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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

World Languages and Cultures

2023 Capstone

Students and instructor posed in front of Skylight: Transmission of Knowledge/Windows to Justice mural

2023 Major students in Japanese Language and Culture

2023 SLHC majors pose in front of Skylight Mural at CAHSS Building

2023 Major students in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures

The Faculty in the School of World Languages and Cultures is pleased to present the 2023 WLC Capstone Festival to be held live in Building 504, Friday, May 19, 2023, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.  Students earning the B.A. in Japanese Language and Culture (JLC), and the B.A. in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures (SLHC) from CSU Monterey Bay will present their Capstone project work. These projects reflect the synthesis of knowledge, skills, and abilities developed over the course of a student’s learning experience at CSUMB. The WLC Major Capstone courses (WLC400) were taught by Dr. Carolyn González and Dr. Shigeko Sekine in Spring 2023.

Format: Students will present their work in presentation format, and take questions following each presentation. View recordings of the full event on CSUMB Panopto or on the WLC Facebook Page. Please see the student Capstone project descriptions below or view in one document. View photos from the event

The School of World Languages and Cultures is part of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS).

WLC Capstone Festival Schedule

Friday, May 19, 2023, CAHSS Building, Room 1401

Start Time End Time Event    
8:00 8:25

Gather at 504/1302 with light continental breakfast*

8:30 8:40 Welcomes in 504/1401 Auditorium  
    Presentation Session I
8:45 9:10 Ana López, Katherine Moz Quijano and Leonel Rúa Damian
9:15 9:35 Fátima Andrade Cortez and Brisa Rosiles
9:40 10:00
Judy Kim and Alyssa Powell
10:05 10:25
Mia Fisher and Myrna Pacheco-Ramos
10:30 10:50
Jocelyn Chavez-Diaz and Christopher Paredes
10:50 11:05 Break    
Presentation Session II
11:05 11:25
Roman Cabrera and Jazmin Mendoza Morales
11:30 11:50
Raven Anson and Richard Perez
11:55 12:10
Resignación Salvador-López
12:10 12:40 Lunch     
Presentation Session III
12:40 12:55
Samuel Walker
1:00 1:25
Mario Bravo, Ana Filan-Valladares and Lupita Zaragoza Montes
1:30 1:50
Claudia Hernandez and Rene Hurtado Ortega
1:50 2:00 Break    
Presentation Session IV
2:00 2:20
Brooke Banuelos and Valerie Chanthaluxay
2:25 2:45
Néstor Jerónimo and Fernanda López Higuera
2:50 3:05
3:05 3:30
Departmental and Capstone Awards

*Note: food and drink are not allowed in the 504/1401 Auditorium. 

Capstone Project Members and Majors

Click the triangle to view each project's title, abstract, research questions, and advisor name. 

  • La evolución de la figura femenina en Papeles de Pandora (1976) de Rosario Ferré
    The Evolution of the Feminine Figure in Pandora’s Papers (1976) by Rosario Ferré 
    Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernández 

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio | ePortfolio

    La figura femenina dentro de la literatura patriarcal de Puerto Rico de los años 70 ha sido limitada por los papeles de género tradicionales y los estereotipos, junto con la cosificación sexual, el abuso emocional y físico de la mujer, mostrando así unos personajes débiles y sumisos. Este estudio examina la evolución de la figura femenina puertorriqueña a través de los cuentos “La muñeca menor”, “Amalia”, “Cuando las mujeres quieren a los hombres” y “El cuento envenenado” de la obra Papeles de Pandora (1976) de Rosario Ferré. En estas narrativas, por medio de la subversión, Ferré muestra el empoderamiento femenino en diferentes ámbitos sociales. Además, la autora revela una alternativa de autonomía y empoderamiento femenino, por medio de la crítica política y subjetividad de la mujer en la sociedad al emergir de una representación machista de Puerto Rico.

