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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2019 Capstone

The faculty in the School of World Languages and Cultures are pleased to present the 2019 WLC Capstone Festival held Thursday and Friday, May 16-17, 2019, in WLC-North, Room 118. Students earning the B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture, and the B.A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures presented their capstone project work.

The School of World Languages and Cultures is part of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ( CAHSS).

CSUMB School of World Languages and Cultures Class of 2019

The Class of 2019: CSUMB School of World Languages and Cultures, B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture, and B. A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures

L to R, Front Row: Angelica Gonzalez, Sarah Nelson, Abigail Levya, Joseline Zavala, Fabiola Saavedra, Alma Macias, Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Dustin Wright, Shannon Liuag, Tyrus Torres, Nicole Nogueira, Athena Funtowicz, Adolfo Gonzalez.

Back Row: Kevin Goodrich, Karlton Weisker, Christina Streitz, Ruth Hurtado, Lizbeth Aguilar de la Cruz, Mariana Rua Damian, Martha Mendez, Maira Mendoza, Maria Gonzalez Rios, Olivia Polar, Carelen Matias, Ivan Santos Sanchez, John Swanton, Nicholas McCullough, Severiano Guevara, William Wolfkiel, Liz Sampson.

Faculty Advisors

2019 Capstone Advisors

The WLC Major Capstone (WLC400) was taught by Dr. Dustin Wright and Dr. Christine Fernández in Spring 2019. Pictured above, the 2019 Capstone Project Advisors were (L to R) Dr. Rebecca Pozzi, Dr. Shigeko Sekine, Dr. Rafael Gómez, Dr. Christine Fernández, and Dr. Dustin Wright.

Presentation Times and Presenters

Thursday, May 16, 2019

  • 8:00: Light Continental Breakfast
  • 8:15 Welcome
  • 8:30 Carelen Matias and Olivia Polar
  • 9:05 Severiano Guevara and Martha Méndez
  • 9:40 Athena Funtowicz and Liz Sampson
  • 10:10 Break
  • 10:20 Lizbeth Aguilar and Fabiola Saavedra
  • 10:55 Ruth Hurtado and Nicole Nogueira
  • 11:30 Shannon Liuag, Tyrus Torres and William Wolfkiel
  • 12:10 Lunch Break
  • 1:00 Adolfo Gonzalez and Joseline Zavala
  • 1:35 Maria Gonzalez and Alma Macias
  • 2:10 Harry Barba and Maira Mendoza
  • 2:40 Break
  • 2:50 Angelica Gonzalez and Mariana Rua
  • 3:25 Kevin Goodrich and Nicholas McCullough
  • 4:00 Closing Remarks

Friday, May 17, 2019

  • 8:00: Light Continental Breakfast
  • 8:15 Welcome
  • 8:30 Ivan Alexandro Santos Sanchez
  • 8:55 Dominic Elijah DiSilva and Abigail Leyva
  • 9:30 Christina Streitz and Karlton Weisker
  • 10:20 WLC Departmental Awards
  • 10:50 Closing Remarks

Project Titles and Abstracts

Lizbeth Aguilar and Fabiola Saavedra

La representación femenina y el Trujillato en los textos de Álvarez y Vargas Llosa

The Feminine Representation and the Trujillato in the texts of Álvarez and Vargas Llosa | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

En la literatura latinoamericana a finales del siglo XX y a principios del siglo XXI, Mario Vargas Llosa y Julia Álvarez dan a conocer la representación durante el Trujillato que fue en 1931 a 1961, lo cual nos dan a conocer en su narrativa. Una dictadura que compacto por 31 años y hubieron consecuencias que impactaron a la sociedad en específico a las mujeres de una manera repugnante. El designio principal de esta investigación es para indagar más profundamente sobre las experiencias femeninas durante el Trujillato y las consecuencias sociales hacia a la mujer en la República Dominicana que resultaron. Esta investigación se llevará a cabo por medio de dos textos literarios: Mario Vargas Llosa: La fiesta del chivo (2000) y En el tiempo de las mariposas por Julia Álvarez (1994). La opresión del Trujillato a su pueblo es ilustrado por medio de las anécdotas y la representación del cuerpo femenino; lo cual afirma el objetivo de los escritores. De igual manera estos dos escritores nos indican acontecimientos sobre la dictadura y enfatizan el rol femenino.

Throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Latin American literature authors Mario Vargas Llosa and Julia Alvarez point out the representation about Trujillo’s regime (1931-1961) in their narratives. This dictatorship lasted thirty-one years and there were consequences that impacted women in society in a repugnant manner. The primary objective of this study is to inquire more about the literary representations of women’s experiences during Trujillo’s regime, and its direct consequences on women of the Dominican Republic. For this research project, we will analyze two literary texts: Mario Vargas Llosa’s The Feast of the Goat (2000) by Mario Vargas Llosa and In the Time of the Butterflies (1994) by Julia Álvarez. The Trujillo's oppression towards his people is illustrated by anecdotes and the representation of body of women which it affirms the objective of the authors. Similarly, these two writers discuss events about the dictatorship and emphasize the representation of female gender roles.

Angelica Gonzalez and Mariana Rua

La lógica matemática en los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges

Mathematical Logic in Short Stories by Jorge Luis Borges | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

La literatura borgesiana a mediados del siglo XX crea una nueva ruta a un nuevo estilo literario. El sabio Jorge Luis Borges es un escritor del género detectivesco en sus novelas y cuentos. El escritor argentino en sus libros y diálogos incorpora las ideas y cultura universal para formar un universo ficticio. En sus cuentos, Borges nos demuestra que el mundo está lleno de posibilidades. El propósito de esta esta investigación es analizar la representación de la lógica matemática por medio de la geometría, simetría y símbolos en sus tres cuentos, “La muerte y la brújula”, “Los jardines de senderos que se bifurcan” y “La biblioteca de Babel” todos ellos escritos durante la década de los cuarenta. Además, el propósito de esta investigación es dar una perspectiva de cómo Jorge Luis Borges emplea la lógica matemática para formar sus laberintos, encrucijadas, y caos en estos cuentos. Demostrando que el uso matemático hace que la literatura de Borges sea única y original utilizando en su narrativa la geometría y la simetría para jugar con el tiempo y el espacio creando laberintos hacia el infinito.

Borgesian literature in the mid-twentieth century creates a new route to a new literary style. The wise Jorge Luis Borges is a writer of the detective genre and implements this style in his novels and short stories. In his books and dialogues, the Argentine writer incorporates ideas and universal culture to form a fictional universe. In his short stories, Borges shows us that the world is full of possibilities. This project analyzes the representation of mathematical logic by means of geometry, symmetry, and symbols in his three stories, "Death and the Compass", "The Gardens of Forking Paths", and "The Library of Babel", all of them written during the1940s. In addition, the research purpose is to give a perspective of how Jorge Luis Borges uses mathematical logic to build his labyrinths, crossroads, and chaos in these short stories. This will show that the use of mathematics makes Borges' literature unique and original, using geometry and symmetry in his narrative to play with time and space, creating labyrinths towards infinity.

Kevin Goodrich and Nicholas McCullough


Portrayals and Prejudice Concerning Women in Folktales: A Comparative Study of Japanese and American University Students | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright


This project examines select folktales that have influence in the United States and Japan respectively, both for their purveyance today and due to their “monstrous” and sometimes demonic portrayal of the female. In order to understand how these portrayals have developed, to grasp its scope and the effects it has had on society, we also look at their historical context and how they have been involved in the systematic discrimination of, and in the most serious cases, the condemnation of women. Viewing folktales and portrayals of women from two distinct cultures and histories allows us to examine the roots of gender-based social power structures that still exist today. By further incorporating dialogue around such folktales and their full historical context into public education, perhaps as we have outlined, a healthier dialogue concerning gender-based power structures in society could be reached. In order to get a general idea about how American and Japanese people perceive folktales and gender issues, their connection and how they feel about its potential in education, we have surveyed university students in each respective country. In short, our findings suggest that the majority in these two groups of university students recognize a lack of inclusion of these studies in their education and that over half of these students view these studies as beneficial to understanding the respective societies and cultures connected to those folktales.

