause that limits us to intellectually grow even more. Borges’ literature not only focuses on the concept of language, but it also teaches us and takes us to a higher level by showing us the connection between time and immortality. That is, via his stories Jorge Luis Borges brings us closer to these philosophical concepts of existence, thus corroborating his ability to manipulate time. In this way, Borges reaches immortality via the language of his stories.

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    Nicholas Barr

    Nicholas Barr


    Drinking Culture in Japan and America

    Advisor: Dr. Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    This comparative study looks at the drinking practices between Japanese and American college-age students. The consumption of alcohol is an important part of both cultures. It appears that people from both nations drink when they have various kinds of events, e.g. celebration, purification, etc. In this study I investigated how much drinking infiltrates people’s lives in both countries. I focused on the differences in acceptable drinking practices, where those customs come from, and what are the societal views on the consumption of alcohol. Through a survey, it appears that many of the responses to the questions asked of both the Japanese and American respondents were close to the same, with a few answers being in almost complete opposition. Overall, the study showed that unique social and cultural factors in Japan and America influence the drinking practices of college students in their respective countries.





    Research Questions

    What are the differences in the acceptable drinking practices in regards to when, where, and with whom between the two countries?

    How do the reasons differ for drinking between the two cultures?

    What factors affect the way each culture views the consumption of alcohol?

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    Matthew W. Bell

    Matthew W. Bell


    Cultural Projections of Career and Success: A Comparative Study between the US and Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    This comparative study examines the cultural projections of career and success in the US and Japan, by looking what college students consider to be success through their post-college plans. A survey allowed me to collect data from 72 people: 36 American and 36 Japanese. Analyzing the responses, I looked at how the two cultures perceive success from an assumption that the US has been labeled as individualistic and Japan as collectivistic. I came to find that social expectations had a stronger influence in shaping perspectives of individualism in the United States, while in Japan, family and friends had a stronger influence toward collectivist ideas of success. Interestingly, of my college student participants, both American and Japanese students had said that 75% did not measure their success based on material possessions. In terms of describing successful people, results among American respondents showed that the words ‘self-motivated’ and ‘driven’ prevailed, while surveys of Japanese students reported ‘aggressive’ and ‘creative’ as most widespread.





    Research Questions

    What drives people to pick their career based on the factors around them? Is there a difference between the US and Japan?

    ›Does success differ from a culture that has been labeled as individualistic versus one that’s labeled as collectivist and how is it measured?

    ›What characteristics and aspects are most relevant to a successful person?

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    Adrianne Bishop

    Adrianne Bishop

    El clasismo en Chile: La desigualdad y la discriminación impuesta por los “cuicos”

    Classism in Chile: Inequality and Discrimination Driven by “Cuicos”

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    En la cultura chilena existen semblantes del clasismo, la discriminación y la desigualdad que son muy prevalentes en la sociedad. Mi proyecto muestra cómo los chilenos clasifican a sus compañeros en el día a día y como esta práctica es aceptable en la cultura chilena. Según el Banco Mundial, Chile es uno de los países con más desigualdad en el mundo y tiene unas de las peores distribuciones de ingresos entre los pobres y ricos; esto casi crea una clase media invisible. Durante mi investigación me enfoco en las ventajas que tienen los “cuicos” (la gente de la clase alta) sobre la clase baja, así como otras injusticias que existen en la sociedad debido a la discriminación y la distribución de ingresos.

    In Chilean culture aspects of classism, discrimination, and inequality are prevalent in today’s society. My project shows the ways that Chileans classify fellow peers on a daily basis and how it is an accepted practice in Chilean culture. According to the World Bank, Chile is one of the most unequal countries in the world and has one the worst income distributions between the rich and poor classes; this creates an almost invisible middle class. I investigate all of advantages that “cuicos” (people born into the high class) have over the poorer classes as well as the other inequities contained in this society due to social discrimination and wealth distribution.

    ePortfolio: or

    Jonathan Chaparro

    Jonathan Chaparro

    El Vocalismo y los límites de la articulación

    Vocalism and the Limits of Articulation

    Advisors: Dr. Carlos Arrizabalaga, Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    La lingüística es la ciencia del lenguaje. La fonética es un disciplina de la lingüística. La fonética describe las acciones físicas de la articulación y las características físicas de los sonidos hablados. El Vocalismo es un término fonético que categoriza el sistema de vocales de un lenguaje. Esta investigación demuestra los límites articulatorios del vocalismo del lenguaje español en comparación al inglés. Para explicar este contraste he realizado un análisis de los límites articulatorios de la vocal /a/ en español, y los sonidos equivalentes del inglés.

    Linguistics is the science of language. Phonetics is a discipline within linguistics.

    Phonetics describes the physical action of articulation and the physical

    characteristics of spoken sound. Vocalism is a phonetic term that categorizes the

    vowel system of a given language. This project demonstrates vocalism and its limits

    of articulation within the Spanish language in comparison to English. To explain this contrast, I constructed an analysis of the articulatory limits of the vowel /a/ in Spanish, and those of the corresponding sounds in English.


    Shawn Clark

    Shawn Clark


    A Comparison of Game Centers in the US and Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi

    ゲー ムセンターは1970年代にアメリカで多く設置されたが、家庭用ゲーム機の発明やその普及等、さまざまな要因により衰退した。 その一方、日本ではゲームセンターの人気は維持されている。 この研究ではなぜ日本ではゲームセンターが非常に流行っている一方アメリカでは衰退したのか。自宅でテレビゲームをする事よりも、ゲームセンターで遊ぶ事の魅力は何なのか。また、アメリカと日本のゲームセンターで、もっとも人気のあるゲームは何か。そして、その理由は何かについてアメリカと日本の大学生にアンケート調査を行った。その結果アメリカには日本のゲームセンターよりゲームの種類が多い事が分かった。また、日本の大学生は友達とゲームセンターで一緒に過ごすのに対して、アメリカの学生は一人で家でゲームをするのを好むことが分かった。85%の日本人の女性はプリクラ等友達と一緒に写真をとるためにゲームセンターを利用することが分かった。

    Although video game arcades were introduced to the United States in the 1970’s, their existence was short-lived due to a variety of factors - including the development and improvement of home gaming consoles. In Japan, however, video arcades or “Game Centers,” have survived as a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages.