    The female figure within the patriarchal literature of Puerto Rico of the 1970s has been limited by traditional gender roles, stereotypes, as well as the sexual, emotional, and physical objectification of women, thus showing weak and submissive female characters. This study examines the evolution of the Puerto Rican female figure through the short stories “The Youngest Doll,” “Amalia,” “When Women Love Men,” and “The Poisoned Story” from Pandora’s Papers (1976) by Rosario Ferré. Through subversion in these narratives, Ferré demonstrates female empowerment in different social environments. These works also reveal the search for female autonomy through political criticism and women's subjectivity in a society with emerging women's empowerment from a machista representation of Puerto Rico. 

    Preguntas de investigación:

    1. ¿Cómo usa Rosario Ferré los cuentos para representar la situación de la mujer puertorriqueña del siglo XX?
    2. ¿Cómo utiliza Rosario Ferré sus cuentos para criticar la cosificación de la mujer?

    Research questions:

    1. How does Rosario Ferré use short stories to represent Puerto Rican women's reality during the 20th century?
    2. How does Rosario Ferré use her short stories to critique the sexual objectification of women?
  • La identidad mexicana del siglo XXI a través de las obras de Fernanda Melchor

    Mexican Identity of the 21st Century through the Works of Fernanda Melchor

    Advisor: Dr. Carolyn González

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

    La mexicanidad es la identidad que surge a partir del uso de un lenguaje único y específico de esta nación. Esta identidad es producto de prácticas sociales que perpetúan la percepción de inferioridad de las mujeres en México. Misma que tampoco deja lugar para la existencia de diferentes formas de ser que le permitan al mexicane expresarse fuera de las identidades conservadoras de hombre y mujer con sus respectivos valores adjudicados. El uso de este lenguaje oscila entre lo consciente y lo inconsciente según la intención, el contexto social y género de la persona que lo habla. En este trabajo se pretende analizar el efecto que tiene la elección de “mexicanismos” dentro del repertorio lingüístico de personajes masculinos en las novelas contemporáneas Temporada de Huracanes (2017) y Páradais (2022) de Fernanda Melchor. En dichas obras se exhibe el efecto negativo que las ideologías tradicionalistas han tenido sobre la identidad del mexicano a través del tiempo. Con las novelas de Melchor examinaremos cómo es que los mexicanismos usados por los personajes se convierten en un vehículo que transporta ideales de carácter misógino, permitiéndonos diseccionar su comportamiento y motivaciones para determinar cómo las expresiones verbales distintivas de México tienen un papel dentro del accionar violento de los personajes masculinos. Este estudio señala el puente que existe entre pensar, decir y hacer mediante el flujo de conciencia de las obras. A partir de la internalización de constructos sociales y el intercambio de mexicanismos en su forma de expresarse, observaremos cómo se forma la identidad de los personajes masculinos.

    “La Mexicanidad” (Mexicanness) is the identity that arises from the use of a unique and specific manifestation of the Spanish language in this nation. This identity is the product of social practices that perpetuate the perception of inferiority of women in Mexico. This same identity has not traditionally taken into account the existence of different ways of being that allow Mexicans to express themselves outside the conservative identities of men and women with their respective assigned values. The use of this language oscillates between the conscious and the unconscious according to the intention, the social context, and the gender of the person who speaks it. This paper aims to analyze the effect of the choice of "mexicanismos'' (Mexican vernacular) within the linguistic repertoire of male characters in contemporary novels Hurricane Season (2017) and Paradais (2022) by Fernanda Melchor. These works exhibit the negative effect that traditionalist ideologies have had on the identity of Mexicans over time. We will examine how the language used by the characters becomes a vehicle that transports misogynist ideals, allowing us to dissect their behavior and motivations to determine if the distinctive verbal expressions of Mexico have a role in the violent actions of the male characters. This study points out the bridge between thinking, saying and doing through the stream of consciousness of the novels. From the internalization of social constructs and the exchange of Mexicanisms in their way of expressing themselves, we will observe how the identity of the male characters is formed.

    Preguntas de investigación

    1. ¿Cómo afecta la cultura machista en los personajes masculinos y femeninos en las obras de Fernanda Melchor?
    2. ¿Cómo se refleja la identidad mexicana en el lenguaje usado por los personajes masculinos?