Severiano Guevara and Martha Méndez

La violencia de género en los cuentos de Elena Garro y Elena Poniatowska

Gendered Violence in Short Stories by Elena Garro and Elena Poniatowska | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

La violencia de género, un fenómeno que lleva siglos y que poco ha cambiado, es expuesta en la literatura mexicana como en las obras narrativas de las autoras Elena Garro y Elena Poniatowska. El propósito principal de esta investigación es analizar, por medio de la literatura mexicana, como estas autoras hacen una denuncia tocante el abuso contra la mujer en las áreas rurales de México a mediados del siglo XX. Igualmente, en este proyecto se explorará mediante cuatro cuentos, como las autoras dan a conocer el perfil de las protagonistas donde se refleja la relación entre la mujer indígena en su estado de víctima y los victimarios en su estado de poder. Un estado de poder impuesto sobre la mujer por parte del hombre y también por la mujer. Los cuentos que se utilizarán son “El árbol” (1964) y “Los perros” (1964) de Garro y “La banca” (2003) y “Coatlicue” (2003) de Poniatowska. El tema primordial de motivación de este estudio es continuar con la misma intención de las autoras mencionadas que es crear conciencia de esta perpetua condición y dar voz a las mujeres que están pasando por una difícil situación de violencia.

Gender violence, a phenomenon that has existed for centuries and has changed very little, is exposed in Mexican literature in the narrative works by authors Elena Garro and Elena Poniatowska. The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze, through Mexican literature, how these writers protest the abuse against women in rural areas of Mexico in the mid-twentieth century. Similarly, in this project, four short stories will be explored to demonstrate how the authors reveal the profile of the protagonists reflecting the relationship between indigenous women as victims and the perpetrators in their state of power. This state of power is imposed on women by men and also imposed on women by women. The short stories that will be utilized are "The Tree" (1963) and "The Dogs" (1964) by Garro and "The Bench" (2003) and "Coatlicue" (2003) by Poniatowska. The leading motivation of this study is to continue with the same intention of the authors mentioned which is to raise awareness of this perpetual condition and give voice to women who are going through a difficult situation of violence.

Abigail Leyva and Dominic Elijah DiSilva

Investigando las barreras lingüísticas en el sistema de salud en la comunidad Latinx de Salinas, California

Investigating the linguistic barriers to healthcare in the Latinx community of Salinas, California | ePortfolio 

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

Durante las elecciones intermedias de 2018, la Fundación Kaiser Family publicó datos demostrando que el 71% de los votantes registrados consideraban que la atención médica era un factor “muy importante" en decidir a quién votar como representante en el Congreso. La población Latinx en los Estados Unidos, la séptima población de Latinx en el mundo (Erzinger, 1996), es afectada por los cambios en el sistema de salud. Por ejemplo los individuos que se identifican como Latinx tienen menos probabilidades de tener una fuente habitual de obtener atención médica y tienen más probabilidades de tener un estado de salud no óptimo (California Senate Office of Research, 2017). Además, a pesar del aumento del multilingüismo en los Estados Unidos, los proveedores de atención médica siguen siendo principalmente monolingües. Esto podría llevar a barreras de comunicación entre proveedores médicos y sus pacientes, especialmente en situaciones en que los pacientes son inmigrantes cuya primera lengua es una que no es inglés. En esta investigación, documentamos y analizamos las percepciones de inmigrantes sobre las barreras sociolingüísticas y culturales experimentadas en Salinas, California. Los hallazgos iniciales indican una falta de competencias culturales y lingüísticas como un problema que debe ser abordado por los proveedores de atención médica. Al proporcionar esta perspectiva, esperamos que las barreras de la asistencia médica sean reducidas entre comunidades marginadas.