    This project examines why game centers are prevalent in Japan while on the decline in the US. What is the appeal of playing at a game center instead of at home? Also, what are the most popular games in each culture’s arcade and why? In a survey, American and Japanese university students were asked about these questions. While American arcade-goers play a greater variety of games, they prefer to play games alone or at home, while Japanese play with their friends at the arcade. Eighty five percent of female Japanese respondents answered that they go to game centers to use picture machines with their friends.



    a. 自宅でテレビゲームをする事よりも、ゲームセンターで遊ぶ事の魅力は何なのか。


    Research Questions:

    Why are game centers (arcades) so prevalent in Japan while they are on the decline in the US?

    a. What is the appeal of playing at a game center instead of at home?

    What are the most popular games in each culture’s arcade and why?

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    Mark Davidson

    Mark Davidson

    La Guerra Civil Española y sus efectos en la literatura de Alicante, Valencia

    The Spanish Civil War and its Effect on the Literature of Alicante, Valencia

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Con más de 500,000 muertes, y otros miles tras miles de heridos, la Guerra Civil Española (1936-39) fue una de las guerras más sangrientas en la historia de España y sus resultados horripilantes se extendieron a través del país y penetraron todos aspectos de la sociedad y cultura españolas, incluso la literatura y otras artes creativas. La meta de este proyecto es investigar las ramificaciones de la Guerra Civil en la ciudad de Alicante, una de las últimas ciudades a caer en manos de las tropas franquistas, y mostrar como la Guerra influyó en las obras literarias de algunos escritores vinculados con esta ciudad. De esta manera este proyecto analiza y comenta las obras de dos escritores renombrados, Max Aub y Miguel Hernández, cuyas obras sobre este conflicto se conocen como unos de los más notables que salieron de la Guerra. La novela Campo de los Almendros (1965) de Max Aub, y los poemas poems “Elegia de Ramon Sije” (1936), y “Vientos del Pueblo Me Llevan” (1937), de Miguel Hernández son de suma importancia para la ciudad de Alicante y nos recuerdan de los de eventos trágicos que acontecieron durante la Guerra Civil española.

    With more than 500,000 fatalities, and thousands upon thousands wounded, the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) was one of the bloodiest wars to ever be fought in Spain, and the horrific consequences of the war were widespread pervading all aspects of Spanish society and culture, including literature and other creative arts. The purpose of this Capstone project is to address the consequences of the War on the city of Alicante, the last city loyal to the Republican government to be occupied by dictator Franco's troops in April 1939, and to establish how the war influenced the local writers and others in their literary works. In this light, this essay examines the writings of two established writers, Max Aub AND Miguel Hernández, whose works are remembered to be some of the most important to come from the Spanish Civil War. Max Aub’s novel Campo de los Almendros (1965), and Miguel Hernandez’ poems “Elegia a Ramón Sije” (1936), and “Vientos del Pueblo Me Llevan” (1937), are of key importance to the city of Alicante, and help us to remember some of the tragic events that took place during the Spanish Civil War.

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    Margarita Chavez Escobar *

    Margarita Chavez Escobar

    El Bildungsroman femenino en las obras de Rosario Castellanos y Elena Poniatowska

    The Female Bildungsroman in the Works of Rosario Castellano and Elena Poniatowska

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito de este ensayo es definir, tanto como identificar el Bildungsroman_femenino en México. Para ello, examino el desarrollo de este género literario y comento las teorías y tendencias literarias que se asocian con él. Después de mi explicación de esta especia de narrativa comento y hago un análisis de dos_bildungsróman femininos mexicanos: Rito de iniciación (1969) de Rosario Castellanos, y Hasta no verte Jesus mio (1969) de Elena Poniatowska. Me enfoco en los personajes principales de estas novelas, Cecilia Rojas y Jesusa Palancares, para mostrar las características del bildungsróman en cada novela. De igual manera, hago una comparación y contraste del desarrollo psicológico y la madurez de cada personaje dentro de los estándares del Bildungsroman femenino.

    The purpose of this project is to define and identify the female Bildungsroman in México. To do this, I will examine the development of the Bildungsroman as a literary genre and discuss the literary theories and tendencies that are associated with it. After discussing the characteristics of this type of narrative I analyze Rito de iniciacion_(1969) by Rosario Castellanos, and _Hasta no verte Jesus mio (1969) by Elena Poniatowska, two Mexican bildungsroman that address female protagonists: Cecilia Rojas y Jesusa Palancares. Focusing on these characters I provide an analysis of the psychological and moral development of each of them to fully understand both the terminology and the practice of the female Bildungsroman.


    Matthew Ira Gin

    Matthew Ira Gin


    Perceptions of Marriage among Japanese and American University Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    In recent years, the marriage rate in both the United States and Japan has been in decline. Background research indicated that young adults in both countries are choosing not to get married in order to preserve their own personal freedom. In a survey, I investigated why the marriage rate in both countries was decreasing, what influences university students’ decision whether or not to marry, and what they expect from marriage should they want to marry. Results indicated that a strong majority of students in both countries want to get married at some point in their life, and they expect their marriage to be a joint effort with all marital roles shared equally. I also discovered that the most important factors in a marriage for both Japanese and American surveyed university students were efficient communication and trust in one another. Additionally, an interesting result that I learned was that both Japanese and American university students thought that a couple should live together prior to marriage.

    Research Questions

    What are some contributing factors that influence university students’ decision whether or not get married?

    What are the expectations of Japanese and American men and women that do want to get married?


    1, 日本人の学生とアメリカ人の学生が結婚を決める要因は何か。


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    Jennifer Gonzalez

    Jennifer Gonzalez

    El español americano estándar: Un enfoque en el comportamiento de la /-s/

    Standard American Spanish: A Focus on the Behavior of the Letter /-s/

    Advisor: Dr. Carlos Arrizabalaga

    El español americano estándar como cualquier otra lengua estándar solamente puede alcanzar ciertos aspectos del lenguaje como la fonología y el léxico entre otros aspectos. El español americano estándar muchas veces conocido como “español americano general” o “español neutro” es basado en un número de características articulatorias comunes a México, a cierta partes de Centroamérica y a la zona andina de Sudamérica. El español americano estándar es normalmente el español enseñado en las escuelas de Estados Unidos. En la pronunciación del español americano hay varios rasgos dialectales. El fonema /-s/ del español americano es afectado por procesos fonéticos, como la aspiración o pérdida de la /-s/ al final de sílaba. El comportamiento de la /-s/ se debe a cuatro diferentes factores como el contexto situacional, el nivel socioeconómico, la distribución de la /-s/ dentro de la palabra y la procedencia geográfica del hablante.

