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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2020 Capstone

The Faculty of the School of World Languages and Cultures recognizes the presentations of the 2020 WLC Capstone Festival held in streaming format Thursday, May 14, 2020, from 8:20 am-3:30 pm. Students earning the B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture, and the B.A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures from CSU Monterey Bay presented their Capstone project work. These projects reflect the synthesis of knowledge, skills, and abilities developed over the course of a student’s learning experience at CSUMB.

Where: View on YouTube or on Facebook

The School of World Languages and Cultures is part of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ( CAHSS).

WLC Capstone Festival 2020 Banner Image
Photo by: David Bennett, Gus Leonard
WLC Class of 2020

Faculty Advisors

The WLC Major Capstone (WLC400) was taught by Dr. Carolyn Gonzalez and Dr. Shigeko Sekine in Spring 2020. The 2020 Capstone Project Advisors were Dr. Christine Fernández, Dr. Carolyn Gonzalez, Dr. Rebecca Pozzi, Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, Dr. Shigeko Sekine, and Dr. Dustin Wright.

    • 8:20 Welcomes and Faculty Introductions
    • 8:30 Brian Chavez Bolaños and Linda Heredia Chavez
    • 8:50 D'Angelo Hill and Isaiah Owens
    • 9:10 Nery Gonzalez, Jose Lopez, and Deniz Quintana
    • 9:35 Chelsea Yamada and Lauren Torres
    • 9:55 Benjamin Kalstrom and Rocio Rios
    • 10:15-10:20 Break
    • 10:20 Maria Elide Tinajero Osornio and Veronica Soto-Izarraras
    • 10:40 Alycia Kindrex and Jordyn Murtaugh
    • 11:00 Guadalupe Garcia Cecilio and Kasandra Moreno-Diaz
    • 11:20 Micaela Mussell and Trevor Bogna
    • 11:40 Carmen Chavez and Claudia Lopez
    • 12:00 Megan Ford and Mario Gonzalez
    • 12:20-1:00 Lunch
    • 1:00 Hannah Little and Laura Kettering
    • 1:20 Clara Sanchez Sulca
    • 1:40 Sarah Nelson
    • 2:00 Alisha Romano, John Webster, Annatasha Aguirre
    • 2:25 Joshua Pugel and Ivan Rodriguez
    • 2:50 Presentations End
      Faculty determine Capstone Awards and Major Distinction/Recognition Awards
    • 3:10 Awards
    • 3:30 Closing

View All as GoogleDoc | PDF with student headshots, titles, abstracts, keywords, research questions, and links to student ePortfolios. Or click student names below to see abstracts and links to ePortfolios.

  • 日本における女性運動に対する日本人大学生の認識-その目的と社会的影響

    College Student’s Perceptions of Contemporary Women’s Movements in Japan: Their Objectives and Impact on Society

    Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio | ePortfolio


    The recent women’s movements have gained media attention worldwide and despite their various locations, their many goals are similar and all began due to common issues. The usage of social media by younger generations has introduced women’s movements to their daily lives and perceptions of gender roles are beginning to change in society as a whole. Women’s movements in Japan that will be the focus of this study are the #Metoo movement, the #Kutoo movement, the Flower Demonstration, and the Women’s March. These movements’ goals can have differing impacts on members of society. We conducted a survey of 86 Japanese college students in order to find out how recent women’s movements have impacted students' civic engagement, how perceptions of gender roles of students changed, and whether or not students' behaviors have changed and why. We found that a majority of students support women’s movements even though they do not physically participate in them or know much about the movements. While some gendered ideals are still believed by students, there is also a large number of students who do not believe in gendered labor or gendered dress codes and feel that no one influences their opinions. Furthermore, the data shows that male college students are more aware of women’s movements and these movements have influenced men’s opinions to change in support of women’s rights issues. Japanese women’s movements are becoming increasingly important in the lives of college students and are influencing how they perceive gender issues.

  • 日本とアメリカの大学生活における音楽の重要性と役割

    No Music No Life: The Roles of Music for American and Japanese College Students

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko SekineePortfolio | ePortfolio



    Music is a part of our lives and a way to express one’s opinions or self identity. It reflects various cultures, communities, and age groups and is used in a multitude of ways. Over the past 40 years, music has grown to become one of the largest sectors of entertainment. Due to current developments in technology, with the use of streaming services it is now easier than ever to obtain the music that you like to listen to. Making up the first and second largest music industries respectively, America and Japan’s music markets have many areas of overlap, but also have unique cultural differences that define them individually.