    Research Questions

    1. How does machismo culture affect male and female characters in Melchor's works?
    2. How is Mexican identity reflected in the language used by the male characters?
  • 「勿体ない!」:日米大学生の環境に対する影響と食品ロスに関する認識

    “What a Waste!” : Japanese and American College Students’ Perceptions on Food Waste and Its Environmental Impacts

    Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott & Dr. Shigeko Sekine


    In recent years, both the United States and Japan have developed major food waste problems at an industrial as well as an individual level. Food waste has been observed to have generated excessive greenhouse gasses and is a major environmental issue among others including air and water pollution, deforestation, and global warming. We gathered data from 45 Japanese college students and 45 American college students to find out their food management habits as well as what their perceptions are regarding surrounding food waste and its impact on the environment. We asked questions such as what types of foods they are throwing out, if they take any active measures to combat food waste, and what they think is the biggest challenge that prevents them from eliminating food waste in their personal life and habits. Upon our analysis of our survey results, we discovered that both groups of students feel strongly about improving the environment, specifically the reduction of food waste. However, American students are more prone to wasting food than Japanese students due to America’s large food portion sizes, misunderstanding of food disposal and storage, and food companies disposing of ‘imperfect’ or ‘day-old’ foods. Comparatively, Japanese students waste less food than American students due to smaller food portion sizes and strict rules about trash separation including food waste; however, Japanese grocers and companies likewise dispose of imperfect foods. With this, we concluded that reduction of food waste can not be done on an individual level only, and must also be prioritized on a community-wide and industrial scale. 


    1. 日米大学生は家庭や地域での食品ロスを減らす取り組みについてどのような認識をもっているのか。
    2. 日米大学生はどこまで食品ロスの環境への影響に対する知識を持っているか。

    Research Questions:

    1. What are the perceptions of Japanese and American college students in regards to the reduction of food waste in their own households as well as within their community?
    2. To what extent are American and Japanese college students aware of the environmental impacts?

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio

  • ¿Qué implica el uso de -ito?: Mock Spanish en el primer libro de la serie infantil SkippyJon Jones.

    What’s in an -ito?: Mock Spanish in the First Children’s Book in the SkippyJon Jones Series.

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

    El Mock Spanish, o la apropiación de vocabulario y fraseología en español dentro del discurso en inglés, a menudo es empleado por angloparlantes blancos monolingües para transmitir mensajes negativos de manera sutil y a veces inadvertida. Estos mensajes están basados en estereotipos sobre la comunidad hispana, específicamente la comunidad mexicana. Mediante el uso del Mock Spanish y recursos simbólicos particulares para representar la cultura mexicana en libros ilustrados, los niños pequeños están expuestos a estereotipos racistas. Este estudio no solo examina las formas en que se usa el Mock Spanish en el primer libro de la serie infantil SkippyJon Jones de Judith Byron Schachner, sino que también explora las implicaciones del uso de una variedad de recursos simbólicos relacionados con los estereotipos sobre la cultura mexicana en el libro. Los hallazgos revelan que el Mock Spanish prevalece al agregar terminaciones como "-ito" a las palabras en inglés, lo que da como resultado expresiones paródicas y poco gramaticales utilizadas por personajes que se convierten en chihuahuas y actúan como bandidos. Estos recursos lingüísticos y no lingüísticos propagan estereotipos negativos dañinos sobre la cultura mexicana desde una edad temprana.

    Mock Spanish, or the appropriation of Spanish vocabulary and phraseology into English discourse, is often employed by White monolingual English speakers to subtly and sometimes inadvertently transmit negative messages based on stereotypes about the Hispanic community, specifically Mexicans. Through the use of Mock Spanish and particular symbolic resources to represent Mexican culture in picture books, young children are exposed to racist stereotypes. This study not only examines the ways in which Mock Spanish is used in the first book of the SkippyJon Jones children’ series by Judith Byron Schachner, but it also explores the implications of the use of a variety of symbolic resources related to stereotypes about Mexican culture in the book. Findings reveal that Mock Spanish is prevalent through adding endings like “-ito” to English words, resulting in parodic and ungrammatical utterances used by characters who become chihuahuas and act as bandits. These linguistic and non-linguistic resources propagate harmful negative stereotypes about Mexican culture from a young age.  

