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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2018 Capstone

The 2018 WLC Capstone Festival was held Thursday, May 17, 2018, in WLC-North, Room 118. Students earning the B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture, and the B.A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures presented their Capstone project work.

WLC Class of 2018
Photo by: WLC Staff
WLC Class of 2018

Back Row: Evan Elias, Michelle Ortiz, Jocelyn Dueñas, Kate McGill, Keiko Freeland, Carmen Armendariz, Lillian Asbury, Citlalie Tello, Daniela Villanueva, Heather Stewart, Jonathan Phan Front Row: Ana Paola Ruiz, Angélica Paredes, Dinora Martínez, Roseanne López, Leslie González, Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Maria Paola Ferreyra, Gillian Ohta, Yuma Kaida, Dalia Calvillo, Patricia Carrillo

Faculty and Advisors

The WLC Major Capstone (WLC400) was taught by Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Christine Fernández in Spring 2018. Capstone project advisors were Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Rebecca Pozzi, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Shigeko Sekine, and Dr. Donaldo Urioste.

Presentation Times, Presenters, Titles

8:30 Angélica Paredes and Ana Paola Ruiz

Las actitudes de los estudiantes en una universidad en California hacia el espanglish en un comercial | The Attitudes of Students in a University in California Towards Spanglish in Advertisements ☀☀ ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

9:05 Keiko Freeland, Jonathan Phan, and Yuma Kaida

  • 北朝鮮問題に対する日米の大学生の見解 | Japanese and American College Students View on Issues with North Korea ☀☀
    ePortfolio ePortfolio ePortfolio
  • Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

9:50 Leslie González

La ontología en los cuentos de Julio Cortázar | Ontology in the Short Stories of Julio Cortázar ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

10:15 Carmen Armendariz and Gillian Ohta

日系アメリカ人のアイデンティティーに関する日米大学生の見解 | Japanese and American University Students’ Perceptions towards Japanese-American Identity ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

11:00am Kate McGill

Lenguas en contacto: El uso del cambio de código entre hablantes de herencia de español en el condado de Monterey, California | Languages in Contact: The Use of Code-Switching Among Heritage Language Learners of Spanish in Monterey County, California

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

11:25 Evan Elias

ドナルド・トランプに対する日米の大学生の意見 | Japanese and American College Student’s Perspectives on Donald Trump ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

11:50 Patricia Carrillo

El español intergeneracional de Boñar, España | Intergenerational Spanish of Boñar, Spain ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Christine Fernández and Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

12:40 Lillian Asbury and Daniela Villanueva

日米の女子大学生によるジェンダー問題とフェミニスト概念に関する認識 | Awareness and Perceptions of Gender Issues and Feminist Concepts by U.S. and Japanese Female College Students ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

1:15 Dalia Calvillo

El multilingüismo en el cuento “Un peón” de Horacio Quiroga | Multilingualism in the Short Story “Un Peón” (A Peon) by Horacio Quiroga ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi and Dr. Christine Fernández

1:40 Jocelyn Dueñas and Maria Paola Ferreyra

La identidad lésbica en la literatura Chicana de Gloria Anzaldúa y Cherríe Moraga | Lesbian Identity in Gloria Anzaldúa and Cherríe Moraga’s Chicano Literature ☀☀ ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Christine Fernández and Dr. Donaldo W. Urioste

2:30 Dinora Martínez and Roseanne López

La inmigración mexicana y los efectos en las familias basado en dos obras de Reyna Grande | Mexican Immigration and Its Effects on Families Based on Two of Reyna Grande’s Works ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Donaldo W. Urioste

3:05 Heather Stewart and Citlalie Tello

Literatura infantil censurada durante la Guerra Sucia en Argentina | Censored Children's Literature During the Dirty War in Argentina ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rafael Gómez

3:40 Michelle Ortiz

La influencia de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz en Frida Kahlo y Lila Downs | The Influence of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz on Frida Kahlo and Lila Downs ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

☀☀Indicates WLC Capstone Award Recipient


View All Project Title and Abstracts

Capstone Festival event photos on Flickr

Recordings of Capstone Presentations