    Standard American Spanish as any other standard language can only reach certain aspects of language such as phonology and lexicon. Standard American Spanish is often known as "General American Spanish" or "Neutral Spanish" and is based on a number of articulatory features common to Mexico, some parts of Central America and the Andean region of South America. Schools in the United States usually teach the standard American Spanish. In Spanish American pronunciation there are several dialectal features. The phoneme /-s/ in American Spanish is affected by phonetic processes such as aspiration or loss of the /-s/ at the end of a syllable. The behavior of the /s/ is due to four different factors such as the situational context, socioeconomic status, the distribution of the /s/ in the word and the geographical origin of the speaker.

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    Antonio Gomez-Zavala

    Antonio Gomez-Zavala

    La imagen del héroe y el macho en los corridos mexicanos durante la Revolución Mexicana

    The Image of the Hero and the Macho in the Mexican Ballads during the Mexican Revolution

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez

    El propósito de este ensayo es mostrar como el machismo se manifiesta en los corridos mexicanos a fines del XIX y principios del siglo XX. Este estudio se enfoca principalmente en describir los principios o el inicio del corrido mexicano al igual que sus rasgos e importancia en la cultura mexicana durante la Revolución Mexicana (1910-1920). Este proyecto, también describe y analiza corridos representativos de la época revolucionaria que identifican el patrón, o sea el modelo de los corridos que narran las hazañas de valientes personajes históricos que se conservan y aprecian aún hoy en día.

    The purpose of this essay is to show how “machismo” manifests itself in Mexican ballads in the late twentieth century and early nineteenth century. This study focuses primarily on describing the beginnings of the Mexican ballad known as the “corrido” while explaining its characteristics and importance in Mexican culture during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). This paper also describes and analyzes representative ballads of the revolutionary period that identify the pattern or model of corridos that narrate the adventures of brave men and historical figures that are still appreciated and remembered today.


    Adilene Guzman

    Adilene Guzman

    La influencia de Junípero Serra en los indígenas mediante el desarrollo de las misiones en California

    The Influence of Junipero Serra on California Natives via the Development of the California Missions

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Lo que hoy en día se conoce como Alta California tiene, incuestionablemente, una inmensa influencia del fray Junípero Serra. Además de ser un fraile, Junípero Serra contribuye al desarrollo de California mediante el instituto de las misiones, las cuales se construyeron con fin de evangelizar y catequizar al pueblo indígena, más instruir a esta población en faenas hasta entonces no conocidas por ella. Entre los años 1769 y 1823 los frailes Franciscanos construyeron 21 misiones que se extendían desde San Diego en el sur hasta Sonoma en el norte a lo largo del Camino Real. De estas, Fray Junípero Serra fundó las primeras nueve, y con ellas estableció el patrón que se seguiría para las otras doce. En este patrón, al mismo tiempo que evangelizaban a los indígenas, los misioneros también les daban instrucción en la agricultura, la ganadería, y en la albañilería; y a las mujeres les instruían en las asuntos domésticas como cocinar, hacer costura y tejer. De este modo, el compromiso del Padre Serra tuvo consecuencias muy trascendentales en las culturas indígenas de Alta California y su legado, indudablemente, permanece hasta hoy en día. En luz de esto, el presente proyecto de Capstone se enfoca en el legado de Padre Serra con fin de mostrar sus extensas contribuciones a las culturas indígenas de California.

    The cultural development of what is known today as California, was unquestionably influenced by Father Junípero Serra. Aside from being a Franciscan priest, Junípero Serra contributed to the cultural development of California via the establishment of the California Missions, whose primary goal was to spread Christianity among the local indigenous peoples, and to introduce these populations to European customs, tasks, and industries unknown to them. To complete this objective, between 1769 and 1823, the Franciscan priests erected 21 the missions along the corridor known as the the King’s Highway, extending from San Diego in the south to Sonoma in the north. Of these, Father Junípero Serra founded the first nine, and with these established the standard for the remaining twelve. In his model, while being evangelized, Native men were also instructed in farming, ranching, and in bricklaying; and women were taught domestic skills relative to cooking, sewing and weaving. Indeed Father Serra’s mission undertakings were of significant importance to the Native cultures of California, and his legacy remains noteworthy to this day. In light of this, My Capstone project focuses on Father Serra’s mission legacy to explicate some of his most salient contributions to the Native peoples of California.

    ePortfolio: or

    Rodney Harmon *

    Rodney Harmon

    La adquisición del segundo lenguaje: Las investigaciones de Stephen Krashen

    Second Language Acquisition: The Research of Stephen Krashen

    Advisors: Dr. Carlos Arrizabalaga, Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    El lenguaje es la capacidad humana para adquirir un sistema complejo de comunicación que nos permite comunicar ciertas ideas, opiniones, sugerencias, gustos e intereses. Esto tal vez sea la característica más fundamental, en cuanto a la humanidad, como es uno de los rasgos más importantes que distingue al hombre del animal. Aún más interesante son los procesos que atravesamos para poder usar este conocimiento de nuestra primera lengua, y sistema de gramática, para aprender una segunda o tercera lengua. El propósito de esta investigación, por lo tanto, es destacar los procesos que suceden en la práctica de la adquisición de una segunda lengua. A través de las investigaciones que ha hecho Stephen Krashen, profesor, lingüista, y activista de la educación bilingüe en USC, vamos a mirar en profundidad los factores que determinan la tasa a la cual una persona empieza a hablar con fluidez en el segundo idioma; poniendo un énfasis en el ‘input comprensible’ que recibe cada aprendiz en el uso diario de la segunda lengua. Este proyecto de investigación contesta las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué es el lenguaje? ¿Qué significa el saber una lengua? ¿Qué tenemos en común todos los hablantes de una lengua? ¿Cuándo se empieza a entender bien una lengua extranjera?

    Language is the human capacity for acquiring a complex system of communication that allows us to communicate certain ideas, opinions, suggestions, likes and interests. It is perhaps the most fundamental characteristics, in terms of our humanity, as it is one of the most important traits that distinguishes man from animal. Even more interesting are the process that we go through in order to use this knowledge of our first native language and grammar system, to go on and learn a second or even third language. The main purpose of this research is to shed light on the processes that take place during second language acquisition. Through the research of USC professor, linguist and activist Stephen Krashen, we take a closer look at the factors that determine the rate at which a person becomes a fluent speaker in the L2; especially focusing on the aspect of ‘comprehensible input’ that each learner receives in daily second language use. This research project addresses the following questions: What is language? What does it mean to know a language? What do all speakers of language have in common? When do we begin to understand a foreign language?