    Preguntas de investigación

    ¿Cuánto y qué tipo de Mock Spanish se observa en el primer libro de la serie infantil SkippyJon Jones? ¿Cuáles son los recursos simbólicos relacionados con los estereotipos sobre la cultura mexicana que se presentan en el libro? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de este uso? 

    Research questions in English

    How much and what type of Mock Spanish is observed in the children’s book series SkippyJon Jones? What are the cultural resources related to Mexican culture that are presented in the book? What are the implications of this use?

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

  • Estudios de caso sobre el mantenimiento del español: Experiencias educacionales de estudiantes bilingües de primera generación 

    Case Studies of Language Maintenance: Educational Experiences of Bilingual First-Generation Students

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

    El bilingüismo es un fenómeno creciente y omnipresente en los Estados Unidos. Después de la boleta aprobada para la proposición 58 en el 2016 que revocó las restricciones de la educación bilingüe en California, la implementación de programas bilingües en el estado ha aumentado. Este proyecto se enfoca en dos estudios de caso sobre individuos bilingües de la costa central de California; uno que experimentó la educación bilingüe desde la niñez y otro que tomó clases de español como lengua de herencia en la secundaria. Estos estudios de caso se enfocan en las prácticas lingüísticas y el apoyo educacional en casa, las experiencias en clases bilingües o de español, la discriminación lingüística, las presiones educacionales, las trayectorias en la educación superior y cómo utilizan el español en su vida profesional. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de no solo el apoyo educacional, sino también del reconocimiento del valor del idioma de herencia tanto dentro como fuera de casa.

    Bilingualism is a growing and omnipresent phenomenon in the United States. Since Proposition 58 repealed the restrictions on bilingual education in California in 2016, the implementation of bilingual programs in the state has increased immensely. This project focuses on two case studies of bilingual individuals from the central coast of California; one who experienced Spanish-English bilingual education from childhood and another who took Spanish as a heritage language in high school. These case studies examine the focal students’ linguistic practices and educational support at home, their experiences in bilingual or Spanish classes, the linguistic discrimination and educational pressures they face, their trajectories in higher education, and their use of Spanish in professional contexts. The results demonstrate the importance of not only providing educational support for these bilingual students but also of fostering their recognition of the value of Spanish both in and out of the home. 

    Preguntas de investigación

    ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas de dos estudiantes bilingües de herencia mexicana acerca de sus experiencias educacionales en español en una comunidad bilingüe en la costa central de California? 

    Research questions in English

    What are the perspectives of two bilingual students of Mexican heritage about their educational experiences in Spanish in a bilingual community on the central coast of California?

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

  • El rol de la mujer desde la perspectiva de los cuentos de Horacio Quiroga

    The role of women from the perspective of Horacio Quiroga’s stories

    Advisor: Dr. Christine Fernandez

    En años recientes, ha aumentado el enfoque en la voz de la mujer a través de movimientos tal y como es el caso de “NiUnaMenos”. Sin embargo, no siempre fue el caso. En las primeras décadas del siglo XX con los cuentos de Horacio Quiroga, se ve que los personajes femeninos a menudo no tienen su propia historia ni su propia voz, sino que simplemente eran marginalizados en el entorno del hombre. Este estudio examina cómo se ven representadas las mujeres en cuatro cuentos del libro Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte, publicado en 1917. Nuestro análisis demuestra la falta de valor que se asignaba a la mujer en la sociedad en la época, revelando cómo era el papel de la mujer en aquel entonces, dando lugar para reflexionar sobre cómo ha cambiado dicho papel a través del tiempo.

    In recent years, there has been an increased focus on women's voices through movements such as "#NiUnaMenos." However, this was not always the case. In the early decades of the twentieth century, with the short stories of Horacio Quiroga, female characters often did not have their own story or their own voice, but were simply marginalized in the male environment. This study examines how women are represented in four stories from the book Stories of love, madness, and death, published in 1917. Our analysis demonstrates the lack of value assigned to women in society at the time, revealing what the role of women was like, giving rise to reflection on how that role has changed over time.