During the 2018 midterm elections, the Kaiser Family Foundation published data showing that 71% of registered voters considered healthcare to be a “very important” factor in deciding who deserved their vote for Congress. The Latinx population in the United States, being the seventh largest Latinx population in the world (Erzinger, 1996), is affected by changes to the healthcare system. For example, Latinx people are less likely to have a source of healthcare and are more likely to have a less-than-optimal health status (California Senate Office of Research, 2017). Moreover, despite multilingualism rising in the United States, healthcare providers continue to be primarily monolingual. This might lead to communication barriers among medical providers and their patients, especially when those patients are immigrants whose first language is one other than English. In the present study, we document and analyze immigrants’ perceptions of the sociolinguistic and cultural barriers experienced in healthcare settings in Salinas, California. Initial findings point to a lack of cultural and linguistic competencies as a problem that should be addressed by healthcare providers. By providing this perspective, it is our hope that communication barriers in healthcare situations might be decreased among marginalized communities.

Shannon Liuag, Tyrus Torres and William Wolfkiel

「ダメ。ゼッタイ」: 日米のマリファナ使用者に対する認識の比較

“Just Say No”: A Comparative Analysis of the Perspectives of Marijuana Users in Japan and America | ePortfolio ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright


With the adoption of new drug policies around the world from countries like the United States of America, Canada, Brazil, and the Netherlands, the mindset towards drug usage as well has slowly become more relaxed. In Japan, however, drug enforcement towards cannabis and other substances has been becoming stricter since the end of World War II. For example, in 2017 marijuana related arrests were at an all time high. In this study we will examine the evolution of contemporary perspectives in both Japan and America towards marijuana while focusing on the modern comparison of the perceptions of marijuana users and non-users. The purpose of this study is to analyze how majority perspectives towards marijuana are shaped by modern culture and society. For this study we conducted an online survey of 60 Japanese citizens and 60 Americans. In this study we found that Japanese non-users had significantly more negative opinions on marijuana compared to American non-users. American users and non-users didn’t show a significant difference of perception compared to the large gap between Japanese users and non-users. From our results it is apparent both users and non-users in America and Japan are susceptible to the opinions of society and their immediate surroundings. Additionally, that even formal forms of education are still failing to provide useful and accurate information.

Alma Macias and Maria Gonzalez

Revolución Mexicana en Juan Rulfo y Elena Garro.

Mexican Revolution in Juan Rulfo and Elena Garro | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rafael Gómez

El propósito principal de está investigación es estudiar el impacto social que tuvo la Revolución Mexicana que se llevó a cabo durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Para esto vamos a analizar las novelas de Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo (1955) y la novela Recuerdos del porvenir de Elena Garro (1963). Sin embargo, estos escritores lo hacen de una manera muy diferente. Rulfo y Garro utilizan la memoria colectiva a través del realismo mágico para hablar de este contexto histórico. La memoria colectiva hace referencia a los recuerdos y a la memoria para así prevalecer la historia por medio de la literatura. Por medio de estas novelas, analizaremos cómo es que la historia de un hecho histórico aún se prevalece a través de la literatura. Así mismo, en esta investigación queremos aprender y observar cómo es que la literatura mexicana nos pinta una imagen más realista del hecho histórico de México. Además, queremos indagar si es que las experiencias de estos escritores en la Revolución tienen alguna conexión con la historia de las novelas.

The objective of this study is to examine the social impact of the Mexican Revolution that took place during the first half of the 20th century. For this, we will be analyzing the novels: Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo (1955) and Recollections of Things to Come by Elena Garro (1963). However, it is important to mention that these writers do it in a different way. Rulfo and Garro use magical realism through collective memory in order to talk about this important historical context. The collective memory makes reference to memories in order to highlight the history through literature. Through these novels, we will analyze how the history of these political events are still prevalent. Likewise, in this research we want to learn how Mexican literature paints a more realistic image of the historical background of Mexico. In addition, we want to investigate if the writers’ experiences with the Revolution have any connection with the story of these novels.