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    Brenda Heller

    Brenda Heller

    Representación literaria de la Masacre Haitiana de 1937 en la República Dominicana

    The 1937 Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic as Represented in Literature

    Advisors: Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Para mi proyecto de Capstone analizó la representación de la masacre haitiana de 1937 en la República Dominicana a través de la novelas El Masacre se pasa a pie_(1973) escrita por el dominicano Freddy Prestol Castillo y _Cosecha de huesos (1998) escrita por la haitiana Edwidge Danticat. Considerando que países latinoamericanos tienden a borrar y escribir la historia a su modo, en esta investigación demuestro como ambas novelas desmantelan la historia oficial proveída por el gobierno Trujillista.

    For my Capstone project I analyze the 1937 Haitian Massacre in the Dominican Republic as represented in the novels El Masacre se pasa a pie (1973) written by Dominican author Freddy Prestol Castillo, and The Farming of Bones (1998) written by Haitian author Edwidge Danticat. Considering that Latin American countries tend to erase and rewrite history on their own terms, in this investigation I demonstrate how both novels dismantle the official story provided by the Trujillo government.

    Lauren Lasch

    Lauren Lasch

    Desarrollar un programa en español para una organización local sin fines de lucro

    Developing a Program Plan to Integrate Learning Spanish for a Local Nonprofit Organization

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Para mi proyecto de Capstone me enfoco en la influencia de tener capacidades bilingües, particularmente con el español. La investigación muestra cómo la adquisición del lenguaje y el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua son más eficaces con estudiantes jóvenes. La idea es introducir o desarrollar el español a los niños de la escuela primaria por colaborar con una organización sin fines de lucro. Examino de cerca los datos demográficos del Condado de Monterey y las razones por las qué tener la habilidad de comunicarse en español, al menos de una forma básica, se hace rápidamente más esencial.

    My Capstone centers on the influence of having bilingual abilities, particularly with Spanish. Research will show how language acquisition and learning a second language are more effective with young students. The idea is to introduce or develop the Spanish language to elementary school children by collaborating with a local nonprofit. I focus on the demographics of Monterey County and the reasons why having at least elementary Spanish speaking abilities are rapidly becoming more essential.


    Kyle Lipscombe

    Kyle Lipscombe


    The Impact of Second Language Acquisition through Study Abroad

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    Recently the Japanese government has supported the continued globalization of Japan by recommending study abroad for college age students. I conducted a survey to investigate the following questions: In what ways does study abroad help reduce speaking anxiety; and, What social activities contribute to attaining higher language proficiency and why? The survey also explores how out-of-classroom activities can be useful to improve language proficiency among students that have studied abroad. The investigation showed that speaking anxiety during class is high for both Japanese and American students. Moreover, for outside of class social activities, like clubs, shopping and group parties, Japanese students report continued high levels of anxiety, while American student language proficiency improves and speaking anxiety decreases during social activities.





    In what ways does studying abroad help reduce speaking anxiety?

    What social activities contribute to attaining higher language proficiency and why?

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    Michelle Lupisan *

    Michelle Lupisan


    Self-Esteem among University Students: A Comparative Study of Japan and America

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. High or low self-esteem can be reflected in one’s confidence or modesty. Thus, those who are confident are said to have high self-esteem, whereas those who are modest are considered to have low self-esteem. Americans have the image of being extremely confident, while Japanese are perceived to be very modest. In this study, together with reconsidering those images and investigating their validity, I examined in what ways self-esteem is influenced by one’s society. I explored how self-esteem is related to behavior in the classroom and workplace, as well as how it is expressed in body language, image, and fashion. Interestingly, American and Japanese respondents showed similar levels of self-esteem, yet it was shown that their ways of expression are greatly influenced by their surroundings. Furthermore, it became clear how Japanese people’s behavior is deeply affected by their traditional values and customs.




    How do the levels of self-esteem differ between Japanese and American university students? How do the two express their self-esteem?

    What factors have the most influence on self-esteem in each country?

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    Colin McAndrews

    Colin McAndrews

    Elementos del Surrealismo en la novela Crimen por Agustín Espinosa

    Elements of Surrealism in the Novel Crimen by Agustín Espinosa

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    El propósito de este proyecto es definir los componentes del movimiento artístico que se llama surrealismo, y explorar sus manifestaciones, con interés en la literatura española de los años 1930. Se va a conducir una investigación detallada de la biografía de Agustín Espinosa para formular una comprensión completa de su inspiración por la novela Crimen: media hora jugando a los dados (1934), y como afectó el medio cultural de las Islas Canarias, donde él vivió. Después de un análisis corto de cada sección de libro, el lector va a tener un conocimiento mejor de la trama, los temas principales, el simbolismo, y el mensaje de la historia. Este proyecto también considera el efecto de la obra en los otros artistas de la época, y su recepción entre el público.

    The purpose of this project is to define the components of the artistic movement known as surrealism, and to explore their manifestations with particular interest relative to Spanish literature of the 1930’s. A detailed investigation will be conducted into the biography of Agustín Espinosa to formulate a more comprehensive understanding of his inspiration for the novel _Crime: A Half Hour Playing Dice (1934),_and how it affected the cultural environment of the Canary Islands where he lived. After a short analysis of each section of the book, the reader will have a greater knowledge of the plot, principal themes, symbolism, and message of the work. This project also considers the effect of this work on the other prominent artists of the time period, and its reception by the general public.

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    Evelia Meza

    Evelia Meza

    Los retos y problemas al traducir la canción “Bracero” por Phil Ochs

    Challenges and Problems in Translating the Song, “Bracero” by Phil Ochs

    Advisors: Dr. Carlos Arrizabalaga, Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Los problemas asociados con traducir documentos literarios como canciones y poesía son demasiado complejos, por ende exigen la consideración de los diferentes procedimientos por los estudios de traducción. Estas teorías proponen las técnicas siguientes: la transposición, la modulación, la omisión, la adaptación y la adición. Mediante la aplicación de estos métodos yo propongo una traducción de la canción “Bracero” por Phil Ochs y una explicación de los problemas a los que me enfrente en algunas frases específicas mientras traducía la canción. Como resultado de mi proyecto mi lector tendrá un mejor entendimiento de los retos involucrados al traducir un documento como un poema o una canción, y la importancia de comprender el contexto socio/cultural de su historia.