    Preguntas de investigación

    1. ¿Cómo se desempeñan los papeles de género a partir de las relaciones románticas?
    2. ¿Qué factores impulsan el destino trágico de la mujer?

    Research questions

    1. How are gender roles played out in romantic relationships?
    2. What are the factors that lead to the tragic destiny of women?

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

  • 日本とアメリカにおける推し活とその文化に関する見解

    Perspectives on Japanese and American Fandom Practices and Culture

    Advisors: Dr. Shigeko Sekine & Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott


    As the internet has advanced, what were once seen as fringe cultures have become more visible and more socially mainstream. Notably, fan communities and the activities surrounding them have gained widespread acknowledgment. No longer is it seen as “weird” to be a large fan of anime or comic books. The fans as well as culture and activities surrounding something such as a TV show, sports, or an idol group has become known as "fandom", and now more than ever, is being discussed in mainstream media. As such, research into the topic has increased as well as become easier to conduct. We launched a survey to better understand fans' habits, specifically focusing on the variations between Japanese-speaking fans and English-speaking fans. We asked, in what ways fandom spaces vary between Japan and English-speaking countries and why, as well as, in what ways the monetization of fanworks varies between Japan and English-speaking countries and why. Though they overlap in website usage at times, we found that the way fandom spaces are curated online, differs according to key preferences the two groups have. For instance, the ability to search and tag or the language of the website influences which websites they use. Also, how they express themselves and show appreciation for the works of other fans differs, especially in regard to commenting. However, when it comes to in-person fandom spaces, they are largely similar, attending the same types of conventions and fan events for many of the same reasons. When it came to monetization and issues of copyright, we found the greatest differences between the two fan groups. Notably, Japanese fans were more worried about copyright affecting their own fanworks. This was likely the reason they sold their works for a less profit compared to American fans. American fans, however, sold fewer fanworks, likely to avoid Fair Use law violations. 


    1. 日本語と英語圏では、どのような点でファンダム・スペースが異なるか、又それはなぜか。
    2. 日本語と英語圏では、どのような点でファン作品の収益化が異なるか、又それはなぜか。

    Research Questions:

    1. In what ways do fandom spaces vary between Japan and English-speaking countries and why?
    2. In what ways does the monetization of fanworks vary between Japan and English-speaking countries and why?

    ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

  • Las experiencias lingüísticas de un hablante de mixteco en California

    The linguistic experiences of a Mixtec speaker in California 

    Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi 

    Los indígenas de México componen una gran parte de los inmigrantes mexicanos que llegan a Estados Unidos; sin embargo, típicamente en los datos demográficos compilados por el estado, se generaliza esta población como hispanohablantes cuando en realidad no lo son. De hecho, en las comunidades indígenas mexicanas en California muchas veces no se habla ni el inglés ni el español, sino una lengua indígena. Dicho esto, el término Latinx y la manera en que se etiquetan los inmigrantes de países hispanos no captura la diversidad cultural y lingüística de los grupos de indígenas que llegan a este país. Este estudio examina las perspectivas de una persona mixteca que emigró a Estados Unidos de México acerca de sus experiencias migratorias. Los resultados revelan la complejidad de las prácticas multilingües que emplea además de la discriminación lingüística que ha experimentado tanto en México como en Estados Unidos.

    Indigenous people from Mexico make up a growing portion of the Mexican immigrants who arrive in the United States. However, typically in demographic data compiled by the state, this population is generalized as Spanish-speaking when, in reality, they are not. In fact, Mexican indigenous communities in California often speak neither English nor Spanish, but an indigenous language. That said, the term Latinx and the way immigrants from Hispanic countries are labeled does not capture the cultural and linguistic diversity of indigenous groups coming to this country. This study examines the perspectives of a Mixtec individual who immigrated to the United States from Mexico about his migration experiences. The results reveal the complexity of the multilingual practices he employs as well as the linguistic discrimination he has experienced in both Mexico and the United States. 