    Through an online survey administered to 150 Japanese and American college students, we asked about people’s usage of music in their daily lives as well as how they consume music. We found that in America, music is used more as an individual pastime, whereas in Japan it’s used as a means to connect with other people. In America, students most often listen to music without directly purchasing it via streaming services. However, Japanese students most often purchase albums and singles digitally. We also discovered that physical music sales among Japanese college students are starting to decline. This may be due to the growing popularity of streaming services and digital music marketplaces. We also found that Japanese students are more willing to spend more money on music as well as merchandise related to the artists that they like. This is presumably due to Japanese students wanting to share the things that they like with people around them, and is rooted in a part of Japanese culture that values connections between others. With this research, we were able to more deeply understand the ever evolving music industry, as well as college students and how they are intertwined with music in their daily lives.

  • El bildungsroman femenino en las novelas chicanas de Reyna Grande y Graciela Limón

    The Female Bildungsroman in the Chicana Novels by Reyna Grande and Graciela Limón

    Advisor: Dr. Carolyn González

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    El Bildungsroman es un género literario que surgió en Alemania a principios del siglo XIX. A este género se le añadió una versión femenina o Bildungsroman femenino, que surgió a raíz de los movimientos feministas en el siglo XX. La temática de este género es ligeramente distinta al Bildungsroman clásico. Además de incluir un personaje femenino como protagonista, esta manifestación del Bildungsroman se enfoca en la evolución física, moral, social y psicológica del protagonista femenino de la historia, usualmente desde su niñez hasta su vida adulta. También incluye características biográficas en sus obras y estas suelen ser más estructurales y genéricas que el Bildungsroman clásico. El Bildungsroman femenino se ve reflejado en obras de gran importancia dentro de la literatura chicana, como The House on Mango Street (1984) de Sandra Cisneros. El propósito de esta investigación es el de analizar la representación del Bildungsroman femenino como género literario en dos novelas chicanas: A través de cien montañas (2006) de Reyna Grande y Recuerdos de Ana Calderón (1994) de Graciela Limón. Estas dos novelas proyectan los desafíos que las protagonistas experimentan desde la niñez hasta la madurez en una sociedad mexicano-americana. A diferencia de otras investigaciones como “Female Bildungsroman in The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and Melina Marchetta’s Looking for Alibrandi , escrito por R. Shobia y Dr. Marie J. Aruna y publicado en el 2016, esta investigación se enfoca en la experiencia fronteriza de las protagonistas y el impacto que esta tiene en su desarrollo psicológico, social, y moral a través de las diferentes etapas de su crecimiento.

    The Bildungsroman is a literary genre that emerged in Germany in the early 19th century. A female version was added to this genre, which arose from feminist movements in the twentieth century and became known as the Female Bildungsroman. The theme of this genre is slightly different from the classic Bildungsroman. In addition to including a female protagonist, this version focuses on the physical, moral, social, and psychological evolution of the main character of the story, usually from her childhood to her adult life. It also includes biographical features in its works that tend to be more structural and generic than the classic Bildungsroman. The Female Bildungsroman is reflected in works of great importance within the Chicano literature, such as Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street (1984). The purpose of this research is to analyze the representation of the Female Bildungsroman as a literary genre in two Chicana novels, Across a Hundred Mountains (2006) by Reyna Grande and The Memories of Ana Calderón (1994) by Graciela Limón. These two novels reflect the challenges that the protagonists experience from childhood to maturity in Mexican-American society. Unlike previous research on the topic, such as “Female Bildungsroman in The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and Melina Marchetta’s Looking for Alibrandi, ” by R. Shobia and Dr. Marie J. Aruna, published in 2016, this project focuses on the cross-border experiences of the protagonists and the impact these experiences have on their psychological, social, and moral development through the different stages of their growth.

  • Las percepciones del lenguaje inclusivo binario y no binario en comunidades académicas de Buenos Aires, Argentina y California, Estados Unidos.

    The Perceptions of Binary and Non-Binary Inclusive Language in Academic Communities from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and California, United States.