Carelen Matias and Olivia Polar

El existencialismo en los cuentos de Cortázar

Existentialism in Short Stories by Cortázar | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

En el Siglo XX después de la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial, Europa comenzó a vivir un clima de caos y confusión. Al haber pasado por estos acontecimientos, algunas personas comenzaron a sentir que debía haber un cambio en la sociedad en la que vivían. Durante este contexto aparece una nueva escuela filosófica conocida como el Existencialismo. Esta escuela filosófica fue creada por grandes pensadores del Siglo XX como Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, entre otros. Durante este periodo la forma de como se ve al ser humano cambia: a través de esta se critica la vida monótona del hombre; muestra una realidad que va más allá de Dios y de las normas que se han impuesto ante la sociedad. El Existencialismo es una corriente filosófica que muestra la existencia desde un punto de vista más libre, en la cual se empiezan a cuestionar los límites, lo bueno y lo malo de la vida. Además, esta filosofía tiene como lema ¨La existencia precede a la esencia¨. En este proyecto analizaremos cómo es visto el Existencialismo y el desdoblamiento del Yo, mediante tres cuentos de Julio Cortázar: “El axolotl”, “La noche boca arriba” y “La isla a mediodía” se trabaja el Existencialismo desde la identidad, la esencia y lo absurdo. Cortázar intenta transmitir a través de sus cuentos que el ser humano es complejo, vive en un mundo de caos arraigado a las normas buscando una salida. Esto lo transmite de una forma que puede ser entendida en todos los tiempos y que cualquier ser humano puede sentirse identificado.

In the twentieth century after the First and Second World Wars, Europeans began to live in a climate of chaos and confusion. Having gone through these events, people began to feel a need for change in the society in which they lived. During this context, a new philosophical school, known as Existentialism, appears. This was created by great thinkers of the twentieth century as Sartre, Camus, Heidegger, among others. During this period, the way humanity perceives themselves changes: the monotony of life is criticized; it shows a reality that goes beyond God and the norms that have been imposed on society. Existentialism shows existence from a freer point of view, one which begins to question humanly limitations, the good and the bad of life. This philosophy has as its motto "Existence precedes essence." In this research project, we will analyze how Existentialism and the doubling of the Self are seen, through three short stories by Julio Cortázar: "Axolotl," "The night face up" and "The island at noon" work the existentialism from the identity, the essence and the absurd. Cortázar tries to transmit through his stories that the human being is involved, lives in a world of chaos rooted in the rules looking for a way out. This conveys it in a way that can be understood at all times and that any human being can feel identify.

Maira Mendoza and Harry Barba

Víctimas del Femicidio en Ciudad Juárez en Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders y Las Hijas de Juárez

Victims of Femicide in Ciudad Juarez in Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders and Las Hijas de Juárez | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

El femicidio en Ciudad Juárez ha sido un tema muy controversial ya que aún hoy en día no se ha resuelto. Este estudio tiene como propósito de descubrir cómo los textos literarios chicanos denuncian el problema del femicidio en Ciudad Juárez a partir de finales del Siglo XX y principios de siglo XXI en la frontera de México y Estados Unidos. En este proyecto, trataremos de descubrir cómo se representan los responsables y el perfil de las víctimas, utilizando los protagonistas y testimonios de los libros Desert Blood: The Juárez Murders (2005) por Alicia Gaspar de Alba y Las Hijas de Juárez (2007) por Teresa Rodríguez. Aunque estos libros pertenecen a diferentes géneros literarios, uno no ficticio y un texto ficticio, los dos tienen como objetivo denunciar y hacer conciencia sobre los femicidios en Ciudad Juárez. Ambos textos literarios se presentan en forma detectivesca e investigativa. Mientras que Alicia Gaspar de Alba usa a la protagonista, Ivón Villa, para asumir el papel de detective, Teresa Rodríguez es una detective que hace sus investigaciones acerca de los femicidios en Ciudad Juárez a través de entrevistas y testimonios obtenidos. Estas autoras, por medio de la literatura, han creado conciencia al público sobre este fenómeno en Ciudad Juárez, el cual desafortunadamente aún prevalece en la actualidad.