    Preguntas de investigación

      ¿Cuáles son las percepciones de un hablante de mixteco acerca de sus experiencias migratorias y sus prácticas lingüísticas?

      Research questions

      What are a Mixtec speaker’s perceptions about his migratory experiences and his linguistic practices?


    1. Vasco por sangre y lengua: Las experiencias y actitudes bilingües de dos vasco-americanos de tercera y cuarta generación

      Basque by Blood and Tongue: The Experiences and Attitudes on Bilingualism in Basque-Americans of Third and Fourth Generation

      Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

      Si bien hay una gran cantidad de estudios sobre la identidad vasca, existe un vacío en cuanto a las comunidades diásporas fuera del País Vasco, y hay una falta de información particularmente concentrada en la identidad de hispanohablantes quienes se identifican como vascos en los Estados Unidos. Para examinar tal experiencia, este estudio documenta y compara las experiencias de dos individuos: un vasco-americano que creció en el valle central de California que aprendió el español para conectarse con su etnia, y un vasco-americano que creció en el Sur de California que ha vivido y trabajado en el País Vasco, Navarra y en otras regiones de España como intérprete médico por más de treinta años, usando el español, el catalán y el vasco. Por medio de la comparación de las experiencias de dos individuos con inicios tan similares y diferentes experiencias de vida que informan a sus puntos de vista, este estudio contesta las preguntas, ¿cuál es el rol del bilingüismo en la expresión cultural de un vasco-americano de tercera generación en los Estados Unidos? Y ¿Cómo se compara esta perspectiva con la de un vasco-americano que ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en Navarra y el País Vasco? Los hallazgos coleccionados de entrevistas muestran que mientras que el bilingüismo es un aspecto importante de las identidades individuales de ambos participantes, es sumamente importante para el anterior para acceder a su identidad cultural.

      While there exists a great quantity of studies on the Basque identity, there exists a gap where diaspora communities outside of the Basque Country are concerned, and there is a lack of information particularly concentrated on the identity of Spanish speakers who identify as Basques in the United States. To examine such an experience, this study documents and compares the experiences of two individuals: a Basque-American who was raised in the Central Valley of California that learned Spanish to connect with his ethnicity, and a Basque-American raised in Southern California who has lived and worked as a medical interpreter in the Spanish Basque Country, Navarre, and other regions of Spain for more than thirty years. By comparing the case studies of two individuals with similar beginnings and different life experiences, this study answers the questions, what is the role of bilingualism in the cultural expression of a third-generation Basque-American in the United States? How does this perspective compare with that of a Basque-American who has lived the majority of their life in Navarre and the Basque Country? Findings collected from interviews show that while bilingualism is an important aspect of the individual identities of both participants, it is enormously important for the former to access his cultural identity.

      Preguntas de investigación

      ¿Cuál es el rol del bilingüismo en la expresión cultural de un vasco-americano de tercera generación en los Estados Unidos? ¿Cómo se compara esta perspectiva con la de un vasco-americano que ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en Navarra y el País Vasco? 

      Research Questions

      What is the role of bilingualism in the cultural expression of a third generation Basque-American in the United States? How does this perspective compare with that of a Basque-American who has lived the majority of their life in Navarre and the Basque Country?


    2. Las barreras educacionales que enfrentan los estudiantes hispanohablantes en la costa central de California

      The educational barriers that Spanish-speaking students face on the central coast of California

      Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Pozzi

      En los últimos años, en California, ha habido un aumento de estudiantes hispanos cuya primera lengua no es el inglés, sino el español. Por lo tanto, existen barreras lingüísticas que estos estudiantes y sus familias enfrentan en las escuelas de California, donde la lengua vehicular es el inglés. Este estudio examina la perspectiva de un maestro angloparlante, un estudiante bilingüe y un padre de familia hispanohablante con el fin de explorar las experiencias y los desafíos de las partes interesadas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes hispanohablantes carecen de ciertos recursos cuando están obteniendo su educación secundaria, incluyendo la falta de intérpretes en sus clases y la falta de apoyo en sus hogares. Para poder ayudar al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes aprendices de inglés, es necesario que se brinde apoyo moral e intelectual por medio de programas que trabajen en conjunto con los estudiantes, padres de familia e instituciones educativas.   