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    Este estudio se enfoca en investigar las percepciones del lenguaje inclusivo binario y no binario en español en dos comunidades: Buenos Aires, Argentina y la costa central de California, Estados Unidos. Durante los últimos años, la inclusividad social se ha fomentado en todos los niveles de la sociedad, y el idioma no es la excepción. El inglés fue uno de los primeros idiomas en tratar dicho tema con los pronombres neutros they y them, así como el uso de la “x” al final en algunas palabras para evitar la exclusión de personas no binarias. En cuanto al español, el lenguaje inclusivo binario se expresa por medio de los desdoblamientos (todos y todas) y el símbolo @ (tod@s) para referirse a los hombres y a las mujeres. Mientras tanto, en el lenguaje inclusivo no binario existen dos alternativas: el empleo de la letra x (todxs) y el morfema -e (todes) al final de las palabras con el objetivo de neutralizar la forma de expresión y así abarcar a otros sectores que no se identifican con los géneros binarios (masculino y femenino). El presente estudio pretende examinar las percepciones del lenguaje inclusivo binario y no binario en español de docentes y estudiantes en Buenos Aires, Argentina y en la costa central de California por medio de una encuesta virtual. Debido a que existen pocos estudios al respecto, la intención de este proyecto es contribuir al campo lingüístico por medio de información actual en dos regiones donde el fenómeno del lenguaje inclusivo ha sido predominante.

    This study focuses on investigating the perceptions of binary and non-binary inclusive language in Spanish in two communities: Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the central coast of California, United States. In recent years, social inclusion has been fostered at all levels of society, and language is no exception. English was one of the first languages to address this issue with gender-neutral pronouns such as " they" and "them", as well as the use of "x" at the end of some words to avoid the exclusion of non-binary people. As for Spanish, which is the focus of this research, inclusive binary language is expressed through avoiding the use of the default masculine form when addressing groups composed of men and women (todos y todas) and through the use of the @ symbol (tod@s) to refer to men and women. Meanwhile, in non-binary inclusive language, there are two alternatives: the letter x (todxs) and the morpheme -e (todes) at the end of words to neutralize the form of expression and thus include those who do not identify with binary genders (male and female). This study seeks to examine the perceptions of teachers and students in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the central coast of California regarding binary and non-binary inclusive language in Spanish through a virtual survey. Since there are few studies of this nature, the intention of this project is to contribute to the linguistic field through current information in two regions where the phenomenon of inclusive language has been prevalent.

  • La mitología griega en la literatura latinoamericana: Un análisis de la poesía de Rubén Darío

    Greek Mythology in Latin American Literature: An Analysis of the Poetry of Rubén Darío

    Advisor: Dr. Christine FernándezePortfolio | ePortfolio

    La mitología griega se ha usado por varios autores en el mundo literario. Rubén Darío es un escritor que ha hecho suya la mitología griega. Darío fue un pionero en el movimiento del modernismo del siglo XX. Usó la mitología griega a lo largo de su prosa y poesía, por lo tanto su uso de la mitología es una parte de su estética como escritor. Además, como este movimiento es el primero que tuvo orígenes en Latinoamérica, la fama con respeto a Darío y su trabajo es aún más prestigiosa. La propuesta de este estudio es la de analizar cómo Darío utilizó figuras de la mitología griega para interpretar sus pensamientos. Además, busca mejorar entender el uso de la mitología griega en su trabajo para aprender más en torno a su estética como escritor. Por último, investiga cómo Darío ha incorporado los tres movimientos, el romanticismo, el parnasiansimo y el simbolismo, en sus poemas para ejemplificar el movimiento del modernismo.

    Greek mythology has been used throughout the literary world by various writers. Rubén Darío is one of the writers who has made the usage of Greek Mythology his own throughout his prose and poetry, Darío pioneered the Modernist movement of the twentieth century. Furthermore, as this movement was the first to originate out of Latin America, the recognition of Darío and his work is even more prestigious. The purpose of this study is to analyze how Darío used figures from Greek Mythology to interpret his thoughts. Furthermore, it is also to better understand the usage of Greek Mythology in his works in order to learn his intentions as a writer. Lastly, to investigate how Darío incorporates elements from three movements, which were the Romanticism, Parnassianism and Symbolism movements, in his poetry to exemplify the Modernist movement.

  • La utilización de la (re)escritura en Death at Solstice y Black Widow’s Wardrobe de Lucha Corpi

    The Utilization of (Re)writing in Death at Solstice and Black Widow’s Wardrobe by Lucha Corpi

    Advisor: Dr. Carolyn González

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    Lucha Corpi es conocida por su contribución a la literatura chicana y al género detectivesco chicanx. En nuestro proyecto analítico de investigación, identificamos el uso de la (re)escritura en las obras del género detectivesco de Lucha Corpi, Death at Solstice (2009) y Black Widow’s Wardrobe (1999). La (re)escritura es una técnica utilizada por escritoras chicanas para rectificar la historia, para añadirle complejidad, o para redimir a personajes históricos que tradicionalmente han sido juzgados de manera injusta o simplista. A través de la (re)escritura también se puede recordar y honrar a varias figuras importantes, además se demuestra el gran impacto que tiene cada figura histórica dentro de la cultura Chicanx. En particular, estas novelas que forman parte de la serie de Gloria Damasco, incluyen la (re)escritura de La Virgen de Guadalupe, La Malinche, y Joaquín Murrieta. Junto con una examinación de la ficción detectivesca en general, nuestro trabajo también explora el feminismo chicano y la historia de la (re)escritura en la literatura chicana para aclarar el trasfondo del trabajo de Lucha Corpi. Finalmente, esta investigación analiza cómo se incorpora el uso de la (re)escritura en ambas obras como herramienta que asiste tanto a la detective como al lector en la resolución de los misterios de asesinatos.