Femicide in Ciudad Juarez has been a very controversial issue since 1993, these crimes have not been resolved to this day. The purpose of this study is to discover how Chicano literary texts denounce the problem of femicide in Ciudad Juárez from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century along the United States-Mexico border. In this project, we will try to discover how the perpetrators and the profile of the victims are represented in literature, by analyzing the lives of the protagonists and the testimonies of the books Desert Blood: The Juárez Murders (2005) by Alicia Gaspar de Alba and The Daughters of Juarez by Teresa Rodríguez. Although these books pertain to different literary genres, they both share the objective of creating awareness regarding femicide in Ciudad Juarez. In other words Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders is a fictitious narrative, while Las Hijas de Juarez is non-fiction testimonial text. This issue is relevant because it is important to raise public awareness about this phenomenon in Ciudad Juarez. Both narratives present elements of detective literary works in an investigative way. While Alicia Gaspar de Alba uses the protagonist, Ivon Villa, to take on the role of detective, Teresa Rodriguez is the one who goes to Ciudad Juarez to conduct her own research and shed light on the issue. These authors, with their works, have created public awareness about this phenomenon in Ciudad Juarez, which, unfortunately, still prevails to this day.

Sarah Nelson and John Swanton

La Clase Social Española Baja durante el Siglo de Oro a través de dos novelas picarescas

Lower Spanish Social Class During the Golden Age as Seen through the Lens of Two Picaresque Novels | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rafael Gómez

En este estudio, analizaremos el legado del género picaresco visto a través de las novelas Lazarillo de Tormes y El Buscón dejadas en la sociedad de la Edad de Oro de España. Estaremos explorando los cambios sociales que ocurrieron durante el tiempo. Este estudio analizará las relaciones entre las clases y cómo se representan en la novela picaresca, en la que el pícaro, un antihéroe, retrató ciertas injusticias. La segunda mitad del estudio analizará cómo la novela picaresca afectó a la sociedad de España, tanto a corto como a largo plazo en un aspecto cultural y literario. La primera novela, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades, escrita anónimamente en 1554, retrata a la sociedad a través de la lente de Lazarillo, un pícaro. En la novela, vamos a enfocar en la relación entre la Iglesia y la gente. La segunda novela, Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado Don Pablos, ejemplo de vagamundos y espejo de tacaños, fue escrito alrededor de 1604 por Francisco de Quevedo. En El Buscón, vamos a enfocar en la estructura de la clase social y la esperanza de Pablo para subir la escalera social.

In this study, we will analyze the legacy of the picaresque genre as seen through the novels Lazarillo de Tormes and El Buscón left on the society of Spain’s Golden Age. We will be exploring the social changes that occurred during the time. This study will look at the relationships between social classes and how they are portrayed in la novela picaresca, in which certain injustices were portrayed by the pícaro, an anti-hero. The second half of the study will look at how la novela picaresca affected the society of Spain, both immediately and long term both in a cultural sense and a literary sense. The first of the novels, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades, written anonymously in 1554, portrays society through the lens of Lazarillo, a pícaro. In the first novela picaresca, we will specifically look at the relationship between the Church and the people. The second novel, Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado Don Pablos, ejemplo de vagamundos y espejo de tacaños, was written around 1604 by Francisco de Quevedo. In El Buscón, we will specifically look at the structure of the social class and the yearning of Pablo to climb the social ladder.

Nicole Nogueira and Ruth Hurtado

La influencia del quechua en el español de dos hablantes bilingües en Chancay, Perú

The influence of Quechua in the Spanish of two bilingual speakers in Chancay, Peru | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

Este estudio examina la influencia del quechua, una lengua indígena que se habla en partes de Latinoamérica, en el castellano hablado en el Perú entre hablantes bilingües de estos dos idiomas. Se puede ver evidencia de transferencia lingüística entre el quechua y el castellano en las palabras y las frases que se usan en el Perú hoy en día (Folques, 2016; Merma Molina, 2007; Rataj, 2018). Este trabajo señala la evidencia del quechua en el uso de castellano de dos peruanos de Ancash, Perú (un estado serrano localizado siete horas hacia el norte de Lima) durante entrevistas sociolingüísticas de aproximadamente 35 minutos cada una. Los participantes son dos hablantes nativos de quechua que aprendieron el castellano cuando se mudaron a Chancay, Perú. El análisis consiste en una examinación del habla de dichos participantes con respecto a las oraciones, palabras y estructuras influenciadas por el quechua. Se compara el habla de estas dos personas para explorar la influencia del quechua en su forma de hablar el castellano.