    The problems associated with translating literary documents such as songs and poetry are too complex, which require the consideration of the different defined procedures by the translation studies. These theories propose the following techniques: transposition, modulation, omission, adaptation and addition. By applying these methods I propose a translation of the song, “Bracero” by Phil Ochs and an explanation of the problems I encountered in some of the specific phrases while I translated the song. As a result of my project my reader will have a better understanding of the challenges involved when translating a document, such as a poem or a song and the importance of comprehending the socio/cultural context behind the story.

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    Kanako Miyake

    Kanako Miyake


    Exploring Job-Hunting and Suicide: Similarities and Differences between Japanese and American University Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    For Japanese university students, job-hunting is important. Japanese society tends to hope that the students will get a job before graduation. Thus, many students feel pressure about job-hunting. In Japan, the suicide rate from failing to get a job is higher than any other country and is a serious problem. For American university students, however, failing to get a job is not as detrimental. In my study, I researched different perspectives on job-hunting and on suicide related to failing to get a job among American and Japanese university students. I researched what factors (including media) contributed in deciding to commit suicide among university students who have failed to get a job, as well as comparing Japan and the U.S. with what practice universities currently employ for suicide prevention.





    1) What are the factors that contribute on committing suicide among university students who failed to get a job?

    2) In what ways does media contribute to suicide in the U.S. and Japan?

    3) What policies are universities currently employing for suicide prevention?


    Serafin Moreno

    Serafin Moreno

    María Luisa Bombal y su visión y solución del conflicto femenino y masculino en su obra literaria

    María Luisa Bombal’s Vision and Solution for the Masculine and Feminine Conflict in Her Literary Works

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Maria Zielina

    El propósito de este ensayo es discutir las influencias que los movimientos extranjeros, como el surrealismo, escapismo y en particular el movimiento feminista, tuvieron en la novela corta La última niebla (1935) escrita por María Luisa Bombal. Estos movimientos ayudan a fortalecer la ideología feminista que se puede encontrar dentro de la novela, al igual estos rasgos toman una dirección con propósito igualador entre varones y hembras, dentro de una sociedad patriarcal. Debido a las normas impuestas por la sociedad patriarcal durante el tiempo en que Bombal escribió La última niebla, una de las técnicas usadas para evitar el mundo real es a través del escapismo y el surrealismo. De esta manera la protagonista, cuyo nombre es desconocido, rompe con las restricciones impuestas por dicha sociedad en contra de la mujer, lo cual pueden ser rasgos característicos del ámbito femenino en la literatura. En su esfuerzo a romper con las restricciones, ella se escapa a través de la naturaleza y su enfoque con la ilusión de un amor platónico suelen demostrarse dentro de la novela como un método tangible de escapar de la realidad. A través de diferentes métodos literarios y artísticos intentaré analizar la novela _La última niebla_en este proyecto de Capstone.

    The purpose of this essay is to discuss the influence that foreign movements like surrealism, escapism and particularly the feminist movement had on the short story_The House of Mist_ (1935), written by Maria Luisa Bombal. These movements helped strengthen some of her feminine ideology that can be found throughout the story, as these traits take a direction with an equalizing purpose between males and females in a patriarchal society. Due to limitations imposed by the patriarchal society of the time, one of the techniques used to evade the real world comes through escapism and surrealism. In her story protagonist, whose name is unknown, breaks with the restrictions imposed by that society against women, which may be characteristic features found in feminist literature. In her effort to break the restrictions, the use of escapism through nature and her approach to the illusion of a platonic love allow the protagonist a tangible method for escaping from reality. Through intensive research and various literary and artistic methods I will try to analyze the short story The House of Mist in this Capstone project.

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    Úrsula Olivo

    Úrsula Olivo

    El desmantelamiento de la mujer tradicional mexicana a través de _Arráncame la vida_de Angeles Mastretta

    The Dismantling of the Traditional Mexican Women in the Novel Tear This Heart Out by Angeles Mastretta

    Advisors: Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Maria Zielina

    En cierta literatura mexicana del siglo XX, escrita tanto por mujeres y hombres la mujer tradicional mexicana se caracteriza por ser una gran madre dedicada y amorosa ante sus hijos, sumisa, abnegada y sometida ante el sistema patriarcal en el que vive. Sin embargo, Ángeles Mastretta a través de su novela Arráncame la vida (1985), se encarga de presentar a una mujer muy distinta a ésta y nos introduce a la mujer con un gran desamor maternal, con una extensa libertad sexual y con un gran desenvolvimiento en la sociedad. El propósito de este proyecto de investigación es presentar un extenso análisis sobre estos temas que abarcan el desmantelamiento de la mujer tradicional mexicana en las décadas trienta y cuauenta, subsiguiente a la Revolución Mexicana en la célebre obra de Ángeles Mastretta.

    In some Mexican literature from the 20th century, male and female writers characterize traditional Mexican women as a great loving and dedicated mother, submissive and humble bowing to the subordination of the patriarchal system in which they live. Nevertheless, in her novel Tear This Heart Out (1985), Angeles Mastretta presents a different image of the Mexican woman, introducing one that portrays indifference towards motherhood, enjoys sexual freedom, and interacts in society. The purpose of this research project is to present an extensive analysis of the dismantling of the traditional Mexican woman during the 1930s-40s, in the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution, as projected by Angeles Mastretta in her critically acclaimed novel.


    Felicia Prestwood

    Felicia Prestwood

    El pueblo gitano en el sur de España y su marginalización socio/cultural

    The Gypsy People in Southern Spain and Their Socio/Cultural Marginalization

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    En mi proyecto voy a discutir la marginalización de los gitanos que pertenecen al sur de España, enfocándome en los gitanos que viven en las cuevas del Sacromonte en Granada. Actualmente, a través de Europa los gitanos son el grupo minoritario más perseguido en el mundo. No obstante, a pesar de que sean víctimas de discriminación, los gitanos sedentarios de Granada han logrado sobrevivir y residir allí por muchas décadas, debido al encanto turístico de Granada. En mi ensayo pormenorizo la historia de dichos gitanos, enfocándome en su cultura, en sus valores y en los estereotipos que en definitiva les causa ser discriminados. Y finalmente, mediante la poesía y otras obras de literatura y arte demuestro cómo estos gitanos han llegado a ser el símbolo emblemático de España, aunque permanecen de una cultura que casi siempre excluye al foráneo.