    Within the field of Chicanx literature, Lucha Corpi stands out as one of the pioneers in the genre of Chicanx detective fiction. This analytical research project examines the usage of (re)writing in two works of detective fiction by Chicana writer Lucha Corpi: Death at Solstice (2009) and Black Widow's Wardrobe (1999). (Re)writing is a technique used by Chicanx writers to rectify history, to add complexity, or to redeem historical figures who have traditionally been judged unfairly or simplistically. Through (re)writing, not only can various important figures be remembered and honored, but we can also see the great impact that each historical figure has had within Chicanx culture. The significant historical and cultural figures that Lucha Corpi incorporates in her texts as part of the Gloria Damasco series are La Malinche, the Virgin Mary, and Joaquin Murieta. Along with presenting research on detective fiction and Chicana feminism, this project will focus on the effect of rewriting in the context of Chicanx detective fiction more specifically. Ultimately, this research investigation will analyze how (re)writing is incorporated in both novels as a resource for the detective as well as the reader in solving the murder mysteries.

  • El abuso de derechos humanos en México en La Noche de Tlatelolco (1971) y Ayotzinapa: Horas Eternas (2016)

    Abuse of Human Rights in Mexico in The Night of Tlatelolco/ Massacre in Mexico (1971) and Ayotzinapa: Horas Eternas/ Ayotzinapa: Eternal Hours (2016)

    Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    El abuso de derechos humanos contra los movimientos estudiantiles en México ha resultado en más preguntas que respuestas. En el siglo XXI, aún no se han resuelto ciertos casos criminales contra los movimientos estudiantiles que surgieron en los años 60 y 2000. En esta investigación, se analizarán dos textos narrativos: La noche de Tlatelolco: Testimonios de historia oral (1971) por Elena Poniatowska y Ayotzinapa: Horas eternas (2016) por Paula Mónaco Felipe. Ambos textos pertenecen al campo de la literatura testimonial que surgió en el siglo XX. Dichos textos hablan sobre eventos que surgieron en distintas épocas; los dos denuncian los abusos contra estudiantes y civiles por parte del gobierno mexicano. Los libros presentan la narrativa por medio de entrevistas testimoniales de sobrevivientes de la masacre en Tlatelolco y la desaparición forzada en Iguala. Sin embargo, Poniatowska hace la denuncia de manera indirecta, utilizando diferentes perspectivas de personas en contra y a favor del movimiento estudiantil, en cambio Paula Mónaco Felipe hace una denuncia directa utilizando y recopilando datos y entrevistas de lo sucedido la noche en que 43 normalistas de la escuela normal Raúl Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa fueron desaparecidos. El propósito de esta investigación es mostrar cómo la literatura testimonial se utiliza para hacer una denuncia contra el abuso de derechos humanos hacia estudiantes y que el enfoque de los testimonios es crear conciencia sobre las injusticias que han quedado impunes a lo largo de una historia que forma parte de la memoria colectiva.

    The violation of human rights in recent student movements in Mexico has resulted in more questions than answers. In the 21st century, certain criminal cases against the student movements that arose in the 1960s and 2000s have yet to be resolved. In this study, two narrative texts will be analyzed: La noche de Tlatelolco: Testimonios de historia oral/ Massacre in Mexico (1971) by Elena Poniatowska and Ayotzinapa: Horas eternas / Ayotzinapa: Eternal Hours (2016) by Paula Mónaco Felipe. Both texts belong to the testimonial literature field that emerged in the 20th century. These texts speak about events that occurred during different time periods; both denounce the abuse against students and civilians by the Mexican government. These texts are narrated through testimonial interviews of survivors of the massacre in Tlatelolco and the forced disappearances in Iguala. However, Poniatowska makes the accusation indirectly, using different perspectives of people against and in favor of the student movement, while Paula Mónaco Felipe makes a direct accusation using and collecting data and interviews of what happened the night that 43 students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos teacher training college in Ayotzinapa were disappeared. The purpose of this research project is to show how testimonial literature is used to denounce human rights abuses against students and that the focus of the testimonies is to create an awareness of the injustices that have gone unpunished throughout a history that is part of a larger collective memory.