This study examines the influence of Quechua, an indigenous language that is spoken in parts of Latin America, in the Spanish spoken in Peru among bilingual speakers of these two languages. Evidence of linguistic transfer between Quechua and Spanish can be seen in the words and phrases that are used in Peru today (Folques, 2016; Merma Molina, 2007; Rataj, 2018). This study focuses on evidence of Quechua in the speech of two Peruvians from Ancash, Peru (a rustic state located seven hours north of Lima) during sociolinguistic interviews that last approximately 35 minutes each. The interviewees are two native speakers of Quechua who learned Spanish when they relocated to Chancay, Perú. The analysis consists of an examination of the speech of these participants with respect to the sentences, words, and structures influenced by Quechua. The speech of these two people is compared in order to explore the influence of Quechua in the Spanish they speak.

Liz Sampson and Athena Funtowicz


Perceptions of Mobile Gaming in College Students in Japan and America | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright


Smartphones have been steadily rising in popularity since the mid-1990s, and have had many new features added to them since. In addition to making phone calls and sending messages, smartphones have the ability to download a variety of gaming applications. These games are available for free or for purchase, but often include microtransactions that can unlock downloadable content or limited-time special events. While harmless in theory, the amount of time and money spent in mobile games is becoming a social problem. In our study, we asked the following questions: How do American and Japanese college students perceive mobile games and gaming communities? How much influence does mobile gaming have on college students’ lifestyle? We conducted a survey of 81 Japanese and American university students and our results show that while both Japanese and American students’ perceptions are generally neutral, Japanese students have a negative image regarding mobile gaming whereas American students view mobile gaming as nothing more than a casual pastime.

Ivan Alexandro Santos Sanchez

Las percepciones de alumnas mexicana-americanas sobre los aspectos lingüísticos y culturales en Under the Mesquite

Mexican-American students’ perceptions of linguistic and cultural aspects in Under the Mesquite | ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

Debido a una serie de leyes al nivel estatal (e.g., English Only, Proposición 227), los estudiantes de herencia mexicana en el estado de California han enfrentado una variedad de barreras en cuanto al mantenimiento de su lengua materna y su cultura. De hecho, durante el siglo XX, a dichos estudiantes se les prohibió la educación bilingüe con la Proposición 227, una decisión que fue refutada en 2016 con la Proposición 58. Este cambio volvió a establecer la importancia del mantenimiento del español entre esta población de estudiantes en los últimos años. El presente estudio busca apoyar este cambio a través de explorar la evolución de las percepciones de 17 estudiantes de herencia mexicana de secundarias en el área de Salinas, California a lo largo de un curso sobre la lengua, la historia, la cultura y la literatura mexicana. El curso duró seis semanas y contó con el análisis temático y lingüístico del libro Under the Mesquite por Guadalupe Garcia McCall, en el cual se emplea el cambio de código. Los resultados preliminares del estudio indican que, a pesar de la variación en las opiniones de los alumnos, al final del curso, solían a reconocer el valor de su bilingüismo y de su herencia.

Due to a series of laws at the state level (e.g., English Only, Proposition 227), students of Mexican heritage in the state of California have faced a variety of barriers related to the maintenance of their native tongue and their culture. In fact, during the 20th century, these students were prohibited from receiving bilingual education with Proposition 227, a decision which Proposition 56 refuted. This change re-established the importance of Spanish language maintenance among this population of students in recent years. The present study seeks to support this change through exploring the evolution of the perceptions of 17 students of Mexican heritage in high schools in the area of Salinas, California throughout a course on Mexican language, history, culture and literature. The course lasted 6 weeks and incorporated thematic and linguistic analyses of the book Under the Mesquite by Guadalupe Garcia McCall, in which the code switching is used. Preliminary results indicate that, despite the variation in students’ opinions, at the end of the course, they tended to recognize the value of their bilingualism and their heritage.