    In my project I am going to discuss the marginalization of the gypsies that reside in Southern Spain, highlighting the gypsies that live in the Sacro Monte caves in Granada. Gypsies throughout Europe are currently the most persecuted minority group, and although still discriminated against, the sedentary gypsies in Granada have managed to survive and reside there for many decades due to the touristic appeal of Granada. In my essay I discuss the history of these gypsies while analyzing their values and themes in their culture and the stereotypes which ultimately cause them to be discriminated against. And finally via poetry and other works of literature and art, I demonstrate how these gypsies have become an iconic symbol and representation of Spain, although they remain a society which almost entirely excludes the stranger.

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    Matthew Sanders

    Matthew Sanders


    Perceptions of Gender Roles among Japanese and American Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    Men and women play different roles in society. Japan is often stereotyped as a very male-oriented society that believes women belong in the home and not in the workplace. America, as well, has a history of very similar treatment of gender roles. Today, both of these nations are seeing a shift toward equality between the genders. This study explores questions about how university students perceive their gender roles; what is the difference in these perceptions between Japan and America; and further, what factors, such as media and family life, influence university students’ perceptions of their own gender roles. A survey was conducted among 34 American and 32 Japanese students, and their responses analyzed. The findings suggest that student perceptions of their own gender roles align with general trends observed in the literature review I conducted, in that men and women in both Japan and the U.S. appear to support sharing childcare and housework between men and women, and respondents support the pursuit of higher education for women in both countries.




    Research Questions

    What are the expected gender roles as perceived by American and Japanese students, and how do they feel about these expected roles?

    What factors, such as media or family life, affect students’ perceived gender roles?

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    Yury De Santos

    Yury de Santos

    Atrocidades de la Guerra Civil Española: El fusilamiento de “Las Trece Rosas” en 1939

    Atrocities of the Spanish Civil War: The Execution of the Thirteen Roses in 1939

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    El presente proyecto trata del fusilamiento de 56 personas por el régimen de Franco a fines de la Guerra Civil Española. De los fusilados, trece eran mujeres, y varias de ellas menores de edad que en España contaba con 21 años. A estas trece mujeres se les ha dado el apodo de “las menores” o “las trece rosas;” siendo esta última él que se escucha más. Estas mujeres conocieron varios años de progreso con los derechos otorgados por la Constitución de La Segunda República, que garantizaban la igualdad para todos, hombres tanto como mujeres. Tras ser independientes y libres durante La Segunda República, pasan a asumir roles mucho más tradicionales y sumisos durante el régimen de Franco: el rol de esposa, de ama de casa , de procreadora, etc. Por resistir los cambios fueron fusiladas la madrugada del 5 de agosto de 1939, solamente por el simple hecho de ser “rojas”, mujeres republicanas, quienes resistieron la represión del régimen de Franco. No obstante en mi investigación, demuestro que el fusilamiento de estas trece mujeres no fue en vano. A partir de la muerte de Franco en 1975, la población española rechaza las doctrinas impuestas por Franco y volvió a apoyar los valores de la Segunda República. Así que estas trece mujeres --las trece rosas-- dieron sus vidas por la independencia y la liberación de la mujer española contemporánea.

    This Capstone Project deals with the execution of 56 individuals by the Franco regime at the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). Of those executed, thirteen were women, several of whom were considered to be minors, which in Spain was under the age of 21. Over time, these thirteen women have received the nicknames “las menores” (“the young women”) or “The Thirteen Roses,” the latter of which has been the preferred designation. These women experienced several years of progress under the Constitution of the Second Republic, which guaranteed equality for all, men as well as women. However, after having experienced independence and liberation during the Second Republic, under the Franco regime they assumed much more traditional and submissive roles such as those of wife, home-maker, mother, etc. Due to their resistance to the changes imposed by the Franco regime these women were detained and executed by firearm during the early morning of August 5, 1939; executed for the simple fact of being Republicans or “reds,” who dared oppose the new authority. Nevertheless, in my analysis I establish that the horrific death of these thirteen women was not in vain. Subsequent to the death of General Francisco Franco in 1975, The Spanish people completely reject the doctrines imposed by Franco and returned to the values and convictions of the Second Republic. In this light, these thirteen women –the thirteen roses—gave their lives in exchange for the independence and liberation of contemporary Spanish women.

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    Angela Sellitti

    Angela Sellitti

    La representación del “Tren de la Muerte” en La Travesia de Enrique por Sonia Nazario y otras obras literarias

    The Representation of the “Death Train” in Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario and Other Literary Works

    Advisors: Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. Rafael Gómez.

    Para mi proyecto de Capstone, analizo la representación del “Tren de la Muerte" en_La Travesía de Enrique_ (2006), por Sonia Nazario y otras obras literarias. El “Tren de la Muerte" es un apodo para referirse a los trenes de carga que trasladan a los inmigrantes desde Centroamérica a través de México con esperanzas de llegar a Estados Unidos, y tal vez a una vida mejor. Es un viaje peligroso con muchos obstáculos. Para el proyecto, examino semejanzas estilísticas en la literatura y los temas que se representan. Algunos de estos temas son la esperanza, el miedo, la pobreza, la religión, el racismo, la corrupción, y el deseo de una vida mejor. El “Tren de la Muerte" es un fenómeno que afecta a muchas personas, aunque se den cuenta o no. Por eso, me enfoco en los efectos individuales y sociales del tren, desde una perspectiva personal más que estadística. El propósito de mi investigación es hacer más preguntas que dar respuestas. Mi tema no tiene una solución simple pero creo que mediante la concientización social, como seres humanos estaremos mejor capacitados para combatir este problema tanto como otros problemas que afectan a nuestro mundo.

    For my capstone project I analyze the representation of “The Death Train” in Enrique’s Journey (2006), by Sonia Nazario and other literary works. The Death Train is a nickname used to refer to freight trains taken from Central America through Mexico by immigrants hoping to reach the United States, and perhaps a better life. This is a dangerous journey with many obstacles. For the project I explore stylistic commonalities in literature and themes that are represented or contrasted. Some of these themes include hope, fear, poverty, religion, racism, corruption, and a mere desire for a better life. The Death Train is a phenomenon that affects many people, whether they realize it or not. Because of this, I focus on the individual and societal effects of the train on a personal rather than a statistical basis. The purpose of my research is to ask more questions than are answered. My topic does not have a simple solution but I believe that through gaining social awareness, we as human beings, will better be able to combat issues that affect our world.