  • SNSの役割に関する認識-ゆとり世代とさとり世代のデジタルコミュニケーションに対する比較研究

    The Role of SNS in Society Today: Generations Y and Z’s Perspectives on Digital Communication

    Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    ソーシャルネットワークサービス(SNS)は、瞬く間に大衆向けのコミュニケーション手段に成長し、人々が互いに接する方法に直接的な衝撃を与えた。過去20年間で特にゆとり世代 (27-40歳)、とさとり世代 (18-21歳)はテクノロジーの急激な進化の影響を受けたと言える。どちらの世代もSNSに関しての経験が豊富であり、この研究の目的である現在のアメリカと日本において、SNSがどのようにゆとり世代とさとり世代のコミュニケーションに影響を及ぼしているかを追求する鍵となっている。様々な年齢層に対して行われたアンケート調査を通して、私達はゆとり世代とさとり世代のSNSの利用方法に関する特性を定義する要因を模索した。この研究結果によると、アメリカのゆとり世代よりさとり世代のほうが日常生活を通してSNSに依存していると言う事がわかった。又、日本のさとり世代とゆとり世代はSNSを予想よりも少なく使っている。これはエンターテインメントのためではなく、個人的な目的の為に使っていた事もわかった。さらに、さとり世代は恋愛関係を育む為やデートに誘う為にSNSを使うことに対してあまり違和感を感じていない。また、我々のデータによると、日本よりアメリカのゆとり世代とさとり世代の方がSNSを高く評価している。そして、SNSが人々のコミュニケーションに対する考え方を変えたり、人々の自己表現方法になっており、SNSがコミュニケーションにおいて重要な役割を持っていることも明らかになった。

    Social Networking Systems (SNS) have quickly grown into a popular method of communication and have directly impacted the way that people interact with each other. Generations Y (ages 27-40) and Z (ages 18-21) have been particularly influenced by the rapid evolution of technology in the past 20 years. Both generations have the most experience using SNS so the purpose of this research project was to discover how SNS affects Generations Y and Z’s communication in both America and Japan. Through a survey administered to a broad age group, we investigated the question of what it is that defines the characteristics of both generations by how they use SNS. We found that in America, Generation Z is more dependent upon SNS in their daily life than Generation Y. In Japan, we found that Generation Y and Z use SNS less than we anticipated and use it for personal affairs as opposed to entertainment. In addition to that, when it comes to personal affairs, Generation Z is more comfortable with using SNS to do things such as form relationships and ask people out on dates. The data revealed that Generation Y and Z in America value SNS more than Generation Y and Z in Japan. The data further reveals that SNS has had a significant impact on communication, changing the way that people view communication in general and giving them other means of expressing themselves.

  • La representación de los hombres queer en la literatura gay de Luis Zapata y Mario Bellatín

    The Representation of Queer Men in the Gay Literature of Luis Zapata and Mario Bellatín

    Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    A fines del siglo XX, los escritores Luis Zapata y Mario Bellatín presentaron la experiencia del hombre queer a través de sus novelas. El propósito primordial de este proyecto consiste en el análisis de la representación de la experiencia del hombre queer, según se exhibe en forma de monólogo interior en las novelas de El Vampiro de la Colonia Roma (1979) de Luis Zapata y en Salón de belleza (1994) de Mario Bellatín. Las novelas consideran las dificultades que experimentan los miembros de la comunidad LGBT+, así los hombres en particular, destacan las desventajas y los logros en las sociedades presentadas en cada novela. El reconocer la evolución de la experiencia masculina queer en la última mitad del siglo XX es esencial para captar el progreso de la aceptación de la sociedad mexicana hacia la comunidad LGBT+. La inspiración de este trabajo está marcada por el esfuerzo de crear una conciencia elevada de la identidad de los hombres queer en la sociedad mexicana contemporánea.

    Towards the end of the 20th century, authors Luis Zapata and Mario Bellatín presented portraits of the queer experience through their novels. The main purpose of this project is to analyze the representation of the queer male experience as exhibited through the stream of consciousness narration styles in El Vampiro de la Colonia Roma/ The Vampire of the Roma Neighborhood (1979) by Luis Zapata and Salón de belleza/ Beauty Salon (1994) by Mario Bellatín. These two narratives clearly demonstrate the marginalization that the LGBT+ community faces in Mexico, and these monologues provide insights into the triumphs and downfalls of the queer male experience. Recognizing the evolution of the queer male ordeal in the latter half of the 20th century is essential to capture the progression of society towards the acceptance of the LGBT+ community. This essay is inspired by the literary efforts to create consciousness of the identity and situation of queer men in contemporary Mexican society.