Christina Streitz and Karlton Weisker


Pop Idols in Social Media: A Comparative Study of Japanese and American College Student Perceptions | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright


In today’s world, social media has become ingrained into everything we do, so the boom in social media usage by the music industry is expected. Now artists, or musicians, use social media as a powerful tool to grow and connect with their fans. In our study we focused on how artists and the industry’s use of social media is perceived by college students in both Japan and America. To this end, we surveyed 62 college students (31 American and 31 Japanese) in order to answer the two research questions which pertain to pop idols and the industry in social media as well as their promotions therein. Our results revealed that both groups feel artists have a large impact through social media, but the Japanese respondents were more easily influenced. On the other hand, American respondents held stronger opinions in terms of political commentary while Japanese were more ambivalent. Moreover, Japanese respondents were more open about following artists on social media than Americans. The Americans were more aware of the artists than the recording label while the Japanese felt that the recording label have some control over an artist’s life. Lastly, they all believed there should be more restrictions on advertising in social media. Nonetheless, it was clear to see that the respondents have positive feelings towards artists who effectively communicate with the audience through social media.

Joseline Zavala and Adolfo Gonzalez

El mantenimiento intergeneracional del español en dos familias hispanas en Salinas, California

Intergenerational Spanish language maintenance within two Hispanic families in Salinas, California | ePortfolio ePortfolio

Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

En este trabajo de investigación lingüística, se estudia el mantenimiento del español entre hispanohablantes que viven en la ciudad de Salinas, California, con un enfoque en los descendientes de los inmigrantes hispanohablantes en las primeras, segundas y terceras generaciones. Algunos factores lingüísticos y sociopolíticos, tales como el frecuente contacto del español con el inglés, la presión social, la falta de apoyo en los programas de enseñanza bilingüe y los constantes ataques de las políticas educativas con sus recurrentes proposiciones de ley en contra del español, se analizan en este estudio para determinar cómo es que inmigrantes de diferentes generaciones en los Estados Unidos creen que dichos factores influyen en el mantenimiento del español. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se realizan entrevistas a dos familias inmigrantes y sus descendientes en las segundas y terceras generaciones que viven en Salinas. Además, se estudian los datos lingüísticos y socioeconómicos recabados en dichas entrevistas y se comparan con investigaciones previas, realizadas en diferentes regiones del país. Tomando en cuenta la situación económica, el empleo, el nivel de educación y sus implicaciones, los resultados finales parecen confirmar la existencia del “patrón de las terceras generaciones” (Carter, 2018, p. 120). en los descendientes de estas familias. La combinación de estos factores y su influencia en el entorno familiar de los inmigrantes hispanohablantes en este estudio, parecen indicar que existe desgaste y desplazamiento del español como lengua minoritaria hacia el inglés en la tercera generación de estas familias.

In this Linguistics research project, Spanish language maintenance among Spanish speakers who live in the city of Salinas, California, is studied with a focus on the descendants of Spanish-speaking immigrants in the first, second, and third generations. Some linguistic and sociopolitical factors such as the frequent contact between Spanish and English, the lack of support of bilingual education programs, and the constant attacks from educational policies with their continual propositions against Spanish, are analyzed in this study in order to determine how different generations of immigrants in the United States think these factors influence Spanish language maintenance. In order to conduct this research, interviews with two immigrant families and their descendants from the second and third generations that live in Salinas are carried out. Moreover, linguistic and socioeconomic data collected during these interviews is studied and compared with previous research conducted in different regions of the country. Taking into account participants’ economic situations, employment, education levels, and the implications of these factors, the final results seem to confirm the existence of “the pattern of the third generations” (Carter, 2018, p.120) among the descendants of these families. The combination of these factors and their influence in the family environment of the Spanish-speaking immigrants in this study suggest that there is some erosion and displacement of Spanish as a minority language towards English in the third generation of these families.


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