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    Steven Silbert

    Steven Silbert


    A Cross-Cultural Comparison: Perceptions of Male Attractiveness between the USA and Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    The concept of attractiveness varies between cultures and has changed many times over the years. Physical appearance, personality, emotional maturity, and socio-economic background all play a factor in how attractive a man appears to a woman. In this study, I asked men from Japan and America to determine which traits they felt to be most important when trying to attract women and then asked women from Japan and America to choose which traits they felt to be most attractive in men. I determined how the men’s perceptions matched up against the women’s, and then compared the responses from the Americans and Japanese. Through this study I have found that Japanese perceptions are grouped closely together, while American perceptions are more spread out. Moreover, I discovered that Japanese woman place more importance on men coming from a higher income background than do their American counterparts.





    Research Questions

    What are the areas in men that are most attractive to women who are looking for a mate in Japan and America?

    What areas do men feel they need to improve in themselves the most when attracting a mate in Japan and America?

    How do men’s perceptions meet the woman’s perceptions, and how do each country’s perceptions match up against each other?

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    Sierra Stapp

    Sierra Stapp

    El nacionalismo y el regionalismo en España: Los sentimientos de la identidad español a través de la historia

    Nationalism and Regionalism in Spain: Sentiments of Spanish Identity throughout History

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Es bien sabido hoy en día que España no es una nación unida y que tiene varias regiones que quieren más autonomía, si no independencia completa de Madrid, la capital nacional. En este proyecto de Capstone, es mi intención investigar la historia del nacionalismo y del regionalismo españoles para determinar el origen y las causas tras la división de la gente española. Examino algunos momentos en la historia española reciente que han movido el país hacia unas opiniones y filosofías muy divisivas, que resultaron en fuertes movimientos opositoras de ideología nacionalista o regionalista. También incluyo y comento varias obras literarias escritas de perspectiva regionalista o nacionalista para apoyar la investigación. Al final del estudio, el lector tendrá una buena comprensión de lo qué son el nacionalismo y el regionalismo españoles, y de las pasiones y sentimientos que se asocian con estas ideologías opuestas.

    It is well known today that Spain is not a unified country and has several regions that want more autonomy if not complete independence from Madrid, the nation’s capital. It is my intention in this Capstone project to investigate the history of Spanish nationalism and regionalism, and determine the origins and causes of the divisions of the Spanish people. I examine significant moments through recent Spanish history that have led the country to very divisive philosophies and ideas and toward very strong movements with nationalist or regionalist ideologies, including in the present day. In support of this historical research I also include and discuss several twentieth century literary works written from the perspectives of both the nationalists and the regionalist. Upon completion of this investigation, the reader will have a good understanding of what nationalism and regionalism is in Spain, and what attitudes and sentiments that go along with these opposing ideologies.

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    Terry Tan

    Terry Tan


    Comparative Study between Japan and America: Gender Discrimination of Women in the Workplace

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    Women in Japan have faced a myriad of inequality, especially in the work place. In order to explore current issues and current perceptions of how discrimination of women in the workplace is perceived, regarding job opportunity, promotion, wages, and support from family and co-workers, I conducted a survey of both native Japanese and American people and asked: What are the current perceptions between Japan and America regarding men's and women's roles in the workplace? What kinds of discrimination of women are inconspicuous or evident in the Japanese and American workplace? What efforts are taken to minimize the discrimination of women in the working environment? The survey revealed that even while the working environment for women in Japan and America are similar, the Japanese workplace needs to be changed much more than the American workplace to achieve gender equality in the workplace.


    1. 職場での女性と男性の役割はどのように認識されているのか。

    2. アメリカと日本の職場では、どのような女性差別がわたしたちの見えないところで起きているのか。

    3. 職場での女性差別を軽減するために、どのような取り組みが行われているのか。

    Research Questions

    What are the current perceived perceptions of men's and women's roles in the work place?

    What kinds of discrimination of women go unseen or evident in the Japanese and American workplace?

    What efforts are taken to minimize the discrimination of women in the working environment?

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    Alex Titus

    Alex Titus

    La transformación socio/política de Pablo Neruda a través de su poesía

    The Social and Political Transformation of Pablo Neruda as Seen in His Poetry

    Advisor: Dr. Donaldo Urioste

    Antes de pasar un año estudiando en Chile, no estaba muy familiar con muchos aspectos de su cultura chilena. Mi hermano me dio un libro de Pablo Neruda, y al llegar a Chile, rápidamente me di cuenta que Pablo Neruda era la cara de la poesía chilena. Luego, después de visitar las tres casas de Neruda en Santiago, la Isla Negra, y Valparaíso, me interesé instantáneamente en el poeta y su vida. Aprendí que Neruda era comunista, y que había luchado al lado de los Republicanos en la Guerra Civil española (1936-39), pero no había mucha información sobre este aspecto de su vida. Por esa razón, el propósito de mi proyecto de Capstone es explorar la poesía de Pablo Neruda, especialmente la que escribió después de la Guerra Civil española, para investigar los cambios ideológicos y socio-políticos de sus obras, y para señalar qué eventos históricos le influenciaron para hacer estos cambios. Por sus experiencias con la Guerra Civil española y las consecuencias socio-políticas de ella, Neruda se politizó muchísimo, y su obra literaria se transformó hacia una de orientación comprometida; o sea hacia una literatura se caracteriza por cuestiones socio-políticas. Después de la Guerra Civil española, otros eventos que influyeron en esta transformación de su poesía fueron su exilio de Chile en 1948, y el Golpe de Estado en Chile de 1973 llevado a cabo por el ejército bajo órdenes de General Augusto Pinochet.

    Before spending a year studying abroad in Chile, I was not too familiar with Chilean culture. My brother had given me a book of poetry by Pablo Neruda, and upon arriving to Chile, it soon became very clear that he was the icon of poetry in the South American country. Later, after visiting the three homes of Neruda in Santiago, la Isla Negra [Black Island], and Valparaíso, I instantly became interested in the poetry and life of this man. I learned that Neruda was a Communist and that he has supported the Republican cause during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), but information to this respect was not readily available. In light of this lack of information, for my Capstone project I have chosen to study the poetry of Neruda, with the specific intention of examining the socio-political and ideological transformation of his poetry as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War and other life changing experiences. During his time in Spain, Neruda became significantly politicized and his poetry took on socio-political overtones; that is an “engaged” literature committed to social change. After the Spanish Civil War, other events that greatly influenced in the transformation of Neruda’s poetry were his exile from Chile in 1948, and the 1973 military _coup d’etat_led by General Augusto Pinochet that initiated a twenty-five year period of dictatorship in Chile.