  • 日米の就職活動:大学生に対する比較研究

    A Comparative Study of American and Japanese University Students Job Hunting Experience

    Advisors: Dr.Shigeko Sekine and Dr. Dustin Wright

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio


    Most university students will start thinking about their future careers and how they want to obtain them during their last few years of college. Everyone has different motivating factors for why they chose their desired careers. The steps that students choose to take when job hunting can differ between cultures and what support services are available to them. While in Japan we noticed substantial differences that students would experience with job hunting compared to America. Through our research we would like to find out in what way the job-hunting experience between Japanese and American students vary, as well as to compare and contrast how these choices, desires, and experiences of job hunting differ between female and male students. We focused on the steps taken during the job-hunting process as well as what motivates people to pursue their desired career. In order to answer our research questions, a survey of 59 Japanese and American students was conducted. We found that the job hunting process differs significantly in Japan compared to America. In Japanese universities students generally begin job hunting during their junior year and will complete most of their required units to graduate by the end of the year in order to focus on job hunting. On the other hand, American students usually begin job hunting their senior year or after graduating. The Japanese society also has a more organized system for job hunting and job recruitment where students usually start and complete the steps at the same time. Though the process can vary, both Japanese and American universities have similar resources for students to support them during their job hunting. We also noticed that American students concern themselves with financial security in order to finance their private life, while Japanese students concern themselves with how they can better serve their company and coworkers.

  • 日米における障害がある人に対する認識の研究

    In/Visible, Un/Able: Japanese and American Perceptions of Individuals with Disabilities

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio


    When we look at people we cannot tell if they have a physical or mental disability. Disabilities can either be described as visible in which a disability is noticeably evident, with disorders such as Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, or invisible in which an individual has been diagnosed with an internal disability, such as Dyslexia and Diabetes. Upon researching our literature review the prevalence of the disorders in both America and Japan, we identified a trend that more Americans are being diagnosed compared with Japanese. Through this research, we aimed to find out what the perceptions are of Japanese and American college students regarding people with disabilities, as well as to what extent their personal knowledge is concerning resources available to those with disabilities. As a result of our survey of 63 college students in both countries, we found that it is not encouraged in Japan for people with disabilities to discuss their disabilities, although Japanese did not consider mental illness to be a disability. Upon receiving education about disabilities American students continued to be educated as they progressed through their schooling, while Japanese received it earlier on in elementary school and did not progress past that point. Our data also showed a difference between Japanese believing that inclusivity of students with disabilities in classrooms to be important while Americans were more open to the idea of students with disabilities being separated from students without disabilities.

  • La sociedad española del Siglo de Oro en dos novelas picarescas

    The Spanish Society of the Golden Age in Two Picaresque Novels

    Advisor: Dr. Rafael Gomez


    En este estudio, analizaré el legado del género picaresco visto a través de las novelas Lazarillo de Tormes y El Buscón, productos de la sociedad de la Edad de Oro de España. Este estudio analizará las relaciones entre las clases y cómo se representan en la novela picaresca, en la que el pícaro, un antihéroe, retrata ciertas injusticias. La segunda mitad del estudio analizará cómo la novela picaresca afectó a la sociedad de España, tanto a corto como a largo plazo en aspectos culturales y literarios. La primera novela, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades, escrita anónimamente en 1554, retrata a la sociedad a través del lente de Lazarillo, un pícaro. En mi análisis, voy a enfocarme en la relación entre la Iglesia y la gente. La segunda novela, Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado Don Pablos, ejemplo de vagamundos y espejo de tacaños, fue escrita alrededor de 1604 por Francisco de Quevedo. En El Buscón, voy a enfocarme en la estructura de la clase social y en la esperanza de Pablos de subir la escalera social.

    In this study, I will analyze the legacy of the picaresque genre as seen through the novels Lazarillo de Tormes/ The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and El Buscón/ The Swindler, products of the society of Spain’s Golden Age. This study will examine the relationships between social classes and how they are portrayed in la novela picaresca, in which certain injustices are portrayed by the pícaro, an anti-hero. The second half of the study will examine how la novela picaresca affected the society of Spain, both immediately and long term, in a cultural and literary sense. The first of the novels, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades / The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes, written anonymously in 1554, portrays society through the lens of Lazarillo, a pícaro. In the first novela picaresca, I will focus on the relationship between the Church and the people. The second novel, Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado Don Pablos, ejemplo de vagamundos y espejo de tacaños/ The Swindler, was written around 1604 by Francisco de Quevedo. In El Buscón/ The Swindler, I will specifically look at the structure of the social class and the yearning of Pablos to climb the social ladder.