      In recent years in California, there has been an increase in Hispanic students whose first language is not English, but rather Spanish. Therefore, there are language barriers that these students and their families face in California schools, where the primary language of instruction is English. This study examines the perspectives of an English-speaking teacher, a bilingual student, and a Spanish-speaking parent in order to explore stakeholder experiences and challenges. The results show that Spanish-speaking students lack certain resources when they are obtaining their secondary education, including interpreters in their classes and support at home. In order to improve the educational experiences of English learners, it is necessary to provide additional linguistic and affective support through programs that work together with students, parents, and educational institutions.

      Preguntas de investigación

        ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas de una alumna, una maestra y una madre acerca de las experiencias educacionales de los estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua en una escuela preparatoria en la costa central de California, Estados Unidos?

        Research questions in English:

        What are the perspectives of a student, a teacher, and a parent about the educational experiences of English as a Second Language students in a high school on the central coast of California, United States?

        ePortfolio | ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

      1. La voz protofeminista en las obras de Maria de Zayas

        The Protofeminist Voice in the Works of Maria de Zayas

        Advisor: Dr. David Vila Dieguez

        María de Zayas, autora perteneciente al Siglo de Oro, es considerada una pionera de la literatura feminista española. Sus obras se destacan por defender los derechos de la mujer de su época. Sus obras más populares, Novelas ejemplares y amorosas (1637) y Desengaños amorosos (1647), son colecciones de novelas cortas sobre mujeres que fueron maltratadas por sus esposos o seductores. El propósito de este estudio es lograr entender la representación de los roles de género en las novelas. Para ello, vamos a estudiar cada una de las novelas individualmente, prestando atención a subtemas específicos. En primer lugar nos enfocaremos en La fuerza del amor, donde el amor de la protagonista obstaculiza que ésta vea que está siendo maltratada por su esposo. En segundo lugar hablaremos de El jardín engañoso que enseña cómo la mujer está siendo acosada y tratada como un objeto que se puede obtener de cualquier manera. También, entre las novelas analizadas se encuentra La inocencia castigada, la cual muestra cómo la obsesión puede ser algo trágico para una mujer. Por último, En Estragos que causa el vicio vamos a fijarnos en cómo la mujer busca la libertad a través del convento de las ideas patriarcales del hombre. Todo esto nos ayudará a alcanzar una visión panorámica de la importancia del protofeminismo que impregna las obras  de la autora María de Zayas.

        Maria de Zayas, a writer from Early Modern Spain, is regarded as a pioneer of Spanish feminist literature. Her works are notable for standing up for the rights of women in their day. The Enchantments of Love (1637) and The Disenchantments of Love (1647), included among her best-known works, are collections of short stories about women who were abused by their husbands or seducers. Through our research, we aim to understand the way gender roles are presented in these texts. As part of this project, we will examine each of the stories in turn, paying close attention to relevant subthemes. We will focus on examining how the protagonist's love prevents her from seeing she is being abused by her husband in La fuerza del amor. In El jardín engañoso we will concentrate on how the female protagonist is assaulted and treated like an object that may be acquired in any way. We will analyze a woman's obsession and how it might negatively impact her in La inocencia castigada. Finally, in Estragos que causa el vicio we will focus on how women seek freedom through the patriarchal convention of male views. All of this will assist us in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the significance of protofeminism as it permeates these works by Maria de Zayas.

        Preguntas de investigación

          1. ¿Qué tipo de masculinidades proyectan los personajes masculinos en estos cuentos?
          2. ¿Cómo se retratan las mujeres en los cuentos de Maria de Zayas?

          Research questions

          1. What type of masculinities are projected by the characters in the stories? 
          2. How are women portrayed in the short stories of Maria de Zayas?  