    Ana Topete

    Ana Topete

    Las contribuciones de la mujer a la Revolución Mexicana a través del personaje Jesusa Palancares

    The Contributions of Women to the Mexican Revolution as Seen through the Eyes of Jesusa Palancares

    Advisors: Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Donaldo Urioste, Dr. María Zielina

    Mediante la ficción literaria se puede llegar a conocer mucho de la historia de un país. En este sentido, la literatura de Latino América no es nada diferente. Es decir, la narrativa ficticia refleja las realidades socio-políticas del país en que fueron escritas. Tal es el caso de Hasta no verte Jesús mío (1969), una novela testimonial de Elena Poniatowska que relata la vida de Jesusa Palancares, una soldadera en la Revolución Mexicana (1910-21). Jesusa, la protagonista, se casa con un militar y a su lado ella misma combate en la Revolución durante varios años. Por lo tanto, en este proyecto mi propósito es mostrar cómo esta novela, tanto como otras novelas testimoniales, revela las muchas contribuciones y los obstáculos de la mujer en la Revolución. Mediante el papel representativo de este personaje en la novela, se refleja la simbólica importancia de la mujer en la Revolución.

    By mean of fiction and other genres of literature one can learn very much about the history of a country. Such is also the case of literature in Latin America. That is, works of fiction quite often reflect the socio/political realities of the country in which they were written. An example of this is the testimonial novel Here's to You, Jesusa! (1969) by Elena Poniatowska, which tells the story of Jesusa Palancares, a soldadera (female combatant) in the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Jesusa, the protagonist, marries a soldier and by his side she also engages in the revolutionary conflict for several years. Such being the case, the purpose of this Capstone project is to illustrate how this testimonial narrative, as well as others, reveals the many contributions and obstacles of women in the Mexican Revolution. In this light, the representative role of Jesusa Palancares in this novel, mirrors the symbolic importance of women in this Conflict.


    Jenna de Vries

    Jenna de Vries


    The Heroine: A Comparative Study of Walt Disney and Hayao Miyazaki

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi

    アニメのヒロインと言えば、アメリカではウォルト・ディズニー、日本では宮崎駿に代表されるであろう。両者の描くヒロインは全く違い、シンデレラ、オーロラ、白雪姫に描かれているヒロインは依存的で内気、そして現実離れしている女性だが、宮崎駿の描くヒロインは自立した勇気のあ る現実的ヒロインで照的である。この研究では宮崎駿とウォルト・ディズニーの描くヒロインの違いはどこから来ているのか。また二人の描くヒロインは今日の女性にどのような影響を与えているか。そして将来どのようなヒロインが望まれるのか等について、アメリカと日本の大学生を対象にアンケート調査を行った。その結果ヒロインの違いは両者が育った文化、社会に影響されている事、また、彼らの描くヒロインのイメージに共感させていること、またこれからのヒロインにはアメリカ人も日本人も純真でありながら強い女性を望んでいることが分かった。

    When speaking about the animated heroine, the most inspiring for America was Walt Disney and for Japan it is Hayao Miyazaki. Both of their depictions of their heroines are completely different, for instance, Cinderella, Aurora and Snow White are dependent and timid. On the contrary, heroines by Miyazaki Hayao are independent, brave and realistic. In this study, where do the differences between Miyazaki’s and Disney’s heroines come from? Also, how do these heroines affect today’s female? Also, concerning the expectations of future heroines, a survey was conducted toward American and Japanese University students. The results indicated that the differences of the heroines are from cultural and social influences and from the female desiring to copy these heroines’ image. Also, I found out that both American people and Japanese people together are hoping to be a heroine who is pure-hearted as well as strong.





    Research Questions

    Where do the differences behind Hayao Miyazaki’s and Walt Disney’s heroine come from?

    How do the heroine drawn by Miyazaki Hayao and Walt Disney influence today’s female?

    What are the expectations for future heroines?

    ePortfolio: or

    Zach White

    Zach White


    The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Disaster and its Legacy

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikaomi Takahashi


    On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9.0 earthquake rocked the Tōhoku region of Japan and triggered a devastating tsunami. The waves, which reached more than 3 miles inland, washed over the Fukushima-Daiichi power station and destroyed its subterranean backup generators leading to the meltdown of its reactor cores. The Fukushima nuclear disaster has once again called into question the safety of nuclear energy. Not only in Japan, but in many countries around the world, alternative energies are being discussed and considered as viable alternatives to nuclear energy. This project examines what perceptions both Japanese and American college students have regarding the continued use of nuclear energy in a post-Fukushima world. For those opposed to nuclear energy, the project also addresses what alternative energies are desirable in lieu of nuclear energy production. Findings show that both Japanese and American college students oppose nuclear energy production and also indicate that alternative energies are desirable.



    What are Japanese and American university students' perceptions of maintaining nuclear energy after the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster?

    For those opposed to nuclear energy, what alternative sources of energy are desirable?

    ePortfolio: or

    Yumiko Williams

    Yumiko Williams


    Parenting in Japan and America through University Students’ Perspectives

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Chikamori Takahashi


    I grew up in Japan, and now I am a mother and a grandmother in America. I noticed through my parenting experience that there are differences between American and Japanese mothers. In this study, I have researched the differences between parenting styles of both countries and how these different cultures might affect parenting styles. I also researched how young adults viewed their parents through surveys of both groups. According to the data, I found that in both Japan and America parents used words to communicate with their child when discipling them. Also, in America both father and mother disciplined their children, but in Japan primarily the mother gave discipline. In addition, there is a difference in time spent with father as they grow up between America and Japan. In Japan, the children do chores in preschool and elementary school. However in America, parents encourage children to do chores from preschool all the way through high school,thus developing a sense of independence in their children from a young age by their parenting methods.





    Research Questions

    What are typical parenting methods in Japan and America?

    What are typical discipline techniques in Japan and America?

    How does the culture in Japan and America affect different parenting styles?


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