  • El español y el árabe: Lenguas en contacto

    Spanish and Arabic: Languages in Contact

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    Esta investigación examina la influencia de la lengua árabe en el español, tomando en cuenta los cambios sociales e históricos que han ocurrido en España. Comenzando el año 711, la civilización árabe logró tomar control sobre la Península Ibérica por más de 700 años. Esto la llevó a grandes influencias en la lengua y la cultura españolas. Desde el siglo XI hasta el siglo XV, los conflictos civiles aumentaron, y la gente comenzó a rebelarse contra el trono árabe en el intento de reconquistar la península a través de varias guerras y cruzadas. No obstante, en el año 1492, la monarquía española, el reinado de Isabella I y Ferdinand II, promulgó el Decreto de la Alhambra, terminando con la presencia árabe del nuevo reinado español en el año 1609. A pesar de esto, los 781 años de dominio árabe dejaron una fuerte impresión tanto en la cultura de España como en el idioma español. Este trabajo de investigación explora los cambios sociales, históricos y lingüísticos que tomaron lugar a lo largo de ocho siglos, y cómo la lengua de los mozárabes ayudó a conservar la brecha lingüística entre el español antiguo y el moderno.

    This investigation examines the influence of the Arabic language on Spanish, specifically as it relates to the social and historical changes that have occurred in Spain. Beginning in the year 711, following the conquest of the Umayyad Caliphate over the Iberian Peninsula for over 700 years, the Arab civilization held control of Spain. This led to great influences on the language and culture of Spain. From the 11th century to the 15th century, civil conflicts escalated, and people began to rebel against the Arab throne in an attempt to reconquer the peninsula through various wars and crusades. However, in 1492, the Spanish monarchy, Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II, proclaimed the Alhambra Decree, ending the Arab presence in the new Spanish reign in 1609. Despite this, the 781 years of Arab rule left a strong impression on both the culture of Spain and the Spanish language. This research explores the social, historical and linguistic changes that took place over eight centuries, and how the language of the Mozarabs helped to preserve the linguistic gap between ancient and modern Spanish.

  • Percepciones de los estudiantes de herencia de español sobre la escritura en una universidad en la costa central de California

    Spanish-speaking Heritage Learners’ Perceptions on Writing in a University on the Central Coast of California

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi


    Con el aumento de estudiantes de herencia de español de los Estados Unidos en los últimos años, el área de la pedagogía de lenguas extranjeras ha expandido su perspectiva acerca de no sólo cómo reconocer las numerosas habilidades que estos estudiantes traen al aula, sino también cómo abordar mejor sus necesidades lingüísticas específicas. Sin embargo, todavía se necesitan materiales y actividades que mejor se dirijan a estas necesidades, especialmente en áreas como la escritura. Aunque ciertas técnicas de retroalimentación escrita parecen ser eficaces para el desarrollo de la escritura de estudiantes de L2, todavía no sabemos si dichas técnicas son apropiadas para facilitar el mejoramiento de la escritura de estudiantes de herencia. El presente estudio busca analizar las percepciones de 10 estudiantes de herencia en una universidad en la costa central de California acerca de sus experiencias aprendiendo el español, desarrollando sus habilidades escritas y reflexionando sobre el papel de la retroalimentación escrita en su desarrollo lingüístico. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de (1) reconocer la diversidad de los estudiantes de herencia y de (2) tomar en cuenta sus reflexiones en el desarrollo de materiales y técnicas para ellos. Estos hallazgos nos recuerdan de la importancia de escuchar a las voces de esta población no solo sobre quiénes son (Leeman, 2015; Parra, 2016), sino también sobre las técnicas pedagógicas que mejor fomentan su desarrollo lingüístico.

    With the increase in heritage students of Spanish in the United States in recent years, the area of foreign language pedagogy has expanded its perspective about not only how to recognize the numerous abilities that these students bring to the classroom, but also how to best address their specific linguistic needs. Nevertheless, materials and activities that best address these needs are still scarce, especially in areas such as writing. Even though certain forms of written feedback seem to be effective for the writing development of second language learners, little is known regarding whether these feedback strategies are appropriate for facilitating the writing improvement of heritage students. The present study seeks to analyze the perceptions of 10 heritage students in a university on the central coast of California concerning their experiences learning Spanish, developing their writing abilities, and reflecting on the role of written feedback in their linguistic development. The results highlight the importance of (1) recognizing the diversity of heritage students and (2) taking into account their reflections in materials development. These findings remind us that it is imperative that researchers and practitioners alike listen to the voices of these students not only about who they are (Leeman, 2015; Parra, 2016), but also about the pedagogical approaches that best promote their linguistic development.