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        1. 人種と民族のアイデンティティに関する日米大学生の見解

          The American and Japanese College Student’s Perception on Racial & Ethnic Identities

          Advisors: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott & Dr. Shigeko Sekine



          As the world becomes more globalized, the importance of addressing biases related to race and ethnicity also becomes more urgent. These biases manifest through stereotyping and can affect the way we interact with the people around us and the status of those minorities. In America, we often see people of color in social or economic disadvantages due to systemic oppression and discrimination. However, in Japan, due to their largely homogenous population, these discriminatory systems or actions are commonly conducted against foreigners or people who are part of other ethnic groups. In order to understand how racial/ethnic features affect how college students perceive various racial/ethnic groups and what factors impact the formation of these biases, we conducted a survey with 30 Japanese and 31 American college students. After analyzing the results, we found that American students had a better awareness and understanding of the disadvantages minority groups face than Japanese students did. Additionally, we found that both American and Japanese students tended to align their personal beliefs with known racial stereotypes and Eurocentric beauty standards, although Japanese students were more likely to act upon these thoughts. Finally, we found that media, education, and personal relationships played a significant role in how we form our perceptions of others, as well as how we interact with them. In particular, the installations of racial and ethnic ideologies through family, friends, and one’s community impacted Japanese college students more than Americans and caused them to have preconceived notions, which can either negatively or positively impact their own thoughts and actions. Additionally, we analyzed that American college students were more hesitant to respond in a discriminatory manner for their biases due to the promotion of political correctness in the U.S.


          1. 様々な人種・民族の特性が日米大学生のそれぞれの人種・民族に対する認識にどのように影響しているか。
          2. 他の人種や民族の人々に対する日米大学生の認識には、どのような要因が影響しているのか。

          Research Questions:

          1. How does having characteristics associated with racial/ethnic identities affect college students’ perceptions about various racial/ethnic groups?
          2. What factors influence how Japanese and American college students perceive people of other racial and ethnic identities? 

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        2. La evolución personal y el activismo en las memorias de Francisco Jiménez 

          Personal Growth and Activism in the Memoirs of Francisco Jimenez

          Advisor: Dr. Carolyn González

          En la vida de un inmigrante mexicano existen diferentes factores que interfieren en el crecimiento y desarrollo de su identidad. En particular, el choque de culturas y las injusticias llega a afectar su identidad personal por los preceptos y normas que la sociedad espera del individuo. Tal es el caso en las memorias para jóvenes adultos de Cajas de cartón (1997) y  Senderos Fronterizos (2002) de Francisco Jiménez, en las que se narra la vida del autor para mostrar la evolución del crecimiento de identidad que experimenta como un inmigrante mexicano en la Unión Americana. Nuestra investigación analiza cómo este personaje tiene un desarrollo y crecimiento en un país hostil, donde los estereotipos culturales, así como las injusticias, el racismo y el idioma representan obstáculos para descubrir tanto su identidad mexicano-americana como su ideología política chicana. 

          In the life of a Mexican immigrant, there are different factors that contribute to the evolution of their individual identity. In particular, the clash of cultures and injustices affect his personal identity due to the precepts and norms that society expects of the individual. Such is the case in the Young Adult memoirs The Circuit (1997) and Breaking Through (2002) by Francisco Jiménez, in which the life of the author is narrated to show the evolution of identity and the growth that he experiences as a Mexican immigrant in the United States. Our investigation analyzes how this character develops and grows in a hostile country, where cultural stereotypes, as well as injustices, racism, and language, represent obstacles to discover both his Mexican-American identity and his Chicano political ideology.

          Preguntas de investigación

            1. ¿Cómo usa Francisco Jiménez sus memorias como una forma de activismo?
            2. ¿Cómo expresa la evolución de su identidad para los lectores adultos jóvenes?

            Research questions

            1. How does Francisco Jimenez use his memoirs as a form of activism? 
            2. How does he express the evolution of his identity for young adult readers?

            ePortfolio | ePortfolio 

          ☀☀ Indicates recognition of Outstanding Capstone Award


          Mission: The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) empowers students to critically examine their place in the world: to imagine, to communicate, to collaborate, to create, and to transform. Our graduates are engaged global citizens ready for the realities of the 21st century. They apply values, interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to provide creative and socially-responsible solutions for the future.