  • La representación de la mujer y del matrimonio en Como agua para chocolate y Mujeres de ojos grandes

    The Representation of Women and Marriage in Like Water for Chocolate and Women with Big Eyes

    Advisor: Dr. Carolyn González

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    Durante los años ochenta surgió el boom femenino formado por escritoras que utilizaban a sus protagonistas para demostrar que la cultura influenciaba su formación emocional. Entre las autoras del boom femenino se encuentran Ángeles Mastretta y Laura Esquivel. Sin embargo, ellas rechazan su categorización como escritoras del boom femenino, debido a que la crítica les ha otorgado menos validez a estos escritos. A pesar de rechazar la etiqueta de “literatura femenina,” en las novelas de las dos autoras sobresale el papel de la mujer tradicional. Sin embargo, ambas también señalan una transformación en la sociedad mexicana en los años noventa donde se abre camino para la mujer con más oportunidades fuera de su papel tradicional en el ámbito familiar. Tradicionalmente a la mujer se le esperaba llegar al matrimonio para formar familia o tener una relación amorosa, de otra forma se le consideraba impura o hasta prostituta. Estas tendencias permanecían vigentes en los años ochenta y noventa, con la diferencia que en los años noventa la mujer alcanzó más libertad de ser. Tomando en cuenta este contexto histórico y literario, el propósito principal de esta investigación es el de analizar cómo se representan la mujer y las tradiciones mexicanas en torno al matrimonio mexicano en dos novelas de esta época: Como agua para chocolate (1989) y Mujeres de ojos grandes (1990). En Como agua para chocolate, las mujeres son representadas como víctimas de las tradiciones que existen en torno al matrimonio. Sin embargo, las mujeres que encuentran la felicidad en la novela, lo hacen por medio de la revalorización de la tradición mexicana de la cocina. Por otro lado, en Mujeres de ojos grandes de Ángeles Mastretta, el matrimonio inicialmente se retrata como un camino a la felicidad, sin embargo, la tradición decepciona a las protagonistas y las lleva a una resistencia psicológica, física o imaginaria.

  • 異国に暮らす外国人:日本における外国人労働者の影響

    Strangers in a Strange Land: The Impact of Foreign Workers in Japan

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott and Dr. Shigeko Sekine

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    過去30年において日本政府は日本の少子化と高齢化社会問題に対応するため外国人労働者数を増やし労働力不足をおぎなおうとしてきた。外国人労働政策の変更が行わてきたが外国人労働者の子供の教育や教師のサポートに関する問題が顕著になってきている。2019年4月に外国人労働者数を増やすため日本の法律が変更されたが、国人労働者とその家族の受け入れにはいまだに時間がかかっている。 この状況を日本人はどのように考えているかを理解し、いかにして増え続ける外国人を日本社会でうまく融合していけるかを追求したいと思った。この研究では日本人がどの程度外国人労働者を受け入れているのか、それとも受け入れていないのか。また日本では外国人労働者の子供の教育についてどのように理解されているのかについて調べた。日本で義務教育を受けた18歳以上の69名にアンケート調査を行った。その結果外国人労働者は、経済や地域への影響という点では好意的に受け入れられていることがわかった。しかし外国人労働者とその子供の社会への融合を支援する上で、政府はその役割を十分に担っていないという見解を持っていることもわかった。外国人労働者の子供の教育に関しては外国人労働者の子供と一緒に学んだ日本人は彼らの教育支援が不十分であると思っているが、その子供の数が少ないため、彼らへの支援も欠如しがちであることがわかった。

    Over the past 30 years, Japan has increased foreign labor to offset demographic and labor market changes within the country. Related issues of aging society and labor shortage have led to recent changes to foreign labor policies. In April 2019, Japanese laws changed to increase the number of foreign workers. However, Japanese society seems to have been slow to adapt and accept foreign workers and their families. This study seeks to answer the following questions: to what extent Japanese people accept or reject foreign workers in Japan and what are Japanese people’s understanding of the education of foreign workers’ children in Japan. We conducted a survey of 69 people ages 18 and up who received compulsory education in Japan. While there was a general acceptance of foreign workers' presence and impact on the economy and community, respondents recognized the government's role in helping integrate foreign workers and their children into society was lacking. The general awareness of foreign workers' children's issues was low due to low numbers of